Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Disney goes woke, goes broke, then makes the independently owned stations of the ABC network cough up the cash. I'd tell them to fuck off.

Why do local stations even need a frigging network anymore? The shows suck, their news is a fucking joke, and their NFL game shows are fucking garbage.

They'd be better off dumping ABC, possibly work out deal with someone else to air shows that are on streaming services, and maybe make your own soap operas locally (just speculating), and bring back movie of the week or something. What fucking value does ABC bring to stations anymore anyway? The View hags???

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're only anti-death penalty since it makes them look morally superior in their sick heads. The woke would gladly support state sanctioned murder of those that disagree with their garbage way of life.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. I have no idea what's going to happen, but something's happening.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! You too! :-). Something is telling me it is gonna be memorable :-) .

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

That'd replace "Wheres the frequency Kenneth" as the funniest assault quote in history.

I want him to live and face justice. I lost a lot of "friends" calling that fake fuck out early on. When liberals on social media start praising their scientist of the day and start calling you some kind of fucking denier, you know to start digging on the subject.

I didn't know Fauci goes back as far as the Reagan Administration (likely a "suggestion" by scumbag Bush). Im starting to see how some accuse him of creating AIDS ... Sounds unhinged, but if events of the past 40 some years make sense to you, I'm all ears. AIDS has generated trillions of dollars in donations worldwide over the years ... It also made those flamboyant faggots look like victims engaging in a filthy (literally) practice.

Megadeth 5 points ago +5 / -0

Take this for whatever it's worth ... Up until that point, I was quite nervous about the election.

When I first heard he was shot I knew he was ok ... He was of course (praise God) ... But somehow I just knew. Maybe I was in some kind of state of temporary denial in that period where we had no idea of he was ok ... I don't know.

Ever since that moment, I knew things were gonna be ok. I had my bouts of frustration like any human does, but every morning I wake up knowing it'll be ok. I can't say I go to bed like that on occasion knowing how many sickening fucking demonic pedos are out there continuing to run around even after Diddy being exposed (they anger me), but I wake up knowing justice is right around the corner.

I also had this thing stuck in my head where I imagine him in front of a massive, and I mean massive crowd stating that "you have your country back!" causing a roar that will be heard for miles. Seriously ... It's been stuck in my head since 2016, after he won, and before his imagination.

Again, I am not claiming to be anything but a doofus trying to make their way around the universe :-) . All of my reactions I described run counter to the way I typically am (nervous about everything) though. It's strange ... But I've always been considered strange :-) .

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

It felt like something shifted that day in butler this past summer ... The one where someone tried to shoot Trump.

Megadeth 15 points ago +15 / -0

But I'm told Q is fake and gay. /s

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Barack Obama looks like he has what Africans call the slims disease (Aka AIDS here). Always bet on black.

Megadeth 6 points ago +6 / -0

Do what I do when I feel hope is lost ...

  1. You are alive during one of the greatest rebirths of a nation, perhaps all of eastern and western civilizations. Things are going to be amazing in the USA. If the story keeps unfolding the way it has, the entire planet may FINALLY get its shit together without perverted horny demons fucking everything up on the planet.

  2. Always consider how unlikely it is for you to exist when considering the size of the universe. There's a Monty Python song called "The galaxy song". Check it out ... I suggest you listen to it first instead of watching the clip from the movie it first appeared (there's a short, harmless animation of a naked woman ... It's pretty funny too given the context of the song.

  3. If #1 and #2 don't help, then the only thing I can suggest is the Monty Python's more well known song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's because there is a coordinated attack on your state by woke fucks. It's been a while since I've been to Charlotte, but every time I'd visit friends there it would seem like it grew another billion square miles :-). I contrast that with region I live in, Pittsburgh, that seems to be fucking stuck in the 1970s when all of the insanity created by unions that became too powerful took over and ended what Pittsburgh is know for ... Steel.

Anyway, any time a state starts to create opportunity, the commies/woke/faggots start to move in. In the case of NC, it started in the 1990s with RCP in Raleigh iirc (you'd know better, but that's when I started to notice a shift in NC). West coast idiots would move there to work for the many tech companies in the area due to the high taxes and crime they voted for.

Couple that with good old blackmail and corruption, your state falls into the hands of the faggots. See Colorado and New Mexico for similar stories.

Fortunately, I think a lot of cancer is going to be cut out of NC pretty soon. You based people in that area are good people!! :-). A good friend of mine grew up in the Winston Salem area (name of the town eludes me for some reason) ... He's kind of optimistic about the future now.

Megadeth 4 points ago +4 / -0

I guess that was filmed by the only person not tripping on acid.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know that :-). I guess I was trying to say that liberal trash wouldnt be up for working there :-)

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

The day HW Bush is exposed, I'll be fucking relieved. That means the nightmare is almost completely over. I think the precipice has to happen before we learn about that though.

Megadeth 6 points ago +6 / -0

Understood, but the faggots and slime seem to think of the center of the county as "place where stupid, uncivilized people" live. I think real patriots, regardless of political designation, would live in Alaska if they had to! If they'd end lobbying you'd never have to worry about freaks and clowns.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I grew up with Mister Rogers ... seeing that bulbous nosed freak play that man is fucking criminal. I don't think Fred Rogers was a sick pedo ... there was no need for that red shoe wearing faggot motherfucker to play him other than to rub our faces in dogshit.

I cannot wait to see him hang though I think the faggot pussy will take the suicide weekend route.

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Must be why Zuckerberg has a massive wall around his fortress. Jokes on him though ... according to all sorts of (imaginary) scientists walls do not work.

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holy shit it's Henry Rollins!!!!

Megadeth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Monty Python was right with their Attack of the Killer Cars sketch.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try watching any MSM news show having not seen one for four years. You'll be amazed how fucking retarded these actors/reporters are. The first thing I noticed is that nobody talks/converses like someone normal ... It's almost fake sounding ...

I personally quit watching the MSM after 2008. I canceled cable forever in 2014. Fuck them.

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

In that case I'd believe it's government funding Pfizer to fund the View and the kickbacks required to keep people's mouths shut before anything else. I think we are on the same page.

If I'm wrong, people must be tuning in just to laugh at the trainwreck. Those Sunny Hostin hostage videos of her on the View are epic ... They're also a sign that theyre obeying a new master ... I have never seen anything like that happen to a woke race baiter on live TV once let alone 4 times (the first two are the best ... She starts to get cunty and acts like she's making a joke out of it in the third one ... She better watch it.

Megadeth 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I know about MI politics is that when Stretchin Gretchen bursts, it's gonna be a complete mess ... Kinda like the stay puft marshmallow man's mess only hers will be dress buttons sent in all sorts of directions near light speed as well as pieces of dress that smell like decaying trout and despair.

Please be careful. Love your state BTW :-).

Megadeth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joe will write them all a check for several billion to fix that. ABC is their crown jewel ... Disney serves their masters well ... Well, used to ... Fucking pedos.

There is no fucking way The View exists by ad revenue.

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