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Military should leave bidan in Europe. Tell him they will circle back.
Deport this douche back to Twitter. nothing can stop what is coming.
I agree. She was on Twitter pretty early saying the election was stolen and she is one of the few who gives Jen psaki some real hardball questions. She seems to be a God fearing patriot.
They look like ? ? ? ?
The whole universe is awakening.
If anything is missing, mike lindell has the rest. Absolute fraud.
Next GA governor. Solid dude.
I'm in Florida, my power is on. If it means anything, I had this same feeling a couple weeks ago. It didn't happen obviously. Yet.
Future Pelosi.
The rvp crypto is down as well. At least we didn't have to wait long to see if it was true.
That's awesome
Thx for the review, will check this out
Where I'm from, we call these Saturday funnies. Maybe just a regional thing, or possibly calenderal.
This terrorifies AOC. She may have to hunker down a few blocks away.
Send it to the Patriots being held for the Jan 6 false flag.
Its probably a little easier when your wife is in charge of approval.
That's written in English.
One word, awesome. If one word is not enough, Here's six, nothing can stop what is coming.
2 bong hits later- and sideways it says Eatch the Eater.
Those husbands should change the locks. Bunch of simps.
She seems just as creepy and her name is on the foundation as well, arrest them both. Lol@ her being considered a trophy wife.
Jesse watters talked about them. Not a fox fan, but I like him. Think he reminds of someone I used to know or something.
No, cause she looks like a man. Women can be just as, if not more, evil than men
I think Justine is a man named Justin. These people are sick