Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting comment and thank you for the list of famous lefties, Moosemeadow.

The left hand is controlled by the RIGHT hemisphere, as you almost certainly know. Until a couple of years ago I never gave much thought to hemispheric differences, but Iain McGilchrist changed that for me big-time when I started reading his work:

The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World

The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning -- very short and free (maybe only if you have Prime?) at Amazon

and the luxuriously detailed two-volume The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World

from the Amazon description of another short work from McGilchrist -- Ways of Attending: How our Divided Brain Constructs the World:

Attention is not just receptive, but actively creative of the world we inhabit. How we attend makes all the difference to the world we experience. And nowadays in the West we generally attend in a rather unusual way: governed by the narrowly focussed, target-driven left hemisphere of the brain.

Forget everything you thought you knew about the difference between the hemispheres, because it will be largely wrong. It is not what each hemisphere does – they are both involved in everything – but how it does it, that matters. And the prime difference between the brain hemispheres is the manner in which they attend. For reasons of survival we need one hemisphere (in humans and many animals, the left) to pay narrow attention to detail, to grab hold of things we need, while the other, the right, keeps an eye out for everything else. The result is that one hemisphere is good at utilising the world, the other better at understanding it.

Absent, present, detached, engaged, alienated, empathic, broad or narrow, sustained or piecemeal, attention has the power to alter whatever it meets. The play of attention can both create and destroy, but it never leaves its object unchanged. How you attend to something – or don’t attend to it – matters a very great deal. This book helps you to see what it is you may have been trained by our very unusual culture not to see.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Regardless, there is the possibility for great mischief and worse. Intentional misuse of the tool, accidental misuse of the tool, random unplanned harm from the tool itself, and malicious harm from the tool -- although "malicious" would likely have to be defined a bit differently where there is no wide agreement on whether such a machine is "conscious", especially given that even experts in the field can't agree on a definition for the term in humans and animals.

Narg 3 points ago +4 / -1

But's dangerous nonsense. The biggest problem with AI of any type or level is that it is not part of the family of life which shares so very much in terms of both hardware (wetware, actually) and software (instincts, biological and psychological needs, concerns, predispositions, etc). Machine intelligence definitely doesn't have actual empathy for life.

AI's are psychopaths. They can be very charming and very convincing, but they don't have a deep connection to us. Insects are far more closely related to us than computers are, and I don't trust insects one bit.

Narg 8 points ago +10 / -2

Education is noticing the similarities and tyrannical strategies and tactics shared by Mao's Cultural Revolution, Hitler's Final Solution, and America's social and political targeting of anti-vaxxers and MAGA patriots -- and for that matter, of engineered genocides and democides everywhere throughout history. (Yes, thank God, America's "Final Solution" hasn't gotten as far yet -- although if we count the Vax, it may actually be worse).

Whatever bad things "the Jews" did to the Germans, the fact remains that the vast majority of Jewish people, then and today, are decent human beings and not "in on" any vile conspiracy against others. SOME, yes, but the same is true for any large group; just look around. Jews tend to be well-educated and proportionally a larger percentage of them are in positions of power in and out of government, meaning that we see a disproportionate number of them in the Cabal.

Targeting a large group of mostly-innocent people instead of going after the much smaller group that actually perpetrated the crime you're avenging is exactly what America did after 9/11 when we bombed, invaded, and destroyed the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan instead of tracking down and arresting or killing the perps of the 9/11 terrorist actions. It was like invading New Jersey and killing thousands of citizens and destroying basic infrastructure and thousands of homes because some of the Mafia lives there.

Hitler DID in fact target Jews generally, and (especially as time went on) dissidents (i.e., honest and thoughtful German patriots), Catholics, homosexuals, and others; the corrupt apparatus that enforced all this could and did target anyone that a member of the apparatus wanted to target (typically to arrest and send the victim to the camps so their property could be confiscated). Kinda like what we have brewing here in America right now.

Sauce: the late R.J. Rummel's Death by Government (and here's his website)

and The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression

Narg 36 points ago +36 / -0

Rand knows and loves and follows the Constitution.

We'd be exceptionally well served with him in the role.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

WarpSpeed was Trump's way of speeding us through the lockdown phase which [they] had planned to last five years or more, pretty much destroying the American economy for decades and bankrupting as many American companies and people as possible.

Trump made it clear that a vaccine was NOT necessary, including doing a televised round table with MDs, other experts, and ordinary people on the use of HCQ etc. to prevent and cure COVID (which I watched in real time). The media slammed him for it and then memory holed the event, of course, and the Deep State absolutely would not relent on the lockdown (and masks, distancing, etc) until "the vaccine" was ready -- Trump was apparently unable to get past that. WarpSpeed was Trump's Hail Mary to prevent the complete destruction of America.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Golf carts all used to use lead acid batteries -- car batteries, basically. Heavy, not as powerful as lithium ion, but also not typically a fire hazard. And of course they're cheaper than LI.

Some golf carts (most?) still do use lead acid; here's a search link on batteries for golf carts:


and a page selling both types: https://www.golfcartgarage.com/golf-cart-batteries/

Narg 16 points ago +16 / -0

Nice with the flag backgrounds.

In a few months, you're going to need 49 or 50 of these.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Then there's Article 1 Section 10 of the United States Constitution, which (unless I'm missing something) has never been repealed or modified by Amendment:

Section 10: Powers Denied to the States

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

One of my faves is the two passports that fluttered down from the one (both?) of the Twin Towers, found nearby in perfectly fine shape, and of course they were FROM TWO OF THE HIJACKERS.

I also think The Project for a New American Century website (no longer active, but it was for years, even after 9/11) is worth inclusion, along with David Ray Griffin's "New Pearl Harbor" book named for a comment by someone at that Neo-con website about needing a "new Pearl Harbor" to galvanize America into supporting a set of regime-change wars in the Middle East.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sad to see this one working for Emperor Palpatine and the Empire.

Narg 5 points ago +6 / -1

One other point: You are either dramatically underselling the difficulty of putting HUMANS in space or are unaware of them.

Humans need more than oxygen (although that's a big damn deal, really: the tanks and the nearly bullet-proof containment required in space, along with designing with the fire danger in mind aren't trivial and add quite a bit of weight) -- humans also need bathroom facilities, they need food, they need radiation shielding, they need G-force consideration for launch and maneuvers, they need tools and suits and much more. And going to and from the moon, plus of course STAYING there for even a short but useful time, makes this all much more difficult than just lobbing someone up for a space ride or taking them to the space station.

Is it really "retarded" to wonder if we actually had the technology to go to the moon with the much cruder tech we had 55 years ago?

Maybe we did, but I'm not convinced.

Narg 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm not retarded, catsfive. And I didn't say we didn't go to the moon, but there ARE details and other reasons that make me wonder . . . not that I'd expect the government to ever LIE to us, of course.

One reason I wonder about whether we've been getting the truth about the Apollo missions is that we DO send humans into space -- we had the whole Space Shuttle program and we've had at least two space stations (one of which came down in flames after a number of years), so there are reasons good enough (to some with the power and money to make it happen) to PUT people in space, but for MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY we haven't even attempted to put anyone on the Moon -- where a base would be exceptionally useful, according to many (and to common sense). Elon and others are working on going to Mars, for heaven's sake, but NOBODY has tried to put a human on the Moon in all the time since Apollo shut down?

That's not proof, but it isn't nothing, either.

Narg 11 points ago +12 / -1

Great point, LordK.

More than HALF A CENTURY after the 1969 moon landing, we haven't been back and even the rare UNMANNED landings on the moon sometimes have problems.

Fifty-five years of scientific and tech progress have taken us from primitive computers the size of a small room to wristwatches with far more computing power and memory (not to mention graphics capability) than could be bought for any price in 1969. We've gone from bulky low-res CRTs to "retina" resolution LCDs and other flatscreens; from smog-belching cars to gasoline vehicles whose exhaust is often cleaner than the surrounding air.

But we just can't seem to put humans on the moon again.

Something is off here.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, "power" itself doesn't corrupt -- as you point out, having a gun doesn't corrupt you, for instance.

Power with a capital P, however -- Power as Tolkien used the term, which is to say Power to COERCE with impunity -- Power as embodied in Government; Power that even the Mafia doesn't hold -- that is something else entirely.

That type of Power absolutely DOES corrupt, and for that matter it ATTRACTS the corrupted. It draws pathological personalities like flies to offal, and it is hellishly addictive (one of the major reasons I hold President Washington in such high regard is that he voluntarily gave up the Power of the Presidency, even when many were urging him to retain it).

All of human history shows this. For references, I suggest R.J. Rummel's Death by Government (or his website) and The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression.

NOTHING commits and enables mass murder like government, and murder is only the most serious of its many crimes.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe you are right: if this guy got even half that number of actual COVID jabs at least a few would have been injected straight into a blood vessel or capillary bed and he'd be an early Died Suddenly or have serious symptoms of one sort or another.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tolkien's Lord of the Rings takes this truth to the obvious and necessary conclusion: the Ring of Power MUST be DESTROYED, for nothing less can end the evil it creates. Here's Frodo desperately trying to give the Ring to Gandalf, who knows that simply having the Ring will cause him to bring evil into the world (dialog from the Peter Jackson film):

Take it, Gandalf. Take it!

No, Frodo.

You must take it!

You cannot offer me this Ring.

I'm giving it to you!

Don't tempt me, Frodo! I dare not take it, not even to keep it safe. Understand, Frodo – I would use this Ring from a desire to do good . . . [long pause] . . . but through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pro-integrity in EVERYTHING. Any society where integrity is lacking is on the road to perdition.

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