MikeTheCubed 4 points ago +4 / -0

I read the following snippet about the place I live earlier:

In 1902 there was a riot in Watford Town. Watford’s Town Council had planned lots of free celebrations to mark the coronation of King Edward VII that Summer. For the poor people living in the slums of Watford this provided hope and they were looking forward to it. Children were promised a shilling, there would be a band and sports day at Cassiobury Park and a big bonfire and a party was planned for the evening. However, a few days before the coronation the King became very ill with appendicitis. The town council decided to cancel the free entertainments in case the King actually died. The deprived people of Watford were bitterly disappointed and became very angry. The newspapers at the time reported that the ‘rougher element’ of Watford’s population went on a rampage. Many shops were vandalised and looted, goods were taken, buildings were set alight and there was lots of fighting in the streets resulting in, ‘pools of blood’.

Gonna start a riot if this coronation doesn't go ahead 😉.

MikeTheCubed 8 points ago +8 / -0

At first I thought it was to ritually mock us, but eventually I began to think it seemed too perfect. Part of the movie perhaps.

MikeTheCubed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, it's the public's fault. Nothing to do with spunking hundreds of billions up the wall on the Covid scam while shutting down the economy for 18 months.

MikeTheCubed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Certainly some kind of shill/psyop group; the hypocrisy is too perfectly widespread among them.

MikeTheCubed 8 points ago +8 / -0

UK are supposedly doing a test emergency alert on Sunday. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

MikeTheCubed 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are a few drops containing [LL].

MikeTheCubed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't see how it could be relevant and of course could be complete coincidence, but wondered whether this could be a comm related to a Q drop, and the mirror of 6942 (DogeCoin) is:

2496 u/#q2496

Item used when walking a dog?


The original tweet was made at 17:23 Eastern time.

1723 u/#q1723

MikeTheCubed 1 point ago +1 / -0

The picture shows that the passport was renewed up until 1969, during which Obama Sr. had been through 3 wives and had 4 children (including Barack Jr.). Yet the passport has blank entry for wives & children.

MikeTheCubed 8 points ago +9 / -1

Only bad countries like Russia arrest political dissidents and imprison them for years without charge.

Luckily we don't do that kind of thing here in the UK.

MikeTheCubed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Could Malik be attempting to draw attention to a subtle detail within the passport? It's pretty obvious after looking at it for 5 seconds that it's Obama Senior's passport.

MikeTheCubed 11 points ago +11 / -0

Just before the game, he had been celebrating the birthday of his 9-year-old daughter Victoria.

Birthday parties linked to increase in heart attacks, according to new study.

MikeTheCubed 2 points ago +2 / -0

We saw this happen during the scamdemic; lMF bribe countries in to going along with the agenda and punishing their own citizens. And countries which didn't accept these bribes then had existing grants removed while the western fake news media smeared their leaders.

MikeTheCubed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Speculation surrounding these clips is nothing new here, but I don't recall this being circulated by il Donaldo before.

MikeTheCubed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Given the large array of articles around the world about health workers supposedly going rogue and administering people with saline, as well as articles claiming people were accidentally administered with saline, it is plausible that such an operation was conducted.

MikeTheCubed 3 points ago +4 / -1

Imposing such a mandate on the military could have been a necessary tool to expose traitors (in terms of who enforced it).

MikeTheCubed 1 point ago +2 / -1

Saw Bruce Willis in the news reportedly for having dementia, then discovered he's the same height as Biden and has very similar arms to when Biden supposedly got jabbed. Incidentally they appeared on stage side by side together at a conference in 2016.

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