There are way too many Americans in prison, and the reptiles are just feeding off of them. We have a lot of work to do, to review the cases and emancipate those who are unfairly imprisoned.
And who was supposed to be minding the store around there?
I think what they did is treason. Merry Christmas Liz.
I have read that 8 M children go missing on this planet every year, and a tenth of them are from the United States.
Oh, good timing. I wonder who paid them to do this.
it isn't discredited or debunked. They are liars. There has never been any evidence that vaccines are not responsible for the soaring autism rates in this country. I hope we can find some remedy for the damage they have done to our children.
Well, there's some disclosure for you.
Where are they going?
Oh good. They can all go to jail. Maybe that's what it will take because California will probably re-elect them again otherwise.
After you pay off your house, you are deemed a "tenant" on your deed.
Move criminals into those lawmakers homes immediately.
Our laws and protections are for our citizens, not for our invaders. Idiots.
And chronic diseases too. That will end. Thank you Trump and RFK Jr.
This is one of his best speeches ever. He says there are big foreign investors who are pouring money into our country due to confidence that we will be producing again. Up to 100,000 jobs from one on them. He will end the wars too.
The results are several concrete pillars and spans.
My congressman wants to cut its funding. I'm liking the guy more and more.
Vitamin C does great things, but I understand from that C/lysine protocol posted here some months ago, carbohydrates interfere with C. So it's best to take them alone (not in fruit or juice) and on an empty stomach.
If the mRNA become integrated into our cells, it's probably site specific like cancer. If there is a cure for cancer (probably), there may well be a cure or two for this.
Just raid them.
Thank you for posting this. It's important. I recall that Military Analyst Milton William Cooper said "If they're here, they're running things." That would explain a lot. Also, contactee Marshall Vian Summers has said that there is indeed a rule against interfering with an emerging civilization such as our own, so they keep their intervention secret, so they can farm us secretly, or through controlled humans. The disclosure given by Greer can open up operations to remove the rogue groups, human or other, and control or remove the advanced technology and AI that could destroy us. Over 1M views on You Tube in less than 1 day. Impressive.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea is a chelation therapist and writes about different particles in the vaccines and how to get rid of them. She seems to have given the topic more thought than anyone I know of. She is also a Ramtha student, just so you are aware.
An update doesn't necessarily mean an upgrade.
An anti-Islam Zionist murders and maims a bunch of Christians. Makes sense.
It still made an impact on me, for his audacity, so I believe it made plenty of other people really start to wonder. I think it helped.