Seriously. Does no one think about this shit for more than two minutes?
Ooh ooh is it okay to talk about the car insurance mandate now? I've been bitching about that one for years, (particularly when the discussion of Romn^^^^Obamacare comes up) but conservatives have been weirdly protective of the car insurance mandate.
I wonder what changed.
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the economy has been fake since the dotcom crash of 2001 and 2008 (yes, before Obama got in) was where they stopped trying to hide it.
They don't care about Christianity. It's about genociding white people.
Is that from the real General Flynn Twitter account or the fake one?
It's even worse now.
So was I. Still never saw anything about 'free shit'. Discussions about our tax dollars working for us, but no 'free shit'.
Most of what I saw in those circles is the same shit I now see in these ones.
Back when I was hanging around lefty circles on the internet I can't recall a single time anyone wanting 'free stuff'.
The alien invasion is already happening right there at the border.
We've had a shit economy since 2008.
In the coming months ect ect.
You know all that inflation we're having? Where do you think that money goes?
Ambiguous syntax. You married the girl or the actor married the girl? :D
I wish people would get this mad at George Bush. 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Patriot Act and economic crash happened under Bush.
You could ask 100 people for definitions of communism, capitalism, socialism, ect, and you will receive 100 different answers.
How many Credit Unions are just banks in CU clothing?
Super Mario Bros movie from 1993. Portal to an alternate dimension. Ruled by a guy played by Dennis Hopper (sort of a similar role to his character in Water World) allegedly modeled after Trump, something I find interesting considering the second Back To The Future movie which came out about 4-5 years prior where the antagonist is played by a guy supposedly modeled after Trump.
Their computer models must have predicted Trump a long time ago.
Also make the consequences of hiring illegals much more severe. That will put a large dent in the problem as well.
That's the thing. There are parallel societies in America for many illegals now. They have access to everything they need without having to talk to an English speaking person.
The ring of power belongs to one and one only.