MarkusCincinnatus 17 points ago +17 / -0

Mediocre swimmer, sufferer of delusions of grandeur, and future shitty parent @riley_gaines“

Keith Olbermann has no children and he can’t beat Gaines in a swim race, and probably never could.

MarkusCincinnatus 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yes I do get to.

He’s trying to judge decent people as being hateful and opportunistic. It sucks that his son died, but I don’t believe it changed the dad as much as it gave him a showcase for displaying what a piece of shit he already was. Similar to Molly Tibbets’ father.

We’re neck deep in a demographic war. Cuck dad’s false accusations of sensible nationalists were weapons of war. I’m not going to ignore his attacks. I’m making an example of the cuck.

MarkusCincinnatus 7 points ago +7 / -0

FFS, his son is dead. This guy, regardless of his politics, has lost his son, and he is trying to cope with it.“

No, he’s trying to virtue signal. Real coping would be getting angry at the killer and the killer’s enablers, and doing something about them. Real coping is not acting like he’s angry at the detractors of the killer & enablers. It’s not accusing normal people of hatred to try to make himself appear less hateful in contrast.

If he was smarter, he would’ve left the race, sex, and age out of his hypothetical and just focused on national origin, such as ‘if an American killed my son, it wouldn’t be political.’ In reality, 30 year old black female American drivers have accidentally crossed the center line and killed people, and their stories weren’t used as political news. By making the hypothetical a sixty yo white man, the cuck dad revealed that he’s just piling on the anti-male, anti-white, anti-boomer wokeness.

MarkusCincinnatus 7 points ago +7 / -0

His point was understood via his clickbait statement, “I wish my son was killed by a sixty year old white man” without more context needed. I suppose I misused “cherry picked” as it usually means targeting specific quotes of someone else’s. I used it in the sense that out of all of the possible statements floating around in his head about his son’s death, this goofy statement is what he specifically chose to say at the press conference, for the purpose of being “blunt”. He cherry picked his own attention-getting phrase.

The illegal may not have intended to cross the center line and hit the bus, but it’s important to look at the probabilities of different types of people having such “accidents”. Per capita, American white men are less likely to do it than incompetent illegals are. Since modern politics are inundated with identity politics, the incompetence of the illegal is a political issue whether the dad likes it or not.

MarkusCincinnatus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Aiden Clarke was killed when an illegal in a minivan crossed the center line and hit the bus that was taking Aiden to government school. Aiden’s father is short and fat, and he wore a baseball cap to the podium of a press conference where he falsely accused orderly people of hatred.

Aiden’s father’s life was once at a crossroads. He could’ve chosen:

A. to lift weights, maintain testosterone, and have a naturally alpha attitude of protecting his and his tribe’s children while distrusting outsiders. To stay in shape and present himself like a grown man so that he could have a career that would earn enough to get his son out of government school, or so that he could attract a quality woman to homeschool his children. To stand strong in a unified front opposed to foreign incompetence and violence, to reduce the chances of other American kids getting killed like Aiden.

but instead he decided…

B. to be pathetic with bitch tits and the loser mentality of letting the government raise his son. To seek status not by being a good man, but by virtue signaling his fondness for foreign killers and by fantasizing about a hypothetical sixty year old white scapegoat. To try to censor people from applying his son’s story towards a reasonable response to illegals’ incompetence and violence. To try to raise his profile at the expense of decent people by falsely accusing them of hate and opportunism. To use his son’s death for personal social gain.

MarkusCincinnatus 11 points ago +11 / -0

The title includes a direct quote that doesn’t need context to comprehend. When he bragged about putting it “bluntly”, the father showed that he cherry picked the clickbait statement himself.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a 7-year funded social media study (Over 75,000 data points) by our media agency…”

Who funded the study? I’m sure it’s an organization or person who is vehemently opposed to media brainwashing .

This “The Cult Explained” guy is try-hard and unconvincing. I guess he got some easy dumb money from the aspiring brainwasher who funded the “study”.

A more interesting revelation was in the Twitter Files when they revealed that the social media companies intentionally siloed people into like-minded echo chambers without their will or knowledge. “The Cult Explained” guy must’ve missed that. He assumes that non-commies isolated themselves out of fear of commie propaganda, lol.

MarkusCincinnatus 12 points ago +12 / -0

could be:

A: false reporting out of israel to take the heat off

B: vaxx deaths relabeled as covid deaths

MarkusCincinnatus 11 points ago +11 / -0

I saw that comment and it seems quite ChurchLady-ish.

Brand and Carlson weren’t planning on praying on camera. It was an impromptu decision at the end of a long discussion about Christianity.

Also, God probably considers exemptions from charges of ostentatious religiosity for famous people who are earnestly trying to set a good example.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the cuck cops imprison American men for hate speech while allowing muslim men to beat women and enforce sharia as they see fit, those black and hispanic inner city women might find that they have little recourse.

MarkusCincinnatus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Democrats who lost jobs but who want to work might not vote for CommieLa, but if you want to understand the “minds” of some of the people who will still vote for her, think of peacocking. When champagne socialists virtue signal about welcoming migration, they are really bragging about their own status, connections, employability, job security, or wealth. They don’t care at all about the migrants, but the champagne socialists realize they can gather social capital by pretending to care. They’re so unpatriotic that they don’t think of foreigners as competition but as tools and weapons to be used against the real competition: other Americans. I don’t like the phrase “they’re the real racists”, but in this case it’s true. White Americans opposed to immigration respect the threat of nonwhite foreigners. Pro-immigration white Americans don’t respect nonwhites and therefore don’t feel threatened. For some democrats, the intra-American competition is financial, for others it’s ideological. They don’t want their life strategy of selling out, backstabbing, enabling corruption, and having no integrity, to be defeated by the conservative American strategy of trusting in God, being principled, being loyal to America and Americans, and eschewing status and credentials if their attainment comes at too high a spiritual cost.

MarkusCincinnatus 9 points ago +9 / -0

someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."

Big Mike’s intention was probably to mean that the “someone else” should have more than he currently does, but the phrasing makes it seem like the “someone else” should have more than the original person does.

More importantly, notice the coercionist Big Mike’s casual use of the language of coercion: “going to have to give up”. The authority to make people have to give up property requires… authoritarianism. Big Mike’s quote is sugar-coated tyranny and theft.

MarkusCincinnatus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for that. It’s my interpretation as well.

“what is Caesar’s” = jack squat

MarkusCincinnatus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Saw a lengthy commercial for Larry Hogan for senate. The reasons we don’t like him are what he’s using as selling points to Maryland blue state tards.

MarkusCincinnatus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really. Delta Sanderson played by William Fichtner helps calm down Ranger Captain Steele played by Jason Isaacs, who dismisses the “undisciplined cowboys” without incident.

MarkusCincinnatus 5 points ago +5 / -0

two nephews“

Potentially huge. Nice work.

MarkusCincinnatus 3 points ago +3 / -0

To indulge the illusion that income tax is justifiable and necessary, and to submit to a mainstream white collar job that automatically withholds income tax from direct deposits, is much cushier than accepting the truth that political coercion of labor such as income tax is unnecessary, immoral, and impractical; and taking action such as a tax protest.

I found this part especially interesting:

Avoid Responsibility: The blue pill represents an avoidance of the responsibility that comes with knowledge. To see the world as it truly is requires action, it demands a response. Those who choose the blue pill are often unwilling to take on this responsibility, preferring instead to remain passive observers of life.”

According to this definition, to be fully redpilled one must take action. How many people who think themselves redpilled pretty much live the same as blue pillers, reinforcing the establishment and enabling corruption with little resistance? The only sane justification is if the redpilled-yet-conforming person is raising multiple future freedom fighters or is working towards doing so.

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