Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like Dreadnaught61 here https://greatawakening.win/p/17siJM9ITo/mopup-is-this-former-atf-agent-r/c/ is on the trail. I waited patiently before replying, because I was hopeful that someone would discover the evil people who did this. Justice will be met, it might not immediate, but with good people digging for the truth, and remembering key details as you pointed out, truth will set the innocent free.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

More powerful storms can cause a Carrington event, detailed history here: https://www.space.com/the-carrington-event. The current storm will not be a Carrington event. Unlike the 1859 solar storm, the current on3 is nowhere near as strong. In the past 3 years, there have been major CMEs, coronal mass ejections, but fortunately they were directed away from earth. Our major concerns right now are election integrity and escalation of the Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan-China theaters.

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

Today’s Space Weather Live forecast, it gives a range for how much solar energy will penetrate earth’s atmosphere, “Kp-Index” — https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/auroral-activity.html. It is an estimate, and they provide very good estimates which I have observed carefully over the past 3 years. Yesterday’s forecast indicated a moderately high solar energy penetration level up to Kp-6, but the lower range forecast was in the green, around Kp-4. The solar energy measurement stayed at Kp-4. Tonight, the range forecast is from a relatively low energy level of Kp3 with a possibility up to Kp7. ___. Spaceweather.com provides more details, in narrative form. They do not engage in fearmongering. The information is useful for photographers and travelers, because the info lets them know when they can see the aurora borealis northern lights phenomena. Great photos here: Here’s one of the great photos from last November: https://www.space.com/strong-geomagnetic-storm-triggers-auroras-worldwide-photos-november-2023

Malachi3vs16 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes! and https://qagg.new has Trump posting the video on Truth Social 3/19/2024 at 6:04 p.m. (18:04 military time). This is a deleted post, which unfortunately I did not see it and archive before it was deleted on Trump’s Truth Social, but qagg.news has it by selecting under “TRUTH” and then “@TrumpDeleted”. ___Q post 604 at https://qanon.pub is a pen, follow the pen, so possibly “Stay Tuned” is in harmony with “follow the pen” and where former CBS investigative correspondent might be going next, or be writing about next. ___ And for autists, inverse or mirror image the 1804 and just take 418, Q post 418 “Test” ( about comms, “Stay Tuned”); also for autists, drop the 0 in 1804 and go to Q 184 where the answers from anons in 2017 told us to look at the elitist globalists’ owl symbology found around the world at https://qanon.pub

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bohemian Grove began as a club for artists and musicians, and later authors, businessmen and politicians were invited and joined in. Their headquarters is in San Francisco and their campground is north across the straight of the San Francisco Bay in the Sonoma area. Founded in 1872, 9 years later they created their “Cremation of Care” ceremony where an effigy of a person is burned in front of a huge owl statue. This supposedly teaches attendees through this pychological presentation that they should not take too seriously matters of life, decisions they make. It is like an initiation ceremony into atheism. Ambrose Bierce, famous author, was a member. He died by committing suicide.__ Conservative attendees have included Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Associate Justice, Ronald Reagan, Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon, and Jack Kemp (33rd Degree Scottish Rite freemason of the Northern Jurisdiction). Jimmy Carter attended, as well as Vice Admiral Jim Stockdale. Conservatives attend but the business, artists, and musicians flavor this Club as an atheistic, secular club devoid of God. Here’s what attendee (now deceased as of 2001) General Colin Powell had to say about Trump in a leaked email: “No need to debate it with you now, but Trump is a national disgrace and an international Pariah.**** Trump would not be welcome there. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-thursday-edition-1.3763576/colin-powell-hack-and-stephen-harper-s-trip-to-secret-summer-camp-for-the-rich-and-powerful-1.3763581. ___ The owl in the Cremation of Care ceremony is a symbol also of wisdom = equivalent of Roman Minerva goddess of Wisdom who is on the ****State Seal of California.****Legitimate photos of Bohemian Grove here: https://historycollection.com/powerful-men-go-misbehave-secrets-bohemian-grove-unveiled-photos/. ___. I agree with assessments posted by others here that the list at the start of this thread is bogus. Thanks “americafirst1776” and “ThisIsHowItStarts” for your above posts.. Here is a book with a legitimate lists of attendees from the past: The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreatsby G. William Domhoff, published January 1, 1974, often found in libraries. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1461881

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is really good you pointed out the “You agreed to pay it back part” and that we should understand the magic and sleight of hand in the video you shared of Ross Ashcroft, Prof. Richard Werner with David Buik. If Trump could have a rally and have everyone watch this, I think that would be beneficial for great awakening. I think if there is a miracle and Trump is back in office in a year, we should revisit this video of Ross Ashcroft and promote it huge.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice professional explanation. Here is the comedy explanation of how the banking system works to our detriment, and to the favor of the globalists: “Oh Canada Our Bought and Sold Out Land”. https://rumble.com/v2gor82-april-6-2023.html This explains with visuals, skits, and interviews with past high ranking politicians how the scam works, and how an honest money system should work. Apologies in advance, they include an animated Abraham Lincoln giving the deep state assassins of the day, giving them “the middle finger”. I once had a copy of this great documentary that had the middle finger edited out, and I wish they had left it out on their published version.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Significant post, yes. 1 question: 4Hrs & 2Min after our Trump‼️647‼️. Not sure what this refers to, as it has not been explained any significant social media post 4 hrs. and 2 minutes before Trump posted at 11:25? ___However, the rest of the decode is great. 3/15/2024 is significant because the day was known as the “Ides of March” and March 15, 44 B.C.E. was the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. The Deep State elitists and misguided sheople want Trump gone. Good people countered today with Mike Lindell sponsoring the appeal in the Supreme Court to take another look at the 2020 election fraud in the Kari lake case. This does not mean that Kari Lake will win this appeal. However, on the Law of War, it is necessary that all options for opposing the treason must be exhausted in all 3 branches of government, showing their failures. Then when the fraud is shown, the people are justified in calling the people in office “usurpers” and the military can ignore significant dangerous orders and policies. ____ What might those be? 7Nick9 posted about the quantity 6 of the nuclear command planes flying around at the same time. Military exercise, coordinated. An exercise, because there were not missiles flying at us yet. Or it could have been a show of force readiness. What level of the military handles nuclear defense (and offense) - Q clearance Department of Energy people. If the Deep State people (Macron, Biden and handlers) get us into a showdown with Russia over Ukraine, good guys can stop this. Do the Deep State Democrats and Rhino Republicans really have the nuclear football? Yes, but it is just a communications system, not an actual launch device. Strategic Forces do not have to launch nukes because some usurper actor thinks he is actually presiding with legitimate authority. ___. The rest of the decode about Huber, that can all happen later. It is kind of like Q post 1, Hillary will be arrested. Well it could have happened in 2017, but that was the diversion. What actually happened was the SA Saudi deep state was dealt with after the Las Vegas shootings 10 days before Q post 1. Q post 1 “HRC extradition already in motion” posted 27 days after the Las Vegas massacre. There was a helicopter battle that day. See John Cullen vids on rumble. Around 40 minutes into the presentation, John Cullen shows the helicopters flying around and makes a great case that there was a helicopter fight going on that day in Las Vegas, Oct. 1, white hats maneuvering to stop the deep state operatives doing slaughter. from the air. https://rumble.com/v1lzw30-john-cullen-presents-the-dog-walking-guy.html.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are welcome. The decode posted by Joys1Daughter https://greatawakening.win/p/17si5BLC2W/us-debt-clock-decode--31024mak/c/ was interesting too, made by MaeroX on Twitter X. She explained how The USDebt Clock post on Twitter X was made at 3:33 pm, and the book of Exodus chapter 33 verse 3 is about God telling the Israelites that they can now enter the land of Canaan. MaeroX also pointed out that there are four angels from the books of the Apocrypha, Catholic accepted books, something that I am not really into. But God has angelic messengers, so maybe the US Debt Clock people are Catholic, or inclusive, or maybe Rosicrucian. It will be interesting to find out.____ There are many interesting 33:3 passages, Psalm 33:3, Isaiah 33:3, Jeremiah 33:3.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Study Notes and links to go with the above post. Disclaimer: Gold and silver links are not for investment advice, but are purely given to support the above decode, providing for context only of the decode. Arcadia Economics channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0xbkSGGxkI4AVp0BQRjnAA ___ Greek letters and numerals website https://mathworld.wolfram.com/GreekNumerals.html ___ 2nd century followers of Christ and the fish symbol https://ichthys.com/mail-the-name-Christian.htm (further down this website they talk about early manuscripts and how the Nestle -Aland texts and how the early followers of “Christ” may have been “Chrestianoi” and followers of Chrestus, meaning the “Servant” of God, as the book of Mark focussed his book on Christ or Chrestus the Servant. . Interview with Kitco news and an owner of a mining company giving 2027 precious metals price projections : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qirYBnvb8P8 Wall Street Silver channel https://www.youtube.com/@WallStreetSilverOfficial ___ and many who follow Q and know Ed Dowd who uses his economic and statistical analysis expertise to explain for us the damage caused by the mRNA fake vaccines, here he warns us that by 2025 there will be only 6 banks remaining! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2G3MAxdZfU. This is an old interview, March 24, 2023, but this does show a professional’s opinion, from a guy who is well known here at GreatAwakening.win!

Malachi3vs16 5 points ago +5 / -0

Greek characters from 2nd century followers of Christ, fish symbol (pisces, age of pisces began approx. 2,020 years ago, and lasts for about another 125 years, then the age of aquarius, symbolized by the water pitcher). So the “10” is actually two Greek characters, the Iota (capital “i”ota) and the Theta (“o” symbol with the + inside of it = Greek Theta). (Note: here the US DebtClock people did a switcheroo and placed the “X” prominently in middle, rather than as the 2nd character as in the Fish symbol used by 2nd century followers of Christ or Chrestus. Compare the drawing here with the 2nd century drawing here: https://ichthys.com/mail-the-name-Christian.htm).___ So here, the “X” is in the middle instead of being the second letter. “X” is the Greek letter “Chi” and the 4th letter the “Y” is Upsilon. The last letter looks like an “E” which would be the Greek letter Epsilon. This confuses me, because the 2nd century symbol used the Sigma Greek letter which looks similar to the “E” in Greek writing. ___ So the US Debt Clock people switched the 2nd and 3rd letters compared to the original sequence and replaced the last letter from the 2nd century original — changing it from Sigma to an Epsilon.___ Does this make them antichrist? I don’t think so. Are they saying “10 x Ye” or 10 times the net worth of Kanye “Ye” for everyone!!!!? No. So what could they possibly be saying?___Greek letters were used for numbers, kind of like ancient Roman numerals used letters for numbers, MDCCLXXVI (1776), but Greek is different. Here’s a link for the Greek letters with number values. I have not verified it, but it’s getting late, so I will post it, use it, and review latter: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/GreekNumerals.html ___. The iota is 10, so there is your “10” in the first letter. Theta = 9. “X” or “chi” is 600. The “Y” or “Upsilon” value is 400. I wish they did not use the “E” or “epsilon” replacing the 2nd century Sigma, but I think the US Debt clock people are in harmony with Q, and so they have their reasons. “E” = 5. So the numbers are 10, 9, 600, 400, and 5. Added together, this 10+9+600+400+5 = 1,024. In the artwork above, there are 5 letters inside the fish, and 3 coins below, showing both sides of each coin. ___ The first coin on the left has a face value of $5, the Christopher Columbus commemorative coin, is 90% gold, or .242 ounces of gold, this past week’s valued approximately $600. ___. The middle coin, the Lunar lander Apollo 11 mission commemorative is symbolic of making the great leap to Honest Money, just weights and measures as taught in the Scriptures that Christ read: the books of Moses, Psalms and Proverbs, history books, and the Prophets. Leviticus 19:35-36 in particular talks about using honest measurements for trade and barter. The “X” or chi has the value of 600. The Apollo lunar lander commemorative coin also has a face value of $5, but it is also gold, with a current approximate value of $700, but if melted down about $600 melt value plus costs for trading in the coin. So far, the 600 is holding up. ___ The third coin, with JFK is silver, and without even decoding, the answer is, after this next great leap (Pepe group leap for us, alluding to Neil Armstrong’s one small step for him, one giant leap onto the lunar surface in 1969) silver will go to $600 an ounce! Is this true? Yes, Arcadia Economics with Chris Marcus and Rafi F. on youtube, Wall Street Silver, and others have interviews speculating on future values of gold and silver. But we still have to complete the decode to be sure. ___ The third coin again, has President JFK on it, and remember that only the year 1964 Kennedy half dollars were 90% silver (which was standard percentage for silver coins back then). In the artwork here, the silver coinage in use will be in honor of JFK, who opposed the globalist elitists and was killed in Dealey Plaza, an outdoor temple of the sun (can explain that later). The artwork here on the backside is “The New Money Revolution”. The 4th Greek letter inside the fish is the Upsilon with the numeric value 400. The last letter “E” or “epsilon” has the value of 5. $405 silver coming? Nope, $600! Remember the original 2nd century Ichthys fish symbol used the Sigma as the last letter, and in Greek it has the numeric value of 200. The US debt clock people want us to use our minds, and devote our hearts to God. It’s a Sigma, and so the value of the last two letters is 400+200= 600. When? A mining expert I appreciate just gave a gold and silver price projection in an interview with Kitco. But he gave a lower estimate for 2027. For fun, look back above to $1,024. If we put the sigma back in place instead of the Epsilon, we get 10+9+600+400+200 = 1,219. December 19? During the fall election break as we pause to prevent another election steal? Possibly, but more importantly be prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually. The US Debt Clock people are in harmony with Q. Notice the symbolism on the back side of the John F. Kennedy coin, it reads: “Debt to Wealth” = their way of saying in Q language, from dark into light. Micah, one of the prophets of YHWH (Yah, God’s name for short) wrote in chapter verses 6-8 that Yah will not be pleased simply by thousands of sacrifices of sheep and anointing with olive oil, but Yah has shown us what is required of us: to act in a just manner, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is definitely a big problem, and judges should consider all aspects, especially this part! Judges worry about a Q Shaman guy walking around inside peacefully and ignore the bomb, amazing! And you posted the video that judges should notice most! Hopefully attorneys can use this and overturn cases, and ask the judges how did the President of the Senate know to leave early? Amazing! (I mis-wrote vice president of the Senate above, as Vice President, she serves as President of the Senate.) Keep up your great research and posting!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gloria — was she (vice president of the Senate) leaving at the exact moment Don Jr. was in the booth at the Ellipse, 2 miles away from the Capitol steps, while the song Gloria was being played? Was Kamala carrying and walking out with a laptop? I am not sure from the video what she was carrying. From the deep state’s side, their objective would have been to fake an insurrection and frame Trump supporters. Also, Giuliani had previously met with and was in a photo group with the Q Shaman guy (not in costume) Jake Angeli. See article https://arkvalleyvoice.com/chaffee-republicans-appear-to-join-militant-insurgency-it-wasnt-us/ (1-08-2021 date of article). ___Deep staters trying to cover up their planning and purpose, and Kamala leaving early seems to blow their cover! If the deep state had not disrupted Congress on January 6, valid election fraud challenges could have been brought up and heard, thus the motive for the deep state to obstruct and frame good people was entered into play and carried out by deep state ops. Where’s your laptop, former Speaker of the House? Does Kamal have one too? Maybe not, but I have to ask the question.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Paris 2024 Olympics occult symbolism First, the overt symbolism for the masses https://www.paris2024.org/en/design/ and here https://www.logodesignlove.com/paris-2024-logo.

The hidden meaning, the flame is a symbol of the initiates, going back to ancient times, and modernly placed by the initiates (Scottish Rite, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key…) atop President John F. Kennedy’s grave at Arlington National Cemetery. Audio Bill Cooper, topic “Initiates of the Flame.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELxBQkXLE2Y

Transcript of “Initiates of the Flame” https://www.hourofthetime.com/transcripts.html This page includes important transcripts, download them, save them, share them at opportune moments.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed, which is why DJT and others have supported school choice by giving tax breaks or allowances for each child, but then there shouldn’t be a federal income tax in the first place, and there shouldn’t be unconstitutional spending. I think going back to constitutional spending will be the way that things go, and then good states can give state tax breaks.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction Sovereign Grand Commander Henry Clausen,, 33rd degree wrote “Why Public Education.” So this guy, Sovereign Grand Commander 1969-1985 defended the public government secular education.

It was a majority of Scottish Rite masons who served on the Supreme Court who took prayer, Bible reading, and the 10 Commandments out of public schools. Paul Fisher exposed this in his book “Behind the Lodge Door” pdf copy here:
https://archive.org/details/Behind_The_Lodge_Door_Paul_A._Fisher/page/n149/mode/2up Squared by their compasses, these masons have done many circumambulations around their altars and are the ones who are not in their right minds.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bob Beck healing device testimonial, prayers for your friend

https://www.bobbeck.com/Testimonial_search.aspx?PreviousPageIndex=1 (if the link does not bring up the cervical cancer healing testimonial, simply type in cervical cancer in the search box and the testimonial should come up)

like Bob Beck protocol, but I would consider first the other recommendations from frens here, and see what the doctor is willing to work with.

I like Bob Beck, who lived 1937 - 2002, because he would not give his devices over to the FDA because Bob Beck knew that they would simply ruin the products and prevent people from using them.

Here is what the woman used as said in her testimonial: https://www.bobbeck.com/wristpulsing.html. This can be tricky to set up, I have not used it but it is doable with a friend who can do electronics and set it up right, and also consult with M.D. Ionic colloidal silver https://www.bobbeck.com/ionic-colloidal-silver.html

However, I like the colloidal silver by Sara Banta who has been healed of cancer using nutrition, Accelerated Colloidal Silver. She has a Telegram group where I used to be a member and I still use her colloidal silver. Here is her website: https://sarabantahealth.com/

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Calming harp solfeggio for good prayerful mood for your friend’s wife:
https://www.youtube.com/@peregrinnatti/videos Steve Rees is a nice guy, I bought some of his music and wrote him. (peregrinnatti is his channel’s youtube nickname)

Have a functional medicine doctor to see if viruses might be a cause, in which case ask a doctor if the fenbendazole or ivermectin would be appropriate.

Also hydration and ph balance of first morning ph. Test strips can tell if she is in a good zone, 6.0 to 7.5. Above that, like 8.0 or higher the body might be producing chemicals to compensate.

If hydration and ph levels are good, then a little detox can help, saunas, regular or infrared, but be careful to be hydrated, not too much sauna, but a little bit of sweating is good.

Back to solfeggio harp: 444 Hz the master key is a nice one to start with, as this frequency provides the body with the benefits of a variety of the solfeggio songs. I have heard that 396 Hz songs help prepare a person to receive healing through the other frequency songs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPwAuH5egck 444 Hz harp

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7MD69fOJQQ 396 Hz harp

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgFk0lkoMsw 528 Hz harp

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

also you could see a functional medicine doctor who can evaluate whether your blood pressure issues are vascular related and test the strength of your heart, and also evaluate any stresses such as EMFs or other environmental factors.

There are products to heal the endothelial layer throughout the blood vessels of the body, and certain peptides and amino acids like l-carnosine can strengthen the body’s resilience from EMFs. sampling of who is out there: https://holisticheartcenters.com https://functionalheart.com

Malachi3vs16 6 points ago +6 / -0

Q 4959, The Great Awakening for Ukrainians. Will Ukrainians be marked by the West’s symbols or will they be freed? I think when the fighting is over, many will realize with sadness that Russia has not been fighting to rule over them again, but to keep the globalist elitist politicians and Monsanto ecological destroyers from ruining the wonderful farmland they are blessed with, and to stop the perversion of culture (Zelensky, Victoria Nuland, Blinken).

Q team made 32 mentions of Ukraine: https://qalerts.app/?q=ukraine including Q4959.

The west wants Ukraine to be led by the serpent, Russia does not want to rule Ukraine but merely wants to keep their brothers from being enslaved by the serpent.

Here is what my Ukrainian friend will understand in time, but not ready for this yet:

The Great Awakening is for more than one country, and for people around the world. Russian orthodox want Constantinople back, ultimately, which was stolen by the Arab raiders who adopted the current majority religion in the Middle East.

Symbolism: The Double-Headed Eagle is part of the State Seal of Russia, along with a horse rider slaying the serpent. Their seal stems from the time when orthodox christianity was headquartered in Constantinople. That is their ultimate goal. http://duma.gov.ru/en/news/28991/ (archived: https://archive.ph/WdlQD )

Compare that to the “Great Seal” of the USA—the All-Seeing Eye and the incomplete pyramid with 13 layers of stone, builders working on “The Great Work” of Plato’s and Sir Francis Bacon’s new order of the ages, the philosophical empire.

In due time, Ukrainians will realize they were maneuvered into a civil war designed to kill as many of them at the bidding of Victoria Nuland, Secretary of State Blinken who is the custodian of the Great Seal, and their Babylonian EU temptors ( https://architecturehereandthere.com/2016/12/28/eu-new-brussels-hq/ ). They think they are fighting to stop Russia from ruling them. Russia is fighting to rescue them from the perilous coup of 2014 and the false promises of the European Union.

As America was winning the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan believed in a time of peace for Europe, from Paris to Moscow. The globalist elitists ruined this, from George Bush to the present time, not the Russians. Will Ukrainians be marked with the symbols of the beast and Babylon, or will the serpent be slain by the valiant man riding the horse?

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting 188 matches the 0188 # on the green waist pouch in the Test 11 Navy recovery of the space vehicle posted last week! Q post 188 shows how the Capitol landscaping is done with the outline of the elitists’ owl symbol.

For the Test 11 photos I used a photo editor to “raise the shadows” and bring the green pouch from dark to light because the Navy photographer had to expose the photograph with the bright background. Here’s the greatawakening.win link https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvsYHbC/q-188-owls-test-11-recovery-symb/ or search this site for Q 188 owls, Test 11. My thesis is that the Navy test recovery is symbolic of America recovering from the election steal. So as not to make more duplicate posts, I’ll just write that more details are on my posts under purkisse80 and DRan’s and “Test 11” threads last week.

But for quick reference, here’s “the boss” DJT with Navy personnel: https://www.45office.com/about And just last week, it was a Naval Academy graduate who was victorious in his Philadelphia 2020 election defamation case, Greg Stenstrom!


Biography: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregorystenstrom

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

image cropped from https://twitter.com/SurfaceWarriors/status/1762532510284566674/photo/3 and the shadows raised from dark to light by a photo editor enabling the numbers on the green bag to be seen. https://qalerts.pub/?q=188 scroll to post 188, Capitol landscaping = owl shape of the elitists

How is the Test 11 recovery Navy recovery of the spacecraft symbolic of recovery of American recovery from the election steal of 2020? see photo of DJT with sailors at https://www.45office.com/about and notice the colors ___ they are the same colors that the Arizona electionauditors were wearing in 2021 (beginning at 40 seconds into the video in the article at https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/lawsuit-filed-to-stop-arizona-senate-republicans-2020-election-audit-at-state-fairgrounds) ___ and these colors red, yellow, green, and purple are in the Navy Test 11 recovery photo described in posts here a few days ago posts Q - 2910 and “Test 11” Qincident ___my apologies, I have not learned how to include all the photos and how to make a collage of them, so I included links

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, very faint, I had to use an app to enhance and zoom in on the other recovery personnel guy wearing the white visor with the high tech watch— there is a number on his green pouch at waist level and that number is 0188, corresponding to Q post 188 which shows how the owl symbol of the elitists surrounds the US Capitol building. See the twitter x link from this thread. This guy is standing in front and to the NASA guy’s left and has a patch “History” with yellow, red green colors with black lettering. He is across from the other guy with the white hat helmet projecting the purple color. If someone can post that photo too, that would be great. See link and then save photo as a .jpg jpeg file, drop into a photo editor to bring out the shadows, bringing it from dark to light, and then you can verify the 0188. https://twitter.com/SurfaceWarriors/status/1762532510284566674/photo/3 These photo editors worked Youcam Online Editor https://yce.perfectcorp.com. With Youcam, select upscale 2x, and this will barely be sufficient to see the 0188. Image Enhancer works but leaves their “watermark” but even your .jpg original will look alright and reveal the 0188 after dropping the file into this app. https://imgupscaler.media.io/app/enhancer Dark to Light!

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Assistance requested, to support purkiss80’s assessment that it is good that he reposted Test 11, I would like if someone could review my thought that recovery of the space vehicle symbolizes recovery from the election steal. I would like reviewed my post on DRan’s Test 11 Qincident thred on Test 11 my post with the heading: “Recovery” of the space vehicle symbolizes “recovery from the election steal.”. Question: Does it make sense that all of the colors in this Test 11 photo match the colors worn by auditors of the Arizona audit in April, 2021, and their suits colors match the colors that the sailors are wearing in their photo with DJT?
If someone could post a screenshot at 40 seconds into the Arizona audit of 2021 story from here https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/lawsuit-filed-to-stop-arizona-senate-republicans-2020-election-audit-at-state-fairgrounds and post after or next to it this nice photo of President Trump (DJT) with the Navy sailors wearing the same colors as seen in the Arizona audit video, I would appreciate it. (I still need to learn how to post photos to go with comments.) Here’s the DJT photo with sailors wearing the red, yellow, green, and blue (purple) colors: https://www.45office.com/about

And the kicker: a former navy officer Gregory Stenstrom just won the election defamation case in Philly, as reported by The Gateway P. on March 1, which is why, along with the color symbolism, I believe the Test 11 recovery symbolizes the recovery from the election steal. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/massive-win-trump-pa-voting-machine-warehouse-official/ P.S. In the twitter x link, zoomed looking inside the docking bay there’s a sailor wearing purple, and the red, green, and yellow colors are seen as part of the colors of the flotation support apparatus. Also, one of the recovery personnel (looking at the NASA test vehicle guy in the orange and blue suit) has a purple illuminated visor which reflects on to the NASA test vehicle guy’s ear — so all of these colors are there — https://twitter.com/SurfaceWarriors/status/1762532510284566674).

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