MewThat 4 points ago +4 / -0

she agreed to testify "truthfully" in future cases. nothing about "testifying against trump". She can be called up to witness stand and drop some truth bombs, until they dismiss her.

MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

wait..you're saying that the feds win 99.9% of their cases against people because they always have the best "case"?

MewThat 7 points ago +7 / -0

more like...how much longer is trump and space force willing to let his most ardent supporters take enemy fire?

MewThat 3 points ago +3 / -0

when does this movie end please

MewThat 1 point ago +2 / -1

incredibly few doctors spoke out after the obvious RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE in even the idea of pushing a new technology/mystery vial inside the bodies of every human on Earth. AND they're STILL mostly silent after all the "all cause mortality" effects we've seen since the rollout. it's unreal how controlled from the top medicine is. no actual regulators, no whistle blowing, like is there a more disappointing sector in society? We needed their protection and they proved to be absolute pushovers for their overlords. brainwashed idiots that get tons of money/prestige for just parroting what they get from their most recent emailed newsletter.

This makes the few that went against the grain absolutely stars in my mind. I've switched my family doctors because of these crimes against humanity.

MewThat 2 points ago +4 / -2

agreed. I always get nervous about our messengers when they do this. (BUT...trump DID point to her...so there's that)

MewThat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've always been very confused on where to stick Israel. My instincts are to force everyone into the box of either globalists great resetters or freedom loving nationalists. With Israel...I know we get the Epsteins and the 9/11's, maintaining territory for another people (where else is that arrangement?). (native americans aren't stuck on reservations, anyway it's weird) etc...., but yet Israel makes enemies with globalist Soros. Trump and Gaetz signal their support constantly. And here, Biden proxies a war versus them? Is this a devo action? Trump controlling Biden? Is it all American politics distraction? wag the dog as you say? or...perpetual war whoever the players are? prop up the weaker whether it Ukraine or Hamas?

MewThat 12 points ago +12 / -0

Can someone explain like i'm a 1st grader?

MewThat 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm a little conflicted on the recorders, because it's sooo productive to immortalize the crime. If this individual was not recorded, then I seriously doubt her punishment would rise to the level needed. Even perhaps, she or others would get away unpunished, and go on to do more assaults. This is likely not her first assault, but she continues with her behavior. Perhaps the recorder just saw an escalation occurring?

MewThat 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ya...can you give me the cliff notes on this? I got taken in by this early on..then...never heard how we figured out it was slander.

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol had me for a second

MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe this, however blackmailed, you still going to take and promote and give your child this jab? i don't buy that scenario

MewThat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Always surprised that the individuals that I perceived to be "insiders" or "in the know" like a Lebron, actually took the bioweapon....i guess i should know that they have a really, really limited club. otherwise they'd have more info leaks. so...billionaire propaganda tools like Lebron and smaller country nobility like the King of Thailand were fooled. I wonder if we're talking like only hundreds of people that were in on it. The Lebrons of the world are truly just low IQ I guess... I'm still waiting for these types to flip and start getting really really pissed. That will be very interesting when that happens.

MewThat 7 points ago +7 / -0

J&J is mrna as well. different delivery system. I believe it is more than just notable that the cabal was pushing phizer/moderna. Hopefully that means that J&J didn't have some swampy additional junk in there. I would feel much better having J&J in me than the other two.

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

well...if traitor, then "Oh Well's" comments are the way. If kayfabe, then Pence wants you to hate him anyways, so pile on. (either way, good analysis to keep in the back of your mind till we have more information.)

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our Deputy Secretary of Nuclear Energy having dog sexual fetish, being a member of a hate group with the name Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and being arrested for stealing luggage and wearing the stolen clothes from the victim, fashion designer.

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