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He holds his needle high then he sticks it in so she doesn't die
No, I'm voting for Pedro Sanchez, who do you think?!
"biden camp"
they knew the whole time it wasn't biden
mental gymnastics
I already told you i want to see the list, there's no need to sell it to me
we have the best autists, believe me!
by the white hats
important clarification here
sorry sicko, it's too late
damn, my man is going full scorched earth
no they haven't
Create a photo of a creepy sex offender watching Trump give a speech
I bet money there is something in those batches they do not want anyone looking at
sure thing bud
sounds like this guy didn't get the memo about the pandemic amnesty we declared...
I believe every word that man just said, because it's exactly what i wanted to hear
can't they repo it if the owner gives it a custom paint job?
even the conspiracy theorists aren't ready for this one
the ghost of kiev literally
He holds his needle high then he sticks it in so she doesn't die