MordenGeist 11 points ago +11 / -0

Except this wasn't by Ben. Ben was pointing out a fellow cartoonist getting sacked for drawing it.

by BQnita
MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm remaining optimistically cautious, but the dude used to be my hate sandwich. He's waking up and seeing the lies he was programmed with being a Hellywood toy. So far, his road is rough, like a dirt road, but he's doing his best to stay out of the ditch. Can't help but give a little updoot for his effort. If he continues and fully sheds his past, he's going to be a great example to others.

But, as I said...optimistically cautious. We'll see.

by BQnita
MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

The pain graphic affecting me isnt on this chart.

My middle fingers, on both hands, are really getting tendon, muscle, and bone fatigue from so much use over the last 2 years. What do?

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

To add--

There will NEVER not be casualties in War and make no mistake, this IS a War.

Your purpose as a digital soldier, with all the resources posted here and elsewhere freely and easily searchable, is to do your damned best AS A SOLDIER IN THIS FIGHT to protect those citizens you're complaining about by passing the bombs dropped.

You have 2 choices:

  1. Be a soldier in this fight, do your duty, and protect others as best you can.

  2. Be part of the problem, in which case STFU and take what's coming.

So fkin tired of pissing and moaning. Understand there WILL be casualties and death. We are here to mitigate as best we can, not complain every time one of our bretheren falls.

A true soldier fights to the bitter end, not cower.

A true soldier protects, not runs in the face of the enemy.

A true soldier does his duty, not complain about the shit they're in to get the job done.


MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

And here I thought Mad Max was a fictional character and setting.

Looks like it was a future documentary...

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Opinions mean little when you've erected a wall of willful deflection on a subject, refusing to even see the truths in front of you or rationalize an "impossibility" that clearly exists; i.e. it exists whether your own ego or psyche can handle what you're seeing.

Lemme help you out a smidge to get you started with an easy link: https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/military-aircraft/tr-3b-aurora-anti-gravity-spacecrafts/2860314511001

Now, there's your starting point. Research. Find out how wrong you've been. It's an interesting rabbit hole to jump down, chock full of tech, ships, and other things not meant for prime time.

Keep in mind, the link I gave was from 2013; they told everyone once, and never again. The ships there have been around 15-20 years before that. We have much better now as far as capabilities, but these are still used as evidenced by all the triangular craft seen around the world: they arent alien UFO's, they're OUR "UFOs" we reversed engineered from "other"/ not our spacecrafts.

I could tell you what I used to do in the military to know these things but we'd both be in trouble. I can only say what I'm saying now because, as the link shows, they already revealed this bit. It's up to you to go deeper and I highly encourage you to do so. Again, the info is there for the diligent researcher.

...or remain opinionated and ignorant...I dont really care from this point forward.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Personal opinions or mental gymnastics do not Trump existing facts, Fren.

Majority of people have been brainwashed to see "spaceships" as science fiction and laugh at the notion the moment someone brings them up as existing and in use. It's understandable, as the program to do this has been going on for a very long time and has been very successful. The task upon the individual is to question, simply, "why". Once the clear answer is reached, only then can their minds be open to look past the programming.

I reiterate what I said to the previous poster: Research. The info exists.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +8 / -1

Ignorance is truly bliss, isn't it.

The US has no manned military spacecraft.

Yes we do. Research.

MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

And here I was beginning to think, jadedly, nothing else could pique my interest again.

Veeeerrryy interesting possibility, OP.

MordenGeist 26 points ago +26 / -0

Been telling people this since March 2020.

Unfortunately people are stupid and do as they're told instead of researching what their rights are and flexing them.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nothing solid but my strong hunch is that he was just collateral damage;i.e. bad shot(s) and he got hit being in the direct vicinity before the killing shot on the woman.

Reason: unless highly trained, 99% of people's shot/target discipline goes to Hell due to adrenaline and "in the moment" hysteria.

by Quelle
MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a difficult request to fill if there was no expectation or respect to begin with. I mean, does anyone know what's lower than zero?

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, same thing I was discussing with a coworker: this was NOT an accident for all the reasons given. It has been done before and it will again. This is one way how they get rid of those causing trouble. No reason to doubt this producer anon, especially with the known other examples: dead-on, forgive the pun.

That analogy though with the dicks---admittedly I laughed at that, not only for the accuracy and truth of it, but also the metaphor he chose to use for it. Hilarious.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Durham is the one to "Set the Stage" that will give full legal authorization for "the military is the only way" leg of this. Without his legal spotlight FIRST, the military cannot and will not proceed in public view (they've been doing a LOT outside public). Without it, it would look like a military coup and we cannot have that noxious cloud hanging over the greatest Nation the world has ever known.

It must be done by the book.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Blunt, unapologetic, and unvarnished by "nice" words.

This is the man I voted for and would again in any year.

This is the man we need in the most powerful seat in the world.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not an officially recognized MSM one though is my point. We all know what really happened but the general public does not.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here, perhaps, but I guarantee you didn't read that in official "for public consumption" print.

MordenGeist 14 points ago +14 / -0

Twist: He was "No Named" with a convenient cover excuse of COVID/Cancer.

We all know, well...those of us who did the digging, he was a crooked S.O.B. and part of the deepstate machine that peddled and reinforced 9-11 that led to massive lives lost on all sides while those tied to the deepstate made windfalls at expense of the dead.

Just a thought because remember: "No Name" supposedly died of Cancer according to the official MSM narrative.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

"One man's trash is another man's treasure."

To each their own.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Top Tier burn there, pede. Approved for world-wide dissemination!

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