Lorenzo72 1 point ago +1 / -0

What they should focus on is canceling the EBIL loans, small businesses had to take out to stay open during that scam they called covid. The EBIL is for 30 years, would never had to happen if the scam wasn’t put in place by the dems.

Lorenzo72 2 points ago +2 / -0

Having to deal with them on a daily bases, I will say they are pretty F@#k up.

Lorenzo72 2 points ago +2 / -0

A sad day for the English people!

Lorenzo72 9 points ago +9 / -0

For one who has been researching way before Q, and had a group of people that shared information, across the country, I kind of disagree with the general comment about the negative comments made on this site. IMO, there are times when Anons get frustrated, they follow the Q drops, but maybe they have a life other than Q, but still follow what’s going on. They misunderstand the comments. They happen to get down because in their mind and what they have read and maybe researched, is not where it should be. I for one happen not to like one of Trumps appointees, that is my opinion, What this comment I believes misses, is that each person has their own opinion. When they come to this board, like everyone else, they are just voicing their opinion on a subject. Yeah maybe they are not looking at it from the 40,000 foot view, maybe they are doing what they feel is research for the time allotted them, to do it. I have been on other boards, what is nice about this board, is it wasn’t judgmental as some of the other boards. If a negative comment gets posted, just skip it, or down vote it, or point the Anon in the right direction.

Lorenzo72 2 points ago +2 / -0

You would think with all the money he has stolen from us, he could afford a nice suit.

Lorenzo72 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched this on cspan, I would have loved to see the two of them, tell the SS get this guy the fuck out of here.

Lorenzo72 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah from your lips to God’s ears Bondi. Personally, the President should have nominated Sidney for the AG job. I know I will get down voted but I don’t trust Bondi.

Lorenzo72 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you, thus the reason i don’t trust her, bad choice, IMO!

Lorenzo72 7 points ago +7 / -0

We were promised full disclosure, I hear what you’re saying, but in my opinion you’re wrong. Put a disclaimer before the Video, this is not for children and for some adults. The only way this will not happen again, is if it is all disclosed. Yeah there are going to be dead bodies of children, children being killed, dismembered, but again it has to be shown, if not people will not believe. Plus what has Q been saying all along, full disclosure, that is the only way. Now do I think Bondi is going to provide full disclosure no I do not. I mentioned this is another text, a was downvoted, didn’t bother me, I have never trusted Bondi, I think she will tell the people its to graphic, reneging on Trumps promise. Just my opinion.

Lorenzo72 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Personally, I never trusted Bondi, she just does not sit well with me.

Lorenzo72 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe they’re rethinking what was promised. Have we been sold a bad bill of goods? Promises made must be kept!

Lorenzo72 5 points ago +5 / -0

the feds send money to each and every State, monthly. This should qualify for the audit of every state. Now I understand it is a momental undertaking, but a way to get it started is to cut federal aid, let the states undergo their own guidance of the Goge, kind of like satellite offices. Set up their own audits, all auditors have to be approved by the feds.

Lorenzo72 3 points ago +3 / -0

This should be printed in every school book starting in preschool. For adults, the first thing on page one of all articles, computers screen savers mandatory. I don’t like using the word mandatory since that is what we are fighting against. Hopefully, everyone gets the idea!

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