Moman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once we get our affairs in order. We need to just go in and take over Mexico. Destroy the cartels, all of the corrupt government, military and police. Give that country back to the people. America has a lot of cleanup to do to fix everything that the clowns have broken.

Moman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Surely we have some smart people and Redneck inventors in this group that could reinvent this machine and just release it to the world open source. It doesn’t look that complicated.

Moman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except they would be violating everyone’s civil rights to find out. Texas isn’t a stop and Id state.

Moman 3 points ago +3 / -0

He should have called it Q! That would of gotten a lot of attention lol

Moman 3 points ago +3 / -0

For starters the the crimes and full evidence of ALL the traitors and evil doers needs to be fully released and the executions need to be public and absolutely fucking brutal!! Then there needs to be some laws put in place for future crimes that will allow people in government to be held accountable when they stray away from the path. And they will, there’s always someone trying to get more power through corruption.

Moman 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, liberalism is a mental disease.

Moman 4 points ago +4 / -0

Saying it’s gonna happen means shit until it actually happens.

Moman 4 points ago +4 / -0

Illegal’s can stay anywhere they want outside of the country where they belong.

Moman -1 points ago +1 / -2

Is that because the lord doesn’t let Christian’s get sick?

Moman 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one is a pure blood anymore with all the shit they add to everything. If you’ve been around anyone vaxed while they were shedding you have something in you.

Moman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Her parents aren’t in the picture. Her mother tried to sell her for drugs when she was very little and I believe her dad is in and out of prison. Like I said she’s had a rough life. This cop is a predator and just knew by looking at her she was an easy target. I’m sure this our girl didn’t think anyone would believe her, but still you’d think the judge taking custody away from her would be able to see how old she was at the time she got pregnant. The whole system is corrupt, makes me sick!!

Moman 6 points ago +6 / -0

I heard a crazy mind blowing story last night. It’s a disturbing story that I feel like needs to be shared. And well I wasn’t sure it needed its own post so i put it here.

I work 2nd shift my girl works first. Every night at lunch we FaceTime each other to catch up on the day. Tonight she’s telling me about the usual drama at her work, about how a lady she works with that her bf broke up with her over the weekend and she’s so heart broke that she hasn’t been to work all week, blah blah whatever right. Well then she tells me about another girl that got some bad news today about the custody battle she’s having with her baby’s daddy, and that the courts won’t let her have custody of her 3 year old (remember baby’s age). My girl was explaining how this girl has has a pretty rough life but was a trooper that came to work everyday and works hard. She also said the baby’s dad is a cop and is 13 years older than this girl. So I ask how old is she is?? Thinking ok we are talking about a 30 something girl. My girlfriend got this distressed look on her face and said her friend is 19!! WHAT THE FU€K!! This dude is a fucking cop and literally got away with getting a 15 year old (at the time) pregnant without any repercussions. How is this possible? I guess this girl was at a party drinking when she was 14, this cop showed up at the house after the neighbors called the police. This girl said he asked her how old she was, then told her she didn’t belong at a party like that so he took her home. The problem is he took her to his home and Raped her. Then I guess it became an ongoing thing until she got pregnant, and I guess no one has thought to question anything??? I don’t get it I don’t understand. I know this country is in pretty shitty shape right now but how do the courts think this is ok??? How is this guy not in prison???

Surely something can be done to help this girl and put that cop in jail!

Moman 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is the exact name of the group on X so that I can search for it in the app? The link takes me to a sign in page that doesn’t like my login.

Moman 1 point ago +1 / -0

What’s the exact name of the group on x?

Moman 2 points ago +2 / -0

The majority would leave on their own if the penalty for being caught illegally in this country were high enough. Cut off their money, turn off their free phones and have very very stiff penalties for companies that hire illegals.

Moman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is Derrick Johnson on this list when he gives the sauce to back up what he says?

Who is on your goto list of truthers to listen to?

Moman 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t feel like then starting a civil war would be in their best interest imo. I mean it would cause a lot of minion losses on their part. We know on a local level who is on the left and knowingly (or unknowingly) working for the cabal directly (or indirectly). There is way more pissed off patriots that would take it opon themselves to hunt down and eliminate these bastards on the local level.

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