MaruQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

My humble opinion: There are going to be a lot of FF before the election. Please be ready with food, water, medicine, etc. I believe that once the DS ran out of options they will try their last card, which it is to kill DJT. Is this going to be the "shot heard around the world" Trump and his team might pull the "he is death" when he is not. Are these going to be the 10 days of darkness? Just imagine how this is going to look around the world. The world will be awaken all at once... Happy Easter! and be safe

MaruQ 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am looking at things in different perspective. France knows that they don't have a shot at Russia. So why are they doing this? What about if this action of France sending trops to Ukraine is to kill the real French male and to make them dissapear. France will be left with only African people. It will destroy France authenticity of their culture, and this is another way to depopulate the world.

Look at Ukraine, most of the males population is almost gone. Let's keep an eye on this theory.

MaruQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dear Mis Amigos: I know how a lot of you feel "betrayed". I used to feel that way, but then I realized that there is always a silver lining. After I read yesterday that Fani and Liz were involved on J6, I knew that there is more to that story. See, it is better to have Fani at the center of stage when more evidence comes out. I still want to see evidence that Fani and Kamala set up Trump in all this. I want everything to come up, so I want her at the center of the stage. Besides there was no way that this controlled judge was going to let Trump go that easy, but the other 18 defendants as well. Let's keep eating our popocorn. God Bless!

MaruQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh no, I am a patriot and I feel sorry for them. My advise is to stock up with Depend diapers, and Pepto Bismol. Oh and don't forget wipes asl well. I am a proud patriot who cares...

MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless all of you for your support and prayers. This is an incredible community. Even though we don't know each other physically, we know that God keep us together. Every day we have to be thankful for what have and for God's blessings. Lord, please help us to continue on, in this spiritual fight, remove the devil from our family, friends and our nation. Love you all. AMEN!

MaruQ 19 points ago +19 / -0

I cried and cried when I saw this video. This is exactly the picture of my daughter. She has not spoken to me in four years, I keep praying that she looks for God for guidance, so far no luck! She belongs to BLM, her brain has been completely washed. I feel like I am running out of time. She got upset with me because I told her that I did not approve of her being part of a hate group. She has so much hate in her heart. I don't recognize her anymore. I am sure that there are a lot of parents like me out there. Let's keep holding on, let's keep praying that one day these lost souls find God again. God please have MERCY!

MaruQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The hypocrisy it never ends and it never will. When the Supreme Court ruled against sleepy Joe about not relieving the debt for college students, he did not care. He turned around give the SC the finger and did it anyway. So now that it is the other way around, of course the DemoRats are upset because Texas is not following up the SC rule? Enough, we need to let them know that we are not putting up with their crap anymore. A country without borders is not a country at all (Trump)

MaruQ 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is something that nobody is talking about, and it is very important. The war in Ukraine has been over for a while. But how does the Biden Administration (Sullivan, Blinken, Nulan, etc.) safe face after this defeat? Well, look here (Gaza and Israel) not at Ukraine anymore. They knew that it was going to be a big backlash for what they have done in Ukraine, so they need a "look overthere" moment. I always believed that Netanyahu is a poppet deep state, and this events have confirmed that. There are credible information out there that Egypt made Israel aware about what was going to happen and Netanyahu did not do anything about it. The alarms did not sound..sound familiar...Please take a look at Judge Napolitano, or The Duran, videos to understand more about this situation.

Frens is the same game over, and over again. DO not follow on the trap again. This is what they want us to do, to take sides. The deep state is playing both sides again. With this war the DS has an excuse to send money to both sides so they keep their narrative and the money coming in. Why do they need all the money? it is called "Election laundry money". All the clowns who are up for reelection next year, need all the money to be reelected. Money goes out, money comes back. Like always follow the money, look at the Fed, they are in the corner trying to figure it out what to do next. They found the solution with the Israel/Hamas, problems. However, this is only a temp solution. Stay alert my frens and don't follow on their trap. Keep your focus on the FED-$$$$ NCSWIC

MaruQ 12 points ago +12 / -0

"Father, forgive them for they do not know wht they are doing" Luke 23:24 Once Jesus was crucified, darkness, clouds, thunders and a storm formed. The darkness is a sign of divine judgement.

It was Jesus who calmed the storm. After three days Jesus resurrected. "From dark to Light". Let's keep praying and let's be patient. I know it is hard, but remenber frens....the best is yet to come.

MaruQ 1 point ago +2 / -1

Anons HELP! yesterday I was reading the New York Post and they have an article about this little (boy) drag called "Desmond is Amazing" I just could not believe what I was reading. I was ready to text the article to my husband, and all of the suddent the article dissapeared, it was yesterday. If anybody finds it, please post it.

This is horrible, the boy's mother looks like a lunatic and the boy's father a typical pedophile. I found some links about him. My heart breaks, this is child abuse.



Apparently these are old articles from 2018, but it is just recently that is coming out to light. The devil right in front of our eyes. Let's pray for this little boy soul.

MaruQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are you patriots ready to fight back! No violence needed of course. This is totally insane to have one month "celebration" for the LGBT agenda. This is nothing but a F..You in our faces, day after day, after day for 30 days. Mother's day one day, Father's Day one day, the resurrection of Jesus one day (even though should be the entire year). Who gave them permission to take June and be theirs. Let's take it back. Why do we have to put up with their crap the entire month? Let's stand up and call June something else and start our own celebration.

Any ideas??

MaruQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just watched the latest The Duran episode, and it seems US is in trouble already. A lot of people are not putting attention about what is going on internationally, due to the fact that there are no credible stories on what really is going on. The Duran are spot on. Please watch their latest episode as it is important to know what is going on internationally. Japan who is a US ally is given Ukraine and the US the finger..LOL

OPEC / Russia, production cuts. Japan breaks oil ceiling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DslDAziwpc

MaruQ 5 points ago +6 / -1

As a Catholic we celebrate today Holy Tuesday of the Holy Week.
Today Tuesday, we pray the Sorrowful Rosary Mysteries.

First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar Third Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion and Death

In any way I am saying that Trump is Jesus, however, there are no coincidences that this is happening during Holy Week. The devil is always trying to distract us from focusing in Jesus and from praying. Let’s keep in prayer so our country will be saved.

Thanks to all of you for your contributions in this amazing community. Happy Easter to all of you, and your families, be SAFE.

MaruQ 4 points ago +5 / -1

Where has Q GONE! Come on frens you don't know? Q finished his work as Q, now he has is moved to Twitter under Elon, he is twitting a different type of messages. Get it YET!!!!!! Follow up carefully.

MaruQ 7 points ago +8 / -1

Frens, mis amigos. I know that a lot of you (including myself) were dissapointed with Trump's speach. We were hoping to hear more than his reelection. However, let's reunite again and support Trump. He is our only hope left, we don't have anybody else that can fight as hard as he does for us. Not only that but he is the only person we as patriots can trust, and the only person that the Cabal is scared of. I really don't know where he find his strenght to continue on. At his age his job is physically and mentally exhausted. It is excruciating. WE CAN NOT LET HIM DOWN. We are at war, we have to support and help each other, love one another. Have you asked yourselves what will we do without Trump? Even his own family is abandon him (Ivanka). Believe me, there is a lot of drama going on within his family (the woman in particular), so he has to put up with all their crap.

For Megyn Kelly to say that she felt asleep with his speach.. how dare she. I bet you that she could not put up with his schedule. How many rallies he conducted? the weekend before, he was celebrating his daughter's wedding. Do you you how exhausted that is?... yes, I know he did not organize the wedding, but he had to put a lot with all their crap. A few days later he was giving his speech. For God's sake the man is human not a machine. Now Garland with this bull s.. Please, please let's continue this fight, for our country, our kids and future grandkids. God is with us, and he better be with us until the end. Love you all

MaruQ -9 points ago +1 / -10

Finally the words that we all were waiting for by our president... "MY FELLOW AMERICANS, THE STORM IS UPON US".... OH YEAAAA, WE ARE HERE LET'S GOOO!!!!

MaruQ 19 points ago +19 / -0

Hola Amigos: Here is my political humble analysis on Pelosi going to Taiwan. I believe that this is a set up, and she just fall for it. The reason why she is going to Taiwan is to protect the DS assets. They think that China is going to "invade" Taiwan, this is further from the truth. I believe China has been in Taiwan for a while. The China invasion to Taiwan was a different invasion than the one from Russia to Ukraine. In a way this was a distraction. If anybody believes that China was going to invade Taiwan with weapons is wrong. This is what Trump and China made the DS believe, so they could get ahead of the game.

Let's think about on why Pompeo went to Taiwan a while ago without no problem. He went there to make sure all the DS assets have been seized. Think about on what Pompeo told Pelosi abut her visit to Taiwan. Do you want to go with me Nancy. He was just bullying her. The DS is running scared they want to know why Pompeo went there. it is already late. China is in control already.

My final thought: wouldn't be nice if Pelosi is arrested in Taiwan with her hands in the cookie jar. Wouldn't this be the first arrest we all are waiting for. Just imagine Pelosi arrested in a foreign country for treason, instead being arrested in the US. Wouldn't this be AWESOME!


MaruQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ivana is death? OMG, do any of you believe that this a natural death. This is a bunch of crap. Ivana was in good health. There is no way that she is death just all of the sudden. Something is up people, this is so evil. To me this is a clear warning to Trump to stop the plan or else... or is a retaliation for putting up all the stuff about Hunter. This was a move from their part, retaliation? Let's pray for Trump and his family. This will hurt Trump's kids at their core. Collateral damage. God please help us to be strong. Evil is real, never doubt it.

MaruQ 47 points ago +47 / -0

Here we go everybody be alert. They want to lock us down AGAIN....what is the first thing they do, implement fear. What is something that people will be scared of? North Korea or Russian declaring a nuclear war. This is their next narrative. Go inside and don't come up until after the elections.

MaruQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden and his tyrant administration has taken the bait. Russian invading Ukraine is nothing but a trap for Biden. Watch what happens next. I believe Zelensky, Putin and the white hats are working together. Is going to be biblical!

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