I've eaten it. I thought it was green beans in cream-of-something soup, with onion rings on top and baked. Right?
Good question. I figure Trump must still be CIC, at least, but how would the lefties even consider that?
All those rotund people.
Crimes against humanity. Seize their assets, like all the property they have been snapping up.
Oh I see, you want to pay it all off with profits from the increased value of your metal.
Whew. Good for your wife.
If you feel like you might come down with a virus, take zinc and Quercetin. Every time I've done it, the symptoms went away.
Most of our health issues are lifestyle - generated, and we can heal ourselves with discipline.
I would never take any flu shots either.
Newsom doesn't need to be hanged. He's hanging himself.
We thank you too President Pardo.
Long vaccine.
Aren't there supposed to be laws against monopolies? Why are we letting one corporation or one person like Bill Gates buy everything up and control it?
I really thought that was fake. I can't believe cops would allow bystanders to tow her downstairs like that with a gunshot wound to the neck.
Especially if foreign nations are involved in the process.
How about Congressmen with dual citizenship?
More likely parents will opt out because of the medical industry's big Covid debacle.
Wouldn't a big fat class action lawsuit be cool?
Once upon a time I was a public health officer. We were taught that Job One was to reassure the population that epidemics can be handled and controlled, and don't let the people get too scared. So I smelled a rat right away with the approach being taken by the Covid authorities, who were deliberately scaring everyone to death.
If the rate is fixed, just use cheap money.
Too bad, Obama.
No more slave labor, no more cheap prices. We will see what our own work is worth and respond accordingly, as it should be.
Maybe Space Force has been monitoring the agents all along and already has them sorted out.
Amen. I am thankful for David Seaman, who alerted me to the red pill Podesta emails, and to Trump and Q, who gave us hope, to Voat, raucous , irreverent but hilarious. And GAW anons, who got me through Covid, when I expected to be thrown into a concentration camp for non compliance. It is looking like humanity seeks and finds the light that shines the way to our Great Destiny. Happy Thanksgiving.
I think we got at least two people willing to testify.