Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

If people expect perfect alignment with them from every elected official they will be very disappointed. Even post Great Awakening, the politicians will not always agree with us all the time. We need to select a standard, say 80 percent minimum agreement, for our support and votes and hold them to it.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why all the secrecy? If she's dead, just say so and coronate, is it Charles?

by BQnita
Mcmurdo32 86 points ago +86 / -0

This is a smart move, not just for holding them accountable, which is very important, but by continuing to bring this into the public eye, he damages their credibility so that any award they give in the future is questionable. It damages their ability to prop each other up.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

Om thinking that if the vaccines are wearing out to defend against the virus, their side effects may wear out also. We don't know yet. That what human trials are for, which is essentially what all this is. That said, if one is in a lower risk category, it is better just to get the virus and build natural immunity.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

He advocated for quick availability of vaccines because people were so scared of covid that they were allowing, in their fear, their governments to install communism right under their noses. So with the vaccines, people's fears would be assuaged. Now, obviously, they are failing because they are new technology that will take years of work to perfect, if ever, but it did halt the March to communism via the covid measures, and you are right, people are learning a healthy distrust of the Establishment "experts" and authorities.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then they shouldn't do something so stupid as to require their employees to get an experimental medical procedure. The data is out there for anyone that would bother to look even casually into it, and it's a violation of human rights anyway.

Mcmurdo32 5 points ago +5 / -0

We're lucky the left is actually quite bad at authoritarianism. Oh they want authoritarian power badly. They just don't know how to do it. Oh, and BD waiting for the government to supply his shirts and trousers. We won't have to worry about how much he buys.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those are not really normies. They are lost nutcases. By " normies" I mean people who care more about who wins the game next Sunday than who wins the election.

Mcmurdo32 4 points ago +4 / -0

The people that threw maidens into volcanoes legitimately had no idea why the volcanoes roared. We know the basics of what drives climate and it's ever changing state. We have no excuse for our religious like approach to it.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even if so, I'd still be uncomfortable with it. Same family all in the regional power centers. Speaks of a local dynasty or political machine.

Mcmurdo32 11 points ago +11 / -0

The Deep State narrative is not being promoted very well here. Yes they are trying to promote it, but as your point states, they suck at it. Despite their being our enemies, I have a certain respect for the CCP. We all should. They are very good at what they do, establishing and maintaining authoritarian rule. The American Leftists are just incompetent. We would hardly know they existed but for the continual propping up by the MSM and the Republicans beating themselves.

Mcmurdo32 8 points ago +8 / -0

That won't work with normies. They want inflation dealt with. They will recognize this totally unrelated statement that he gave in response as a confession that Biden either can't or won't try to address inflation. And a good number of them are not any more hot on vaccinating kids than we are.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, but he should also be compensated so thoroughly by defendants in lawsuits that he can buy whatever kind and quantity of firearms he so desires.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw Kyle was the one being chased in the little bit of video that I saw. This whole incident is on video for all to see. It is quite clear what happened. If this is the best the DS could manage in producing a narrative pushing show trial, I'd say we're in pretty good shape.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the best way to go. Guns were not meant to be unloaded. So we should always assume they are.

Mcmurdo32 9 points ago +9 / -0

Absolutely agree. I think this is one of the main reasons for the garbage surrounding the vaccines. They are trying to create two new opposing demographic groups that they can set against each other. Class warfare failed a couple decades ago, at least in America because of our class mobility, and now race baiting is on the serious decline as it becomes apparent that the different races don't really dislike each other that much, and if left to our own devices, we all just tend to relate normally.

Mcmurdo32 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh. He's the one that did that? lol!!

Mcmurdo32 13 points ago +13 / -0

It is the one good thing to come out of the reaction to covid. People, from the random dude in Subway, to friends and family, to various company CEO's to Government officials at all levels, showed us who the really are. I am very disappointed in many, but there were some good also. I am pleased that thus far, my own circle has proven out pretty well. No one banned, boycotted, or otherwise eschewed other friends or family members due to differing approaches to handling covid in their lives. For that I am thankful. I am also thankful that politicians will no longer be able to use states of emergency to institute heavy handed measures or grab power not theirs. I don't care if an asteroid is discovered headed for Earth for an extinction level collision, no leader will be locking anyone down for even a stated short time. They will have to figure out ways of dealing with emergencies that respect the individual freedoms of the people.

Mcmurdo32 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was taught when I was maybe six to never even pretend my finger was a gun and point it at someone. That is just something you don't do, pointing a real gun at anyone unless necessary to defend you or others. Unless they checked to see if it was unloaded right there in front of everyone.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

Uh oh, now Pfizer will sic the CCP on them, as if the CCP needed that excuse.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except in Israel apparently.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paid shill just tweeting the assigned line of the day?

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

Year round mosquitoes. Not to mention having to mow your lawn and weed the flower beds all year. I rather enjoy the 6-7 month break I get from all that around here.

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