Collecting DNA. Can you get any more big brother, boot in your face forever than that?
It seems that the average retard doesn't know or care about this.
Many heroes will have to be exposed or they won't even notice.
Get with it, Q.
Attention actuaries. Statistically, how many of that group should we expect to die or get seriously ill in that time frame?
Also, how many of the people a married couple knows should be expected to die of suicide, murder or air plane crashes in 30 years?
The Clintons are just curious.
I've known some actuaries and the things they can figure out will rock your mind.
Meaning what, exactly?
Look the other way? No prosecution for crimes? What?
Absolutely. Crooked, America Last or not at all politicians sold manufacturing to foreign countries. That's how so many got so wealthy over the last 60 years. It's not a secret.
Bring it back for economic and national security reasons. Let's return to one man with one job being able to buy a house, a couple of cars, and raise a family.
You can't make it too big to rig. Worst case, the media simply ignores the vote counts, publishes their own, and declares Harris to be the winner. And for most people, once the media declares it, it's written in stone as THE TRUTH. Think they won't do this?
Anyone who objects will be accused of, AND PROCECUTED for, election interference, just like last time. How do you beat cheaters while playing by the rules? You can't.
I hope they have better plans than just making more votes the cheaters will throw away or flip to Harris, or load in at 3:00am, like 2020.
False narratives (lies accepted as the truth) are what hide the truth from people. In the same way that carbon monoxide kills you by displacing oxygen. False narratives blind you by displacing the truth. Because you believe what is false, you can't believe the truth. This is true in all things.
What's coming MUST begin with the exposure of the truth in such a way that all of the false narratives fall. That's a prerequisite for everything we hope will happen. Without that, nothing can happen.
Q has even said that the exposure of crimes against humanity and children will unite us.
So, exposure is what's coming. The reason timing is important is that they need to remove barriers to exposure, before exposure. They are now disarming the DS so it can't stop the exposure once it begins in earnest.
Why do you think they didn't know?
Those are theater kicks. Every one of them is pulled. It's fake. You can see it clearly. Virtually no contact of any significance at all. A false flag.
There going to cheat. Harris will win. Then hopefully the good guys will do what they should have done 8 years ago.
What can start what is coming?
Forgiveness and mercy will guarantee that they will return in less than a generation. Then they'll kill more and have to be dealt with again. No, the consequences should be dealt out without mercy. The punishment should be so bad that their children will see it and be afraid. This is mercy to the innocent.
Stop accusing people of incompetence and stupidity. They are not incompetent or stupid. They are corrupt and evil. They mean to hurt people.
Just arrest and confiscate. Let them rest in jail for 24 hours.
FEMA fuckers kinda rolls of the tongue.
Trump is a world class CEO. Those guys have a CEO persona that they use when they're on the job.
For good reason, they are what the rest of us view as arrogant and rude. They don't shy away from awkward questions or comments. If someone has failed in their responsibilities they will call them out, right there in a meeting, in front of everyone. They are executives. They are responsible for executing, aka getting things done. They can't worry about being what most think of as nice.
But, it's an act, or sorts. They know what they're doing. It's calculated to get results from people who may or may not be properly motivated.
But, of course they are not like that 24/7 to everyone they meet. And not to family.
All reports are that Trump is a nice guy at the personal level.
Fema is getting kick backs from approved vendors. That's why.
They have kick back deals with approved vendors. If regular people help, FEMA bosses don't get a cut.
The politicians have been betraying us for decades.
Where did so much of our manufacturing go, and why?
Why is so much IT done by foreigners here and in other countries?
The politicians made it cheaper and easier to do business that way. On purpose. To break us down. America Last has been their principle for decades.
Make America Great Again is not just a clever phrase. Trump knows what they've done.
It's not incompetence or stupidity. Stop accusing them of that. It's malice. It's criminality.
Phoney working class hero.
My older siblings?
I believe they have to. They'll start a hell of a conflict Nov 3rd, and declare we can't have an election during these "troubling times" and we must come together as a people under the historic leadership of President Harris. The first black, "person with a uterus", President.
Those people are not stupid. They are corrupt and evil. Having wars to make money is corrupt and evil.