Murphy71 6 points ago +6 / -0

Many thought “watch the wives” referred to their inherited wealth, family connections, being the actual power brokers, running their husbands’ show from the sidelines etc… Turns out, it means “watch the wives… because they’re dudes.”

Seems Elite Gender Inversion is real. Mr E is an expert on the topic. Big Mike is the tip of a big phallic iceberg.


Murphy71 6 points ago +7 / -1

Well said. He is possibly the biggest dipshit loser of all time in a crowded field. I cannot believe I have this twat my money for his books back in the day.

Murphy71 10 points ago +10 / -0

No, they will stop at nothing to convince you that they will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from returning to power and exposing them. You are the target, not Trump. They are definitely happy to burn this country down with everyone in it, but they want to manipulate you to be the one who lights the flame.

Murphy71 8 points ago +8 / -0

These lunatics are out of their tiny minds.

Scientism is religion.

Pseudoscientific texts (aka “scientific literature”) is their scripture.

Brainwashed, mindless normies are the flock.

Big Pharma is their god.

TV is their church.

Fame is their pulpit.

Celebrities are their preachers.

Stay as far away from them as you can, for your own safety.

Murphy71 7 points ago +7 / -0

Came here to say this. It’s the Plandemic playbook. And it’s all coming out. If you haven’t heard of Christine Massey, Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, Roman Bystrianyk, the Baileys, Daniel Roytas and many more in the modern era, never mind those from the last 100+ years, or engaged the books, documentaries, podcasts, scientific literature and more around this fascinating, epoch-defining, humanity-liberating battle of ideas for the ages, then you have a lot of catching up… The debunking of virology and vaccinology as the pseudosciences they are will be seen in the future as historical enlightenment - and it is fiercely under way right now.

Murphy71 3 points ago +5 / -2

Underrated comment.

All the world is not a stage, more like multiple simultaneous scene changes, script rewrites and protagonist swaps.

Murphy71 0 points ago +1 / -1

Delighted for you. Truly. As I am when I see babies thriving whose mothers took the C19 injections while pregnant… Clearly there is inherent variability across formulations, dosages, individual phenotypes/biologies etc such that outcomes are not uniform.

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, I completely agree. I think some have gone the other way, or maybe they were always there - Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Tess Laurie, Pierre Kory to name but a few… Yeadon is unique in his trajectory, IMO. He has been a real life case study in “adjusting your views as the facts on the ground change”…

He has today replied to his detractors over his IVM statements…


Murphy71 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeadon isn’t just a trusted rebel… few have spoken out against the scamdemocide or the jabs as he has. His IVM comments only came out in the last few weeks since he was handed a dossier of research papers on the topic.

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a decent TLDR:


In short, Ivermectin was given centre stage as an alternative to the jabs in order to go after the fertility of anyone who managed to avoid the jabs.

Keep in mind, one of his many specialties is mechanistic toxicology. He knows what he is talking about.

Murphy71 4 points ago +4 / -0

At what point will any of these DEI LGBTQFUKU groomer, trafficker and pedo arrests register with clown world? Seriously, WTF is it going to take to wake the sheepdipshits up?

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

For me, we are way past any notion of any nation state inside the G8, G20, BRICS, UN, NATO etc being self-interested to the point of excluding all others or deploying self-defence as a non-staged moral act. Nation v nation is performative theatre and 101 fearmongering: who better to hold up as an existential threat to your team than another “demonstrably” more ruthless, better equipped team?

All governments depend - no, thrive - on this showmanship. Without this illusion, all totalitarian government power is massively diminished, if not non-existent. Think of it like soccer: a rigged competitive sports league where the overarching regulatory bodies are corrupt to the core and pull strings from the shadows, the players perform to distract the disciples, the boards and managers feign leadership, shady deals are done with media and merchandisers, and ultimately all teams secretly lie and collude together to sustain the semblance of a fair competitive sports league. (Look into connections between freemasonry and soccer or professional sports in general). Like so much else that passes for mainstream normie life, it’s more like massive money-generating scams by secret societies and criminal syndicates.

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s a very sharp observation. I completely forgot he called out the satanic stuff often.

Murphy71 4 points ago +4 / -0

You mean adolescents, kids. Late teens. If there were any women, they were most likely just starting out as women. 18 years old, tops. It’s still exploitation, coercion, manipulation, trafficking and probably much worse, by other names.

Murphy71 5 points ago +5 / -0

See also - with very few exceptions, by design, because these institutions recruit for submissiveness, uncritical thinkers and compliance - the military, medics, teachers.

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

The UK version is foment unrest against Muslims and immigrants, ban “far right” protests when patriots protest, clear jails of “overcrowding”, imprison “far right protesters”.

Murphy71 2 points ago +3 / -1
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