NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe it was the USSS sniper in the room that did the shooting, they are just really bad at aiming.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for this insight.

NOT_ADMIN 7 points ago +7 / -0

Notice how there was a hidden SNIPER in an open window that was the same trajectory of all the ballistics . Crooks was near the left of the building towards the middle. Not the far right side. The WINDOW is where the first 3 shots came from. The ones that hit trump.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • now make a mask that looks like someone everyone knows.
  • now make a mask that is also flexible all the way down to fine wrinkles
  • now make that also sweats
  • now make one that can also be flushed.
  • now make one that has the same forensic level wrinkle mapping as the person.
  • now make it so those fine wrinkle mapping still matches the person with expressions.
NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the white hats were the ones behind the Afghanistan pullout killing many? I don't like the white hats then.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • Maybe hold of on judgment of the outcome before it comes out.
  • It's interesting how this has seemgly split the old psyop of him being an actor in a mask. If that's so, no worries, just get another actor. I'm sure they have plenty lined up, right? I mean masks technology, am I right?
  • but I guess it was him, but now... wait for it, it's an Ai. Ignore the fact he was seen outside by the public. That was a double. But this video is gonna be an ai.
NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is stupid. Ai wouldn't explain in any way public appearance like..say.... a debate.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • This would be an ad populum fallacy
  • It would be like saying:

A large number of government agencies are already making their own law interpretations so good luck trying to get anywhere with an argument that a government agency cant do that.

  • When we all have recently heard of the chevron doctrine being destroyed by the supreme court.
  • And just like the Chevron Doctrine scenario, this issue can be ruled on by the SC, and in the end remove all who violate the constitution in this regard. (if ruled unconstitutional)
NOT_ADMIN 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yep no problem. I'm sure it will be come to light. The writing has been on the wall for awhile about FJB and trump likely has plenty of dirt on all of them to play with.

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +4 / -1
  • 1. The Child Was Born in the U.S.: This is correct. The child must be born on U.S. soil to be considered for birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment.

  • 2. Birth Parents Are Citizens of a Foreign Country: This is not entirely accurate in the context of the decision. The ruling in Wong Kim Ark affirmed that the child is a U.S. citizen regardless of the citizenship status of the parents, as long as the child is born in the U.S. and is subject to its jurisdiction. The parents’ citizenship status (foreign or otherwise) does not disqualify the child from U.S. citizenship.

  • what is ambitious is situations where the child is born with dual citizenship. This has never been ruled on, and would need the SC to rule on it.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't tell them, ask them. One of my go to:

  • Who was Jeffery Epstien?
  • Who did he fly to his private island? Was it the average pedo Joe? Or was it people of wealth, power, and influence?
  • What evil is his island now known for?
  • Do the wealthy, influential, powerful "elite" have the ability to influence the media?
  • Why has none of his blackbook members been publicized or convicted?
  • so the world contains evil, powerful, elites who are pedophiles?
  • if you were them would you wanna be known?
  • if you were them would you try to control what info people hear about you?
  • this is essentially what Q is talking about
NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +3 / -2

Her parents being non citizen immigrants doesn't make her ineligible. If you believe this, please provide the evidence. US v. Wong Kim Ark doesn't make this case.

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +4 / -1

Okay, I went ahead and did some research into this. It's somewhat ambiguous and will likely need to be an issue taken to the Supreme Court. They need to definitely rule on if a "Naturally Born Citizen" includes those in this particular situation where they would be born with dual citizenship.

NOT_ADMIN 4 points ago +5 / -1

Where exactly is that written? Sounds sketchy

NOT_ADMIN 4 points ago +4 / -0
  • White hats are in control the way a master chess player is in control over a game against a novice. The world is the stage for this chess game. The novice Blackhats will cheat any way they can.
  • he is under God's protection.
NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +5 / -3

Damn it why you gotta make me cry

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