LogicalThinking4910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regarding post-partem and depression, I would suggest looking into the physical benefits of proper exercise. I just saw an article the other day suggesting that exercise could be 1.5x more effective in treatment of depression/post-partem than any meds will be. Being male, I can't vouch for post-partem, but I can personally attest to exercise improving depression. I'll be so happy to hop back on a bicycle when the weather warms up =)

LogicalThinking4910 11 points ago +11 / -0

PART FOUR: Sorry for the delay O=)

David continues our presentation by sharing info from a Telegram account (named "Narrative Reframes") which he says will soon be wiped from Telegram due to post inactivity.

THE POST (as displayed beginning 1:42:30) in bold, interjected with thoughts from David/Josh.


Post: Q is a counter-PsyOp strategy that's working against threats to National Security.

Post: Study PsyOps and evaluate Q tenets. Q is not meant to influence any particular narrative, it is meant to psychologically counter narrative influence, cognitively trigger agility, and leverage a psychological posture. The result: QUESTIONS; motivation for detailed research, or investigation.

David: This to me was what I was intuitively feeling about this when I first started jumping in. And that's a very different perspective than what was said in the media, or by reading people's different interpretations of the Q posts. That's where the "confusion" and a lot of the bullshit has come from. It hasn't come from any of the posts or the actual information. Let's be honest, there was a cult made out of it! It became cult-like where people starting forming their little cliques and saying "Oh, I'm the only one who can interpret this holy scripture called 'the Q posts'" or whatever. This was done by people that did this TO the Q information, it wasn't the goal of the Q information (as we're going to see).

Post: "Those who have something to hide are most threatened by truth." Why is it labeled a threat?

David: This was huge thing for me! I'm like, "Look, if the mainstream media is taking out their biggest guns and blasting ammo at this thing bigger than anything else and arresting people, silencing people, and banning people for even talking about it..." If the enemy is freaking out about this and "expending ammunition", what does that say? What are the actual posts talking about?

Post: The corrupt geopolitical conglomerates, government "institutions" and certain Officials are seriously threatened by Q for more than one reason.

Post: 1. It is subverting their "Narrative Warfare" strategy and objectives in multiple ways.

David: I mean come on, just having phrases go viral such as "Think for yourself", "think logically", "question the narrative", "here's how you can spot the lies" etc.. The Q posts didn't just post information: In those Q posts was contained the way to think stoically, how to think with the Socratic method of logic. That alone, whoever wrote this (which went to millions all over the planet) should get a Pulitzer prize for this war. We (the "old school" truth community) tried to get that kind of knowledge to go viral for decades and it was failing miserably in comparison to where we are now.

David: So you have the media calling "Q-anon" a bullshit cult and rightwing nazi movement, however they said the same thing about the Canadian Truckers! The truckers were the most polite you could possibly be! Bouncy castles, hot pancake breakfasts, and warm hugs all around, with a slogan that says "Mandate Freedom".. They were labeled with the same labels as the Q research movement, whereas goal of what we're doing is basically saying "we want to know how government really works, why there's so much criminality and corruption in the world, we're going to go ask questions ourselves" and we're going to be told we're nazis? Right away some connections of logic should be made for you about what we're dealing with.

Post: 2. It is helping millions of normal people (Patriots) as well as those Patriots in Government, the IC, US Military, Fed law enforcement, and critical Industry positions do a really important thing: Identify traitors and corruption from within America and internationally.

David: Look at what we're seeing unfold these days like the Twitter files, and all the things coming to light.

Post: Not all officials, government institutions or major corporations are threatened by Q. In fact, not all IC officials, Intelligence professionals, career Military professionals, or Federal law enforcement professionals are threatened by Q either.

THE EFFICACY OF Q (displayed @ 1:47:49)

Post: Countering corrupt narrative warfare influence against YOU, by causing you to stop, question & think, and giving you a reason to investigate.

David: So there had to be a motivation put up; this point was to get people motivated and give them some hope. There's a difference between "hopium"(which comes from the products of the posts) and legitimate hope (which is REQUIRED FOR VICTORY). There's a spectrum that exists, and on one extreme you have legitimate hope, and on the other end you have the "doomsday-er," "black-pilled" people who are telling everybody "it's hopeless, there's nothing good going on, evil is the only force at work in the world and we're totally screwed".

David: I sit in the middle of this spectrum where I'm open to either side, but at the same time I view that we need to inspire people to think for themselves, counter the narrative, give them enough HOPE so that we can WIN, and simultaneously not blow smoke up their ass and drive them into all kinds of bullshit rabbit holes just because we're trying to give people inspiration.

Post: The people needed a reason to question the control of corrupt and deceitful authority.

David: Remember, we've been mind controlled to be thinking like slaves since our inception. Welcome to "the Matrix", okay? We gotta snap out of that!

Post: A strange digital phenomenon/anomaly makes people ask themselves lots of questions and is worth investigating.

David: So they need a way to spark curiosity, get people to understand a different narrative, and get people to ask themselves a lot of questions that will inspire them to investigate. I love to tell people about how it wasn't "answers" that woke me up, it was "questions"! "Answers" implies that you might be brought into a dogma: somebody is telling you they can provide you all the answers of the secret mysteries... This is what the Freemasonic lodges do..

Josh: "We're gonna give you the truth because we have the truth! How do you get to the next level? Pay more money!"

David: Meanwhile, "the truth" is embedded into who you are as a living conscious being (if you could only get rid of all the bullshit in your head and access the Kingdom of Heaven within), right?

Post: Creating a reason for you to justify opting for online research over that TV show you're hooked on and binge watching after a long day at work -> which inevitably led to startling discoveries and uncanny connections -> connections which opposed a strongly established narrative you believed was true - your mind essentially went, WTF is this!? GTFO! (or maybe you're a cool guy and thought, "interesting, must know more") but either way, you became motivated to find out, to learn and investigate further.

David: If you're to ask me, I'm thanking my lucky stars and whichever person got this started in the first place, regardless of any potential predictions/plans.. I'm grateful that this put a flame of curiosity back into the truth movement again!

Post: So much so, that thousands became OSINT experts to investigate facts and determine the truth based on extensive research that was not "Google" approved.

Post: Deep research ultimately leads you to different historical and more-accurate information (normally buried by Tech oligarchy or purposefully not taught/discussed in globally funded academic institutions intended to educate the masses). You learn to filter for actual information over Big Tech AI "recommended" information, and attain a higher level of self-education.

David: The black hats had all the corners cut! They had the media, social media, and education system under their control. Just those three alone is a massive threat to all of our freedom, and to the truth.

Post: This practice is of self-education in the Information Age, when a goldmine of knowledge exists online if you care enough to learn (and decide to filter information differently than Big Tech AI traditionally does FOR you), and will ultimately increase your knowledge, awareness and sense of judgement on the reality of the status quo.

David: So the white hats were trying to find a way to get people to research independently of the algorithms which are the #1 influencers in our world. You could even say that those social media algorithms are more powerful than any nuclear warhead could be in winning this type of war.

Post: This improves decision-making faculties regarding true-false-ambiguous information, ie: the meaning of many things (ideas, politics, people, laws, events etc.) based on your own judgement - and not that of traditional "authorities" like Facebook, Google, Government Officials or other "Leaders".



LogicalThinking4910 2 points ago +2 / -0

lmao! I imagine "4chan" here probably applies to a spectrum of sites like reddit, 4chan, twitter, etc. Personally, I know I was doing a lot of truth seeking at more random, personalized sites that had less interaction/peer participation before Q.

LogicalThinking4910 79 points ago +80 / -1

PART THREE: Josh has now given the floor to David


David begins to share his notes by sharing a clip of a speech by General Vallely. David asks you to imagine being in the military and seeing your brothers and sisters in arms dying in banker funded foreign wars for the gains the "deep state". What would you do if you were in one of these military institutions and you saw bad things happening (betrayals, infiltration, etc.), but were unable to speak out in the presence of domestic enemies? Imagine not only warding off foreign enemies, but those amongst you whom you should be able to trust.

D: Do you personally believe that all good actors just walked away from the gates and abandoned ship when bad actors gained control and power within these institutions? What if these white hat resistors were in the minority? Would it be wise to use force to take over government institutions (especially before the people are even awake to what's happening)? How, therefore, would you begin to awaken the public and get them to fight with you?

1:18:45 The Vallely audio clip begins. General Paul E. Vallely, Retired U.S. Army General and Chairman of Stand Up America

Vallely is asked, "Do you know who the individual calling their self (or themselves) Q? What are you at liberty to say, or is it a bunch of bunk?"

Vallely: ~"Let me just tell you that Qanon is tied to information and it comes out a group called the "Army of Northern Virginia" who is a group of military intelligence specialists (of over 800 people) that advise the President. The President doesn't have a lot of confidence in the CIA or the DIA much anymore. He relies on these 'real operators', most of them are special operations type of people. This is where Q picks up their information, as I understand it.

Interviewer: ~"I notice that 4chan, with "chan" meaning "child" in Japanese, is now going to become 8kun, with "kun" meaning "young adult" in Japanese. So, there's a ripening of age in the psy-op. I also hear 8kun will be backed up by military satellites in case of an internet blackout. Can you say anything about that, General?"

Vallely: Well, I know what they're looking at now, they're actually creating a separate internet, and this internet is so high-tech it cannot be compromised (of course, that's a conjecture). But there's technologies in clouding, and all of the stuff that they're working on (and the Chinese have been working on it as well), but they're really looking at alternatives to communicate worldwide with an alternative to our internet as we know it today. That's all I can tell you."


David plays a video clip from a news station, reporting inside "Operation Not Forgotten": 39 critically missing children located and recovered, 2 weeks, 8 agencies.

A narrator speaks over footage of a young child reunited with her parents after being critically missing. "Trust in the plan! There are good people fighting against the sickest, most evil people in the creation of evil. Come on! There are good people out there, you get up and be a part of this!"

"Everything is about Donald Trump and DECLAS. The main people behind all of this DECLAS have been the NSA. As soon as access to the information of everything about the public became available, a group of people within the military said 'This is our chance!'"

"The NSA Security and Counter-Intelligence Directorate, aka "Q group", is basically the agency's internal police force. They're basically the Cops, or the police of the NSA. Their main job is to make sure that their many analysts, officers, program managers are not targeted by foreign intelligence services."

Tony Bobulinski is shown interviewing, mentioning that has held a Q clearance before and was well trained on what it means to "be compromised", to know who you can talk to and do business with, and Tony assures that he believes Joe Biden is compromised.

Tony ~"What these minions who are running things for 'whoever is hidden in the background' just don't seem to get is that they're just as vulnerable as we are."

Josh: The army of Northern Virginia is definitely real. I do think they're involved in the Q operation, but I don't think they're Q themselves. I notice three distinct personalities in the Q posts, and will elaborate later on who I think they are.

David: If this is done militarily, we need to first realize that this is not just a war for America. Like I was telling Canadians during the truck rally, we're not just fighting Justin Trudeau and the mandates, and it's not just about the pandemic. The pandemic is just a symptom of the real problem.. All these people are really just symptoms, ex. Trudeau, Biden.

D: So if you were actually going to take on this (black hat) infiltration operation of America and all western countries, you would have to get multiple countries involved together at the same time. You would have to get people in the private world (ex. Elon Musk) involved, and you might even need to resort to their own tactics (like blackmail, infiltration) to help you out.

D: So think of the way that they infiltrated our countries, can you reverse-engineer the infiltration in order to remove them? When JFK noted in a speech that it's infiltration, not invasion, you might imagine they knew back then what they were up against. You start to wonder about Trump's world tour when he was first elected. It's the BRICS nations!

David admits that this is when he started wondering if Trump was having effects behind the scenes that weren't represented accurately by Trump "on camera". What's the actual effect of him being in office?


David thinks that Trump had a certain role to play: "the bait". By watching Trump's words/actions, the reaction he elicits from the media, and then seeing plans/events change away from the way David thinks they were planned to go (by bad actors).

D: For this context alone, I believe there is an internal pushback (by white hats) from multiple fields: not only military, Intelligence, media, Hollywood, academia.. I know on the bigger cosmic level, humanity itself seems to be going through a consciousness evolutionary phase. At least, there's a momentous wave happening right now that's giving us the choice to face these issues or move away from them.

D: We're evolving or regressing, and that filters down to every human being on planet Earth. This is happening in the media, private corporations, investments, the military, the medical complex, the governments and everywhere else. This is going on worldwide because the war is worldwide. These bad actors are not just trying to take over Russia, or do an experiment in an isolated country.. I think that they did those things throughout history in the small-scale in order to learn how to refine their methods of control over people and apply it globally.

D: So you imagine, there has to be an "immune system response" from within the realm of human consciousness. I don't believe that evil/tyranny is the only power in the world. They're just psychopathic and ruthless, and have been embedding themselves in our world institutions for "decades". You don't flush that swamp in just 2 years. You could "kick the door in" on these globalists, but you run a high risk for civilian casualties in that scenario.

D: For that reason, you might think that certain people have to come out and say certain things regarding the Q movement. General Flynn has to come out and deny the Q movement, same with Trump, Kash Patel, etc.. If they don't, other factors that need to "come through" can't. You might have to lose the battle to win the war

D: We have to look at this information war from our own vantage point, since none of us know even the half of it. Be wary of bad actors who would misrepresent information online, and do your own due diligence to connect info without overcommitting.

D: I still remember that when the Q drops became popular to research, the "old school" truth community (911, NWO, InfoWars, etc.) did not take kindly to the Q community! They all were saying that the Q movement looked like a legitimate way to get truthers to be sitting on their hands (not acting) in the fight for humanity.

D: I can understand if that's your impression, but what happens when you do the research and get to the nitty gritty and look at the big picture? Remember the goal! Think of how many people are now alert and engaged with what's going on in the world. Look at how many people are analyzing news footage, super bowl halftime shows, looking at the information coming out and doing digs, trying to think critically, and trying to question what they know, and wake people up on parts of this.

D: No, it's not perfect, and yes there's been a lot of mistakes, and yes there have been a lot of infiltrators, but that's to be expected in a war like this! That reasoning doesn't equate to "Oh, the whole Q thing was a psy-op to drive you into inaction." Especially since the pandemic, look at the grassroots movements created in order to hold the politicians feet to the fire! Canadian Trucker convoy is a brilliant example of this.

D: So if the military is thinking, "How do we get people involved? If social media will be the battleground for humanity (think bad actors using your information against you), and people are spread across all social medias (FB, Twitter, IG, etc.) how do we find a way to embolden and empower people with basic skills of critical thinking, logical thinking, investigative techniques, understanding how these things work, reading government documents, analyzing footage, looking for media psy-ops, etc."

D: Before the Trump phenomena happened, that awareness was only found in a small percentage of the population. So you wonder if the white hats thought, 'We gotta give this group of truthers a boost and give them some training about how to do this digital narrative warfare.' That's how I think it got started. We can debate whether that changed course, but there's one thing I think you should realize:


This is warfare! "The plan" changes constantly! You can't plan for every single scenario that's going to unfold. The plan has changed since this show started! (The plan has changed since I started typing these up! haha) When you go to war, you have a general understanding of your plan and your enemy's battle plan. But you can't plan for every little scenario that's going to unfold!"

Josh: And it goes both ways! Moves and countermoves

Dave: So the white hats knew what they were getting into when they declared war on these people, and I'm of the opinion that had there been no "awakening process" to the degree that we've had with the public, and no help from the insiders reaching out to the public to help them wake up, we wouldn't be here right now. We would already be in the new world order.

D: Without me even reading a single Q drop, I already knew about the 16 year plan and where we were headed. According to that alone, we shouldn't even be here right now. The fact that we're here right now, (and I know there are horrible casualties in this war and horrible things going on), I think it should have been ten times worse had there been no resistance.




LogicalThinking4910 51 points ago +51 / -0

One thing I love about doing the "transcriptions" is that it allows me time to digest the material given, since I'm constantly rewinding for accuracy and details. It really helps the material sink in for a better understanding!

This talk has so far been spot on critical thinking to logically assess how and why the Q operation is what it is today. Thank you so much, Catsfive, for highlighting and emphasizing this talk! I'm so eager to finish the rest! =D

LogicalThinking4910 129 points ago +129 / -0

PART TWO: my note: It seems like what Josh is getting at in this section of the discussion is that which was told to the public to be "nuclear weapons" may have been classified technology working it's way into the hands of bad actors.

Going back to the 1990's under Bill Clinton with John Podesta as Chief of Staff, they were making attempts to secure access to classified technologies from the military industrial complex and failed miserably.

Since they were having a hard time getting access, Josh thinks that when Obama got into office, he maneuvered to grant access of these technologies to certain universities in order to work on projects from Special Access Programs.

Now regarding Hillary's emails, there's a video of the Inspector General of the intelligence community (Inspector McCullough) in which the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee essentially asked "what was in these Hillary Clinton emails?" and the Inspector basically responded ~"It's classified, can't tell you, even in a S.C.I.F., these are Special Access Programs which even the President doesn't have access to." So even the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee is basically left in the dark, and signs point towards highly sensitive classified information found in Hillary's email info/hardware.

Josh says that part of the classified information that couldn't be mentioned in that hearing (high secret SAP info) was the names of the universities and the professors that were getting the research and advanced technologies that were in SAPs.

We learned in the Horowitz Report (page 302?) that Hillary (as Secretary of State) did not have the security clearance or authority in order to be included on the email chain regarding classified information. Hillary was interacting with the emails in the chain by responding to them or forwarding them to her secretary of state email address. When she did this, there was metadata in her home server that the emails were sent to gmail address which was IP tracked to China. AKA, Hillary forwarded the info of which universities and professors were handling classified tech straight to China.

Remember, the Clinton Foundation was making millions of dollars off of China through donations. China would in turn fund the university/professor, bring them to the Wuhan Institute of Technology, and start blackmailing/coercing them into revealing the project they were working on and all of their research.

Now, Trump comes in, and he/Pompeo start shutting down these programs and their access, as well as arresting these professors. FYI, when Biden took office, he immediately started this program back up.

Josh thinks the reasons Q started therefore is that the white hat operation to uncover the plot to smuggle classified material to China was exposed/halted, and the white hats clearly know the 16 year plan to destroy America and allow China to take over.


Josh contrasts how before Q in the early 2000's, corporate media was largely uninvolved in the information exchange online. People were ditching outlets like "60 Minutes" and Walter Cronkite in favor of social media and independent media to form their conclusions. The white hats likely saw this as a great opportunity to capture the attention of the public with online presence. The idea of information exchange is crucial to our world as we know it, therefore vital to gain an advantage against the black hats.

Remember in this time (before Q) there were tons of "Anons" on 4chan claiming to be insiders, (FBIanon, White House Insider Anon, etc.) with inside knowledge of DC and Trump, and also Wikileaks was dropping around the same time, which increased the eyes of the public onto boards to dig for information.

Here starts Q with a brazen "Hillary Clinton will be arrested at this date and at this time" etc., and Josh's opinion is that this was a bold opening statement which garnered some attention and got some fresh eyes. (Josh believes that the white hats probably took over the "Q account" later, after they saw the attention it got) Q then starts to gain clout by things like deltas, Q posting seconds before Trump, misspellings in Trumps tweets that correlate to Q posts, etc. "Weird coincidences" Q therefore established credibility as being connected to Trump somehow.

Why would Q post like this? Because the white hats understood after analyzing peoples behavior on 4chan (researching, digging, baking) they could harness these truth seekers in order to be digital soldiers in the information warfare perpetrated on the civilian public.

Thus began the influx of podcasts/videos/threads/discussions of people beginning to communicate about these subjects, form their own conclusions, share their own research, highlight these 4chan threads etc. (here we are today!). Josh mentions the Q account probably being taken over by white hats after the initial ludicrous claims, as well as a certain radio host which was largely fluff until Flynn started retweeting his material and it became better quality material. (Josh didn't want to name names, but who was this, Bongino?)


The Q operation is basically a psychological operation which was enacted in order to refine the truth seeking movement, which targeted the demographic of patriotic Americans and Christian ideology. It then gained a massive following first on Reddit, then on Twitter. People started doing shows about Q, including Josh himself. Q was then targeted by the federal government, and was the first "conspiracy theory" that congress ever had meetings on to condemn. This added to the legitimacy of the Q phenomenon, and showed the gravity of the situation regarding the Q operation. Add in the Q deltas, and the supposed Donald Trump pics being posted by Q which may have been taken in Trumps presence on AF1, in White House, etc.


June 10th 2018, Trump is scheduled to travel to meet with Kim Jong Un in Singapore after leaving the G8 summit in Canada. About the time his flight was scheduled to 100 miles out of the coast over the pacific ocean, a camera gets footage of a missile on the horizon. Although this event was dispelled in the media, Josh claims he has a plethora of experience (from being in the military) of launching missiles, and gives his certainty that the image shows a missile being launched (probably by a submarine). Trump, however, flew the long way east towards Europe. Josh states that normally, when subs "go dark" (no communication in or out) they cannot be reached/tracked. Likely, the submarine that shot the missile would have been dark for weeks with nothing but orders from higher up. Therefore, if Trump was tipped off to this assassination attempt and flew the opposite direction around the globe, the submarine would not have known and would have fired the missile regardless.

Q had before posted #432 in Dec. 2017 with the misspelling of the word "missle", and right after the missile event, Trump tweeted the same misspelling of the word.

On the Q boards, there was a search for the possible reason to explain the missile event and of possibly which submarine it could have been, and there was talk about a submarine named the USS Richard B Russell, which was decommissioned in '03-'04 at an island known as "Ketron Island" in Washington.

2 months to the day after the missile event on August 10, 2018 a baggage handler at Seattle Tacoma Washington airport goes into one of the hangars and pulls a large aircraft (dash 8) out of the hangar, refuels it, and takes off on the runway. Josh worked for United Airlines for years, and mentions the badges that you must wear when you work in an airport in order to gain access to different areas of the facility. For example, a baggage handler has no business being in a hangar and should not have access to such areas,

The "baggage handler" flying this aircraft became tailed by an F15 and then flew in circles around Ketron Island. The radar signature shown by the traveling aircraft formed a Q shape! Then, he crashed the plane into the island and died. The pilot who died had only 5 friends on Facebook, all of which were wives of military generals. The mans name was Richard B Russell!


Josh believes that the white hats have had to morph the Q plan over time (snowden, military layoffs, and later covid, ukraine etc.) by getting Trump into the presidency because they didn't realize how organized, deep, and dangerous the deep state really was. They would have to do a longer plan with America first candidates and basically restart America from the ground up at the local levels.

Since the evidence of bad actors had largely been obtained by means which were admissible in court, Josh believes that the white hats created a Special Access Program to utilize the Army Judge Advocate General. This is basically the military's way to authorize FISA warrants instead of the FISA court. Josh believes that this is how the white hats continued to maintain control after Joe Biden took office.

What were the hints to this? In 2020, DJT started to say a specific name: Lt. General John Daniel "Raisin'" Caine. On 9/11/01, Caine was an Air Force pilot with the Air National Guard over Washington, DC. Caine was one of two fighter aircraft over DC when a 767 hit the pentagon. He testified in the 9/11 commission and said some things which are still classified. He claims he had multiple opportunities to shoot down "what he considered to be a plane", but was told to stand down by the vice president of the USA who was at the pentagon. The Vpotus should have zero military authority, only the President.

Trump puts Caine in charge of Afghanistan, and Caine and crew promptly wipes out ISIS/ISIL. After Afghanistan, Trump puts Caine in charge at the Pentagon in charge of all Special Access Programs. Caine now oversees in 2018 every single SAP and all of the funding for SAPs in the US military. He also became one of the very few people in the country who can create SAPs, and all SAPs would have to go straight through this man specifically.

When Biden took over in 2020, Caine became a liaison of clandestine services between the pentagon and the CIA. Josh thinks Caine created a SAP to provide funding to utilize various resources to continue spying on Joe Biden and crew once they took the presidency in 2020. "When does a bird sing?" When it's in a cage? No, when it's free! Biden needed the space to be able to maneuver and provide information. The deep state thought they were free the moment Joe Biden took over. The white hats then gathered all new evidence of crime and wrongdoing, and Josh thinks that this is the phase we are in right now. The potential is to bring Trump back into office in 2024, and then expose all of the data collected during the Biden administration.



LogicalThinking4910 245 points ago +247 / -2

I'll be your "summary angel" tonight and spend my time transcribing some of this interview for your reading. I know how daunting a three-hour video can be, however, summarized into paragraphs it can be digested a bit more quickly. (I will work on this more tomorrow morning)

The talk is between David and Josh, which I will represent by D: and J:. They open the discussion with a few broad questions of the Q subject:

J: Are we right now in the middle of a white hat operation in which the white hats are working with the people to expose what's happening? (Josh admits that his assessment is that there are definitely white hats).

J: Who is Q, are they really military, is it a psy-op, is Trump connected, etc. ?

D: If our listeners can start with the basis of looking at themselves as simply navigators of information, doing their diligence to investigate and contemplate theories and hypotheses, we can retain a healthy outlook on these theories. None of us are behind closed doors making decisions, none of us have a full grasp on what is really happening behind this "cold war" of epic proportions. (David admits that he believes that there are a group of white hats at war for the future of humanity helping preserve our freedom, find the truth, unveil secrets, and ultimately save Western civilization from being demolished by the globalist groups.) Therefore, Dave and Josh will be offering their own connections, spurred by their own research.


J: If Q is a military operation, then why would the military be interested in starting it to begin with? Josh lists a few events that spurred his own awakening:

1.Bill Clinton had an incident of giving nuclear secrets to China (China Doll) and the media coverage was largely swept up by the Monica Lewinski affair.

  1. 4 boxes of Plutonium ICBM nuclear triggers (the electronic triggers that attach to the missile which tunes it into the correct frequency to be detonated remotely) got "mislabeled" as helicopter batteries, and got "accidentally" sent to Taiwan. The boxes were sent towards China on a boat, and Taiwan government intervened and called the US to investigate. These triggers are classified technology, and therefore should have a complete "chain of custody" documented, regarding where it was, who handled it, etc.. The idea of those (supposedly) documented boxes being mislabeled "accidentally" and being completely lost in transit seems unlikely.

Josh began digging into the defense logistics agency. His own assumption is that he doesn't think they were actually nuclear triggers. The company that received all of the supplies at the Defense Logistics Agency is "E.G.G.".

"'EGG', where have I heard that before?" Bob Lazar (renowned in UFO community) claims to have worked at Area 51 S4, who was recommended to be hired by a man named Edward Teller (who was on the Manhattan Project) who worked for EGG. EGG runs the flights out of Vegas to Area 51. EGG is essentially the one who hired Bob Lazar to work on reverse-engineering exotic technology at Area 51. Bob claimed that in order for us to understand these technologies, the universities would need to get involved with analysis. (remember that for later)

Since EGG was the one receiving the "mislabeled" technology, chances are they were involved with the mishandling of classified materials.

The ten general officers that were in chain of command of this technology were reprimanded/fired. One of those men was Lt. General Kevin Sullivan. The reason Josh remembers his name here is because of a man "Jayden X", who was involved in selling footage of the Jan. 6th incident to the CNN for ~20 thousand dollars. Jayden X had a last name of Sullivan and was adopted by the same retired Lt. General. This Lt. General was ejected from the Defense Logistics Agency as a commanding officer and primary in the chain of custody for the classified technology in 2006.


  1. In 2007, in North Dakota, a US bomber left Minot airfield with two armed nuclear warheads onboard. These missiles were allegedly just being transferred, however the warheads were armed and loaded. Once again, chain of custody becomes suspicious here, because these missiles should be intensely scrutinized.

Josh questions whether someone was trying to steal these weapons, and whether somebody high in the chain of command was willing to sign off on the hand-off of classified tech and information. Josh wonders if in this scenario, wouldn't there be observers and witnesses in the military who might think "We've got a problem!".

A four star Admiral admitted to Josh that these "white hats" do exist, and when these events occurred in 2006-2007, a group of serving and retired military generals met in secret to discuss these events and investigate. They created a "special access program" in order to gather information in order to find out who was involved; Politicians? Military? Contractors?

When Obama became president, he started "slimming out" the conservative generals within the military. Obama also began exchanging technology and information with China, as well as allowing China into our critical infrastructure in the USA. (10000 talons program where he allowed China/US to exchange information between universities and share professors/information.)

Around 2010, we started to see hacked emails of people like George W. Bush, etc. in the news, which showed that the bad actors likely knew that they were being watched by military intelligence. Then, we saw the Snowden leaks, (Snowden was trained by Brennan's in CIA and later transferred to NSA) which ousted their clandestine program which showed that the NSA had the capability to spy on everybody, including politicians, military, citizens, and bad actors.

The black hats essentially exposed the white hat plot to track them, and when Obama was reelected in 2012, he ousted over 135 generals and admirals within the US armed forces. These were all constitutional and conservative admirals and generals.. coincidence?

Also during this time, Mike Flynn recommends Admiral Mike Rogers to Obama in order to take head of the NSA post Snowden-leak. Obama hired Rogers, and we know Rogers was the one who tipped off (while on active duty) Flynn and Trump that they were being spied on in Trump Tower with FISA warrants.

This evidence points to existence of a group of "white hats" within the intelligence communities.


After this time, the scandals such as Uranium One, Ben Ghazi, ISIL/ISIS weapons running, "No-name" funding ISIS with weapons, Ambassador of Libya phone-calling Hillary Clinton to report American weapons being smuggled through Libya and then dying later that night, etc..

Andrew Breitbart and Michael Hastings were the two primary reporters of the world on these types of scandals (exposing government crime) in the media. Hastings did an expose on General McChrystal using government contractors to wipe out ISIL/ISIS within Iraq and Afghanistan. McChrystal got heat on this because the government contactors did not show mercy/discretion towards civilian casualties.

McChrystal got fired by Obama, which rose Hastings to an elevated level of stature within the journalistic community. Hastings was investigating some anonymous tips given to him regarding secret weaponry being developed by the intelligence agencies and their ability to control anything connected to a computer remotely. A few weeks later, Hastings is driving his Mercedes (computer connected btw) and suddenly accelerates to 150 mph straight into a tree and dies. Many believe that the very weapon he was investigating was used to end his life.

Andrew Breitbart began journalistic coverage of "Pedogate", before "pizzagate" was even known, and began to publicly mention John Podesta and Hillary Clinton being pedophiles. There's reason to believe that Breitbart had been leaked "pizzagate" before it became public. Breitbart memorably "declared open warfare" on the media, and then died to a heart attack (heart attack gun?) at the age of 43.


2016 NSA tweets that ~"Pizzagate is real, please investigate, this tweet will delete" and Flynn came out and said that spirit cooking is real, and Flynn's son retweeted it. 16 year plan of Hillary Clinton to a war with Russia leaks...

Josh believes that white hats collaborated behind the scenes with other nations to ensure that democrats could not steal the 2016 election (think Ukraine, Burisma, and a server) and that is why the Trump won.

Trump quotes "the calm before the storm. (which storm mr. president?) You'll find out" one month before Q starts posting. Josh mentions the possible alternate meaning of "the COMM before the storm" where comm= communication, meaning the communication (meeting) before the storm.

White Hats had to get somebody into the presidency to basically restart the whole investigatory process (quashed by NSA leaks and Obama layoffs) in the Congress and Senate. Also, the white hats had only gathered criminal information due to illegal methods (without FISA warrants) and the info was admissible in court of law, so they started leaking straight to the public (Wikileaks, pizzagate, Hillary emails).

Trump and Pompeo immediately began by cancelling the 10000 talents program, and all collaboration with China through education. Over the next four years, over 28 different professors are arrested for tax fraud/tax evasion. Josh investigates these firings, and finds that every one of those fired either had a Department of Energy, Department of Defense, DARPA, or NASA grant to develop technology. These were the guys who were visiting China to "collaborate" and share education/information with the Chinese (think Dr. Charles Lieber). Josh investigated examples of what those fired were working on. For example: nanotechnology, advanced propulsion, space materials, advanced weapon systems...

How did China know those exact professors at those exact universities? Didn't Bob Lazar mention getting universities involved with reverse engineering exotic technology?



LogicalThinking4910 9 points ago +9 / -0

In this way, wouldn't it be feasible to pay a player to commit a hold penalty on 3rd and 8, guaranteeing the first down for the "chosen" team? Even if 9/10 players had no idea the outcome would be fixed, if 1/10 can hand the game to the other team, why pay all ten people?

I've played a lot of multiplayer gaming online before, and all it takes is one player "spying" to devastate a team, depending on the game.. If one person is relaying player location in a shooting game, it's easy for the enemy team to anticipate and seek the other team to win the game. It reminds me of that game all the kids are playing, "Among Us". It only takes one person to say "The impostor is (this person) because I'm playing with my cousin in the same room and he told me who it is." It only takes one player to ruin the outcome of the game.

LogicalThinking4910 15 points ago +16 / -1

It is, but it's on the eastern border by PA. Pittsburgh is not far considering it's southeast of the derailment and straight downriver of the blast zone. The Beaver river leads straight to the Ohio river, which essentially leads straight through the country towards the Mississippi and to the gulf. We've already seen fish dead in the waterways near this disaster, so the implications are disastrous.

LogicalThinking4910 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure you can all imagine the sort of image templates I'm looking for...

LogicalThinking4910 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would like some help with some resources to make memes, as I've only ever made a few and they were scattered all over. May I please have some suggestions which sites to use? I'm not savvy with photoshop... Thanks frens <3 WWG1WGA

LogicalThinking4910 2 points ago +2 / -0

Adding value to my flair =) Hilarious, Mike! Thanks for keeping the show's bias in check!

LogicalThinking4910 14 points ago +14 / -0

I think about it too. God works in mysterious ways and I won't doubt that! I often think about the hundredth monkey effect when I wonder about those of us who feel "why me?".

LogicalThinking4910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you <3

God bless you and yours!

LogicalThinking4910 4 points ago +4 / -0

"I'm just wondering if there's an underlying reason for NOT being able to find employees that could be tied to a possible Nationwide issue regarding our next generation of adults."

I'll speak from my personal opinion and experience.. I think most of the younger generation is hugely disenchanted with the idea of earning money right now.

Inflation is through the roof, prices everywhere are rising, and the USD is fiat currency based on about nothing and it could become worthless any possible day now. The prospect of buying a house, having a family, owning some land, etc. is being put sometimes completely on the "back-burner" while immediate survival needs and short term gains are being focused on. I don't have kids, a mortgage, any credit, any major health problems, etc. and I'm still struggling hard enough that I'm tired and I don't want to do it anymore.

I stopped at a convenience store to buy a beer before band practice one night, and chatted nicely with the lady working behind the counter. She told me that her store was hiring and that she couldn't believe that nobody (not even younger people) wanted to work the overnight shift at that store. She then told me that the pay was about $11 per hour. No offense, but I could not imagine subscribing my life to working alone at night at such a menial job for such menial pay in today's day and age.

I personally worked incredibly hard during my 20's (turning 32 soon), and am known for my work ethic and attention to detail compared to my coworkers. I worked my body plenty hard doing blue collar labor; I landscaped, did manufacturing work, handled mail in a processing center for USPS, and a ton of warehousing, for example. Almost every job I've worked has put me at the same (or less) pay and position as lazy idiots, who are doing seemingly the bare minimum to keep their jobs, happy to dish their work load onto others, and hopeful to avoid complete scrutiny by peers. I view this behavior mostly as a defense mechanism to the main point of my post, which is facing the dread of giving so much time and effort for often so little money.

In my history of working, I've made so many improvements to processes, protocols, organization, etc. that save so much time and money for my employer. However, any gains that I am ever creating at work are going straight to my employer, and I'm receiving a flat rate regardless. It really feels like I can never reap what I sow. While I'm hustling and working my ass off, I'm earning the same (or less) pay of another person's job which gets to watch Netflix and surf Reddit for hours.

How much of my tax dollars are given away to corrupt entities? Squandered by those with access?

All of this has led me to now: I'm burned out, looking at a seemingly hopeless future of working until I'm dead, and looking at the next generation stepping into this role with the rest of us. I don't know what to tell them.

Whether these young adults have consciously realized this all is not my point.. There just seems to be an understanding that working sucks, few people at all are making a good living wage, the best years of our lives are being spent "on the clock". We want things to change, but what real hope do we have?

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