MacXimus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Storm drain was a plausible explanation as well. Driver still involved because he stopped the car. One has to ask themself, “Why stop the car when the President is taking fire?” Wouldn’t you put the pedal down hard and book it? Hole in the windshield, head blown backward. Could be either or both, but the driver had to be involved either way. His head looks like it was hit with a high powered round. M1 maybe, since they were common after the war. I want to read whatever they release, but I wonder if there’s anything conclusive left to see, classified or not.

MacXimus 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what I mean Fren. I watched this and it was heavy. I took j6 off work and remember the psychological swings of the day. This was a big one, initially. And yet……. A big lesson upon review. Interested in hearing from some Pede who has frame-by-frame analysis.

MacXimus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let’s do the Babbit video now! Not trolling! I’m sincerely interested to hear feedback on that one. Of all the issues presented, I don’t think they touched on the the absence of exit wound ejecta (a short-range round to the neck with either 9mm, 10mm, or 40 cal would make quite the mess). The comments above about video compression etc reveal my ignorance on “what is seen” on film etc. Calling for air support!

MacXimus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Estimate of elevation? It looks like a power line arcing but if it was too high… 🤷‍♂️

MacXimus 12 points ago +15 / -3

Who gets shot in the neck at point-blank range with a .40 caliber (9mm or 10mm if not) and doesn’t present massive carnage on film at time of shooting and following? The video shows NO exit “spew” from her body, let alone her neck…

MacXimus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Perhaps it’s a way of weeding the garden bed. “Promote” to a new position, his slot as senator that won’t be available again for years goes to Matt G and then you fire his ass. Same thing with Noem at DHS. Just a thought Frens!

MacXimus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fake, phony, and false lol

MacXimus 1 point ago +1 / -0

.223 rounds have a lead core, yes. Every one of them I’ve ever shot or seen is fully jacketed. I’ve shot .223 through 1/4” steel plates at the range. Close range I confess. But a small round, jacketed, with a high velocity can penetrate steel. I guess it just depends on thickness etc etc.

MacXimus 5 points ago +6 / -1

No grinding. Click bait article.

MacXimus 4 points ago +4 / -0

You used up all the glueeeee…. On Purpose! Not a finger!

MacXimus 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair to OP, that is still theoretical science. Einstein never quite nailed down his theories on “why” gravity exists, but it does, and he nailed that down, and its measurable, testable, reproducible, and if you want to flex on gravity, gravity wins lol

MacXimus 7 points ago +7 / -0

The moon does rotate. It’s phase locked because the time it takes to rotate one time on its own axis is almost perfectly equivalent to the time it takes to orbit the earth one time.

MacXimus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone else think this dude could be Bill Hemmer’s Dad? So many spooks in the media

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