Yes it is. Reputation matters. If you're a serious psychologist or therapist, the last thing you'd do is appear on a show like Jerry Springer which was an obvious circus act. People would rapidly associate you with that level of quality of information. Alex Jones has a similar reputation, particularly after the railroading he got in the court system over his Sandy Hook comments. If you go on Alex Jones, people are going to think you're a whackjob.
At this point, I'd believe those weapons ended up literally anywhere and everywhere. There's a reason Congress refused to include provisions requiring tracking and audits.
That's the advantage of the hivemind here, lol =) Some of it's legit, some of it's really insightful, some of it is pure autism, and some of it's just shitposting goodness, but within that potent mix, there's usually a solid understanding to be had.
Assad was not a nice guy. He's a typical Middle East dictator/strong man. It's what you sort of have to be in order to hold power among those cultures. You sort of have to act like a mafia boss, and Assad did.
The issue with Assad is that he was in the way of several projects. There were several planned pipelines from eastern Syria and northern Iraqi oil fields and another from Iran that were to cross Syria to the Mediterranean coast and then transit either to ports in Greece or Italy. Assad wasn't playing ball. In 2017, it got worse with the discovery of a huge LNG reserve underneath the Golan Heights, so now the Greater Israel project (Zionism, expanded) enlarged to include seizing Lebanon's southern coast for the offshore oil there as well as seizing Syrian territory for the LNG.
It got more complicated when Russia entered the mix. Putin has long understood the cabal he's playing against, so when John McStain and Miss Lindsay went over to Syria and hired up the "moderate Islamists" to foment a color revolution against Assad, Russia stepped in to defend the Assad regime. At stake for them was a hand in the Middle East, but more to the point, Assad was letting them utilize a warm-water naval base in Syria. This is 3 years before they seized the naval base in Sevastopol, Crimea in 2014, so at the time, it was their naval portal to the Atlantic. All their other ports are in the Arctic which gets iced in half the year. So, Russia makes a play for its own advantage, but also to counter the cabal's play for cheap oil flows to Europe. This forces them to use Russia oil coming via pipelines through Ukraine (now you see why Ukraine ends up getting color revolution'd in 2014?)
So, basically, our "intelligence agencies" hired and armed some of the most violent and virulent jihadis anywhere on the planet, created ISIS, and set off false flag chem weapon attacks against kids in order to depose Assad so they could take his oil.
The question isn't so much whether Assad was a good guy or not. It's whether we were the baddies for messing with him in the first place.
You could always pronounce it the Russian way: Москва.
Trying to suss out Jewish history as always been a challenge because of the diaspora and because of the frank lying about their identity that was driven by the failing to integrate into any place they ever went. They formed colonies, did their own thing, and often ended up in conflict with the native populations who got tired of them and kick them out. That's not to say that Jews were always bad, deserved what they got, or failed to contribute. It's obviously more complicated than that, but this particular history means that clean and precise, well-preserved records of their history are hard to find sometimes. You have to rely on their own rabbis' records which are obviously biased.
Anyway, it's important history to know. After the Roman empire, many Jews spread out across the Mediterranean, but a large nexus of them formed among the Khazars, an aggressive trading empire in central Asia and Eastern Europe. These people converted to Judaism (the Ashkenazi ones), so they're ethnically distinct from the Jews of Judea (the Sephardic ones). The ones we're dealing with right now in Ukraine, the ones who came up with Marxism in Vienna, Austria, the ones who fomented communism in Russia and who committed some of the worst atrocities ever seen on this planet where the ancestors of the Khazars. The ones who fled Russia and ended up in New York are also from this group and are predominantly Ashkenazi). Just as a curiosity, Latin America is full of Sephardic Jews with actual genetic ties to Judea. They were driven out of Europe during the Inquisition and became the "conversos" (forced to convert to Catholicism to save their hides), and many ended up in New Spain or pirating around the Caribbean. Yes, many of the famed pirates were Jewish, and so were the ship owners that ran the Atlantic slave trade.
When you hear on this website "we're saving Israel for last," a lot of this hidden history is why. It's an absolutely deadly third rail to talk about with some people.
The alternative to insurance is that you get the bill flat out from the hospital. Can you afford a $5K bill for an ambulance ride? A $3K bill for ER care, $200 for the lab work? $1500 for the CT-scan? $500 for the ER physician's consult? $5000 for the MRI? $500 for the surgeon's consult?... etc, etc.
Insurance is a necessary evil. It spreads out the financial risk across time and across the population making the service more affordable for everyone. But we have to understand the insurer's perspective. Their entire business is in assuming someone else's risk. The only way to do that is to give them a way to make some money themselves by doing it. If we tell them they can't have a profit, why take on the risk? Leave it to the individual to manage his own risk. So, the question here really is what is a "fair" profit for the service they provide?
And it gets more complicated than that because then we have to deal with the value judgement about what's being purchased. If you walk into a Walmart with a greedy toddler, they'll tell you they "need" every toy in the toy section. Maybe he's got a rich, doting grandparent who he expects to pay for it. Who actually makes the decision about what the kid needs? Not the toddler (our patient). Maybe the parent (our doctor) gets a say, but really the decision is made by the grandparent (the 3rd party payer). We've got a system that separates the people with the biggest stake in the value assessment (ie 'is this worth the price I'm being asked to pay?') from the decision to pay or not. In fact, in our scenario, Walmart figures out the game and takes all the price tags off the products knowing that the rich grandparent is going to pay regardless, then jacks up the prices. That whole scheme has to be changed.
Humana's no better. I had the misfortune to require their services for a few years now. The copays are ridiculous, even on their "good" plans, and of course, just like anyone else, they like denying claims. Every time I needed a new medication, we went through several rounds of denials before the doc got on the phone and chewed their consultant doctor's ass until he approved it. They create these protocols in the way they do to make it easy to deny expensive therapies.
I think your last line is key. They bleed their patients dry while positing billions in profit. Morally, we think of healthcare as a non-profit concept. We need the business acumen to keep the system running efficiently. We need the brain in the system, but we also need the heart - and it's tough to design a system that relies on people choosing to be decent and moral people. You can't legislate that, and it's very tough to run a business like that.
It looks like a professional. But, someone disgruntled could very well have been the one who hired the hitter. The fact that he hasn't been caught yet tells us he's not an amateur. He at least has had some training and a well thought out plan.
United healthcare is notorious. It's 32% claim rejection rate is legendary. It's an unbelievable frustration for physicians trying to get coverage for care for their patients. You spend hours on the phone with them. You pour man-hours into the prior authorization paper work. You document. You explain. You cajole. Then they reject the claim and meanwhile while you're dicking around with this bureaucratic nonsense, your patient is not getting treatment. The patient gets the shaft while they post record profits for their shareholders.
I totally understand the emotions swirling about the CEO's murder. It's reprehensible to try and hold one person's life as punishment for an entire organization like this, or to call for his death at all. That's not moral, but I understand.
Insurance as a for-profit enterprise is a major drain on the US healthcare system. You need a profit motive to get people to be willing to take on the financial risk the business entails. That's Econ 101, but these guys have too many laws and policies that allow them too much safety from paying claims they should be paying.
Fixing it is not simple however. A scalpel is needed. Maybe one of those monstrously large scalpels they use for autopsies, but a scalpel, and not a chainsaw.
I like where you're going with this. It's just an undocumented homeless shelter. Let's see them try and work around that particular phrasing.
... because living in a tent in the middle of winter is so much better than a wood house that's "not up to code."
You can't make stuff like this up. It's so braindead that it could only come from the mind of a low IQ career-employed bureaucrat.
Gilead is the pharmaceutical company that makes all the HIV anti-retroviral drugs. It's a "balm" alright, but for a population that wouldn't typically be considered "biblical."
It's definitely PR spin. The story is that it's a date palm that was thought to be extinct. They found some seeds and got them to germinate in a lab. They've been using those to respawn the tree and have had some success. It's a Jewish botany professor, IIRC, doing the work and she made headlines last year with it.
The whole "balm of Gilead" is just opportunistic spin from morons looking for signs of the Revelation and willing to apply basically anything to the metaphor whether it really fits or not because they want to believe. I don't like to crap on anyone's religion. Religion drives people to do good things for others and is generally a good thing, but the zealotry leads to stuff like this.
It's a date palm. It grows dates. They were famous back in antiquity. It's a monoculture based on the DNA of one plant, so it's fragile as hell and can easily be wiped out at this point because there's no genetic diversity, so it's a glorified lab experiment.
Yes, and it's Billy Gates and China doing it. China's grabbing up everything near the military bases and Vaccine Gates is buying up everything else and promising to put the vaccines in some form or other into the food at the source, so you don't have a choice about taking his shots anymore.
It probably is, but who owns the prosecutors and the judges? (Blackrock)
Is it any surprise to anyone hear that Leftists don't give up power willingly? They don't care about honor. They don't care about a "loss of confidence." They don't see what they do as a "service" to anyone. It's a right to them, a right to rule that they possess because they're better people.
It's an ugly reality, but that's how Leftism works. Things have to get extreme to get rid of them.
False premise. There is at least one name: Donald Trump. His name appears on the flight logs, but it is crystal clear what his response was to what was going on: "wow that's awful, I didn't know that was happening there... how can I help"
Let's give credit where it's due.
Sick and tired of their BS, that's why I hate these people. Matt Walsh publishes this just to start a "drip drip drip" of sensation and outrage he's going to ride for weeks to months if he can.
You have names. NAME THEM. You have data. Put it up. Tell people what you know or shut up. Quit stringing people along by dropping tidbits for weeks just so you can keep milking it for views and clicks.
So sick of these people who care more about the money and the business model than informing the people.
Especially with "rights" talk, the details matter. Classic liberalism is built on negative rights, that is, the government promises not to do things. Modern progressivism (Marxism) is based on positive rights where the government promises to provide things to everyone.
One of these promises can always be kept. One of them cannot. I really wish more young people really understood what this sort of thing means.
If you tell people they have a "right" to food, water, and shelter, does that mean they can walk into a restaurant or grocery store and eat without paying? Does it mean they can walk into a house and occupy it at will? If so, what do we call it when we allow people to take and use things they do not own (theft)?
If you tell people they have a "right" to healthcare, does that mean that you can force a doctor and nurse to take care of you if you can't afford to pay them? And if so, what do we call it when we force a person to work without paying them (slavery)?
Modern progressive thought revolves explicitly around justifying both theft and slavery. It is the opposite of freedom and liberty, which cannot exist outside of a system based on voluntary human interaction.
The only liberties the "liberals" seem to support are:
- the right to drug yourself into stupidity
- the right to mutilate children and engage in sexually degenerate behavior and make others pay for the costs
- and the right to execute your own offspring in utero
I'm beyond tired of hearing how these people have a "right" to take what they haven't earned to pay for the consequences of whatever stupid and dangerous self-indulgent behaviors they feel compelled to exhibit.
This is what I'm thinking as well. Fox and DecisionDesk are calling WI for Trump making it official at 280, but no one else is. The more I keep checking, the more I think they're counting on 3:30AM shenanigans like in 2020. "Oh, he's behind 400,000? Well, these 600,000 votes in one giant tranche just arrived 100% for Kamala. It's totally legit, you see."
The other thing is the sheer demoralization. We have to remember that a lot of this is the urinalists themselves who genuinely believed the lies they were telling. They believed the suppression polls claiming things were close. Those polls two days ago showing Kamala swing back a few points ahead? These people were all hoping, and we're watching those hopes be dashed and them having to come to terms with "LiTERallY HiTLeR" being back in office.
They don't want to say it. They're going to burst out in tears if they say it, so I think that may be a lot of the reason we don't have a call. The people who make the call were so invested in a win, they can't face the prospect of having to say they "lost." If they can point to Reuters and say Reuters isn't calling it yet, I think they're going to wait as long as possible.
I'm not so sure. They're doing the suppression polling again, including acknowledging the pseudo-poll in the Vegas betting odds. Big money is being poured in to make those look more even than they would organically be. It's clear the big money intends to cheat again and is counting on it being successful.
To our credit, we've got patriot eyes literally everywhere. When shenanigans are happening, the cell phones are coming out, stuff is being posted to social media and instantly boosted around the world on the internet. It's forcing local precincts to act to correct or else be exposed as part of the fraud. Sunlight is a seriously effective disinfectant. If we think about what this means, We the People are the cavalry, and we've rode in to save the day. We the People are putting in the votes. We the People are securing the vote.
The electronic fraud is the big variable here. By nature, it's impossible to observe. It's just electrons flowing from circuit to circuit... we'll see if the wizards and warlocks have counterspells in place for that kind of black sorcery.
There's a lot of cheering for this on this board. I'm not sure people necessarily understand how much we benefitted from the hegemony of the dollar. Life is going to get significantly harder while we're busy cheering BRICS and the replacement of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. You should see what happened to the UK when the Pound Sterling lost that status.
I have enough education to know that risks of emergent disease is real and there's always the threat something new can crop up. I spent enough time in Microbiology, Virology, and Public Health type courses to know about factors at play, how they interact, and how we go about combating or preventing such things. Science is real.
Fear porn is NOT science.
I will NOT be locked in my house by my government. I will not be forcibly quarantined. Quarantine is for the sick and those exposed to a pathogen who will become sick. It is not for the general population. The choice to quarantine on a public health scale is inherently personal. The government simply doesn't have the resources to compel it if the public chooses not to comply (as in, they panic and run).
No more mandates. No more lockdowns.
If the science is sound, we'll take care of our own affairs and act in our own self-interest, especially those of us who have the knowledge and background to read and follow the latest published research.
Bird flu is totally being blown out of proportion. Yes, it infects birds. Yes, it infects nearly every species of wild bird in N. America and has found its way into factory farm flocks. The cases of human cross-over are counted on your fingers. They've all been mild. There is a real risk it could be worse than that, but that risk has NOT appeared in real data.
UFOs. What we're watching is drones. Everyone knows they're drones. The video clearly shows drones. They've found downed drones on the ground. They're human made, not alien.
Maybe they're alien like the illegal aliens, ie, from a foreign country, but I doubt it. Why? Because we have a ruling regime that wants to set the world on fire looking for a war anywhere they could find one. If a foreign country were launching these drones, we'd be hearing about it 24/7 in the news with Neocons screaming in Congress for war.
Therefore, the drones are American. They're not being shot down by the military because the military knows what they are and who are operating them and has chosen not to shoot them down. The US government is operating these drones for some purpose.
They won't tell the public. Why? This one I'm having more difficult with. The sane part of me says they don't want to start a panic, but the realist knows that they've been trying to start a panic for years so they can use it to start wars or to increase their own power. Panic leads people to demand security and give up their freedoms to get it. People are speculating this has to do with some draconian FAA "security" bill. This may be accurate. It's a controlled panic to allow them to sneak this thing into the Omnibus (they just tried that, actually).
Frankly, I think the only reason we're not hearing more about it directly is that this would mean the Pentagon stepping in and pretending to be impotent. It would pretend it doesn't know what these are and can't combat that. Neither looks good when you're trying to bluff China out of taking Taiwan and bluff Russia out of walking over the rest of Ukraine. When weak, appear strong. I think this is the reason they're not pushing the panic button harder over this drone thing. Self-interest with these people, always.