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You sir are a poet.
There is no way you could drag that beeeeyaaaach anywhere.
Rob can eat the peanuts out of my shit.
I love it. Their lives are about to get so much better. Knowledge is power.
I wonder how he will like GITMO and then if convicted by a military tribunell hell.
There is a very special place in hell waiting for this sick fuck and all who helped him
GITMO that mother fucker now
Project blue beam
Rob Reiner is a bitch
Bankrupt that bitch
And I’m lesser focused on being a Republican still
if you think Joe Biden’s doing a good job, you need to see a mental health professional stat
You sir, definitely won the comment of the day award
Wow it sounds biblical to me
it probably was the fall coupled with the rope around his neck that killed him
Please file this under "NO SHIT".
Damn have the Brits lost all respect for their own fucking country
Fuck that Nazi bitch
That motherfucker OJing to Cape Verde and shit
Enjoy GITMO bitches. They will be sucking dick for Ramen Noodles very soon.
Bitch say what?
We know.
If you are still a Planet Fitness client you are failing the human race and should be ashamed at how weak you are. You have no respect for women, your parents failed at raising a good person.