MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tried to go to a Trump rally in Nashville back in the day. There were lines to get into lines to get into lines to get into the line to get into the venue.

At the posted start time, there were still thousands in line. Thousands. It was unbelievable. I went home.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mass illegal immigration IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING. And governments are doing it all over the world.

We, humanity, we are being trafficked right out in the open. To our faces. We are like cattle to them. We are herded to where they want us for their purposes.

MisprisionIsEvil 9 points ago +9 / -0

They don't support her.

They just hate Trump because they're idiots without any understanding.

"He's not nice." That's the extent of their political analysis.

MisprisionIsEvil 3 points ago +4 / -1

Banning for "two moar weeks" was and is juvenile.

MisprisionIsEvil 3 points ago +3 / -0

The owners of the Federal Reserve have TRILLIONS stashed away. Ill gotten gains from a system they rigged, under color of law, to drain our wealth into their pockets. Take it back and give them jobs at GITMO.

MisprisionIsEvil 3 points ago +3 / -0

The owners of the Federal Reserve have TRILLIONS stashed away. Wealth they took from use through inflation and fiat money. They did nothing for it except to rig the system for themselves. Start there.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been voting since the 70s. Nebraska, Kansas, Virginia and Tennessee. I have never voted without showing my ID. Never. Not even once. No ID meant you couldn't vote. The only reason to not ID people is to facilitate cheating.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure he knows much we don't, but too b8g to rig is not true. Unless they are actively stopped, they will rig it.

They've already told us they will. That's what "No results on election night" means.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

What people can't understand, or won't understand, is that "religion", in our founding documents, means Christianity.

Everything else was pagan, heathen or false religion.

People take our current inclusive use of the word "religion" and read it back into the founding documents. The founders had no interest in establishing anti-Christs like Judaism or Islam. They would have viewed that as madness upon which you can't build a nation.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you vote early, then your name can't be stolen and used later since you'll be in the "already voted" list. In theory.

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