- God will deal with the people and government of Israel the way He always does - fairly and according to His plan.
- He knows who is evil, who belongs to the synagogue of satan (fake Jews) and who are His chosen people.
- He has had a plan in place since the beginning to save both Jews and Gentiles.
- We need to trust Him and His plan.
- He is in complete control of everything. Our fussing, worrying and fear are all futile.
Kamala and Tampon Tim are not going to make it to the finish line either. There is no need to fret and worry about Trump's campaign. The Dems are in complete disarray and it's best to just let them destroy themselves. They will eventually install their real choice (Big Mike) - that is why all the Obama people are joining the Harris campaign (David Plouffe, Stephanie Cutter and Mitch Stewart).
Kamala and Tim will take the fall for open borders and the bad economy. Big Mike and Hillary will rise from the ashes to try and once again steal the election - this too will fail.
I will NOT comply (again).
Dan Goldman is a deep state commie goof-ball. He has devoted his entire life to destroying his country and promoting the radical left agenda. I hope he finds his way to GITMO and that he meets justice for what he has done.
...and these airheads told us that we were selfish and stupid because we wouldn't "follow the science" - now they see why! Very sad.
I think her parrot is smarter than she was.
England has fallen.
Do you mean their monopoly on lies?
I suspect that Elon is a significant role player in the Q plan but not a full patch member of the Q team.
The panic is palpable - the cornered rats know that the end is near.
Too much vodka in that troubled mind.
He hasn't had any vax shots!
Dirty people, dirty money and dirty deeds.
Dirty cops.
- She is wrong about everything she says
- Her platform is heavily financed and monetized by making these false prophesies to a large subscriber base
- She has duped a lot of people who clearly lack biblical discernment
Obviously - now let's see what gets done about it.
Be careful of false prophets see here
The King James bible is the preserved Word of God. All the other translations are perversions and should be avoided at all costs.
Not surprising - both are DS cabal members of WEF.
Good riddance evil doer.
Putin will squash them like a bug.
You're crazy! Relax and enjoy the show.
He should be flogged in the public square for all to see.
Colonel Jessep: You can't handle the truth
I checked on Academy_Award_for_Best_Picture to see how far back I'd have to go to find a movie I'd actually watched. It was 1995 - Braveheart. It's probably at least 20 years since I watched a movie in a theater. It is all garbage.
Change of batters is coming.