I'm a sucker for heartwarming doggy vids.
Obama is rayciss for sure. His actions tell us he thinks black people are too dumb to to be ATC with their own merit.
And he only rejected the baseless conspiracy theories, leaving the door open for him to support conspiracy theories that aren't "baseless."
Can't wait to turn on The View to see how this is Donald Trump's fault..
Yuck. There's some dark twisted souls admitting their sickness in there.
When you see a kool-aid haired liberal, just remember that they believe your entire list and it only took the smallest amount of gaslighting.
How long til gallows are build with Bill's name on them?
She'll find a thousand people who agree with her, cementing her beliefs, while 99% of the population has cemented her as retarded, and she has no idea.
This how he smiles for every picture. 😁
I'm boring as hell. I like Stroh's vanilla.
Some might need lawyers 😎
Good to see that they acknowledge that they have mental health issues.
She's such a class act, and so intelligent.
Don't forget the dogs he allowed to be eaten by flies or whatever it was.
Tell Mayor BJ to suck it!
He should sign an EO declaring that declares the entire democrat party are terrorists.
Excellent news muh lord
This plus the guy who tried to get into the Capitol with a machete and knives while Trump was there. Very worrisome. Dear God, please continue to protect Donald Trump and this beautiful world. Amen.
You have impeccable taste in memes.
I've been saying that for decades though. It might be the OG learn to code.
Ahhhh, I see. Maybe click harder next time?
Grasping for lies. The gas lighting doesn't work very well anymore.
But you didn't even do it 1X 😂
Yes! That one did cross my mind as I was commenting!
Every day I am more impressed, but not surprised. Way to go Boss!