Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, we all(?) saw Lord of the Rings or read the books, but Vivek isn't Wormtongue, and Trump isn't going to turn into a clueless old man who allows Vivek to run his administration in some nightmarish way. Vivek has either been righteous the whole time, learning about the Adversary (as Trump did while spending decades as a Democrat, mingling with and learning from many contacts in the Cabal) or he's flipped, seen the light, whatever, but is now a genuine asset to humanity and the Great Awakening.

It's always possible that I'm wrong -- that ANYBODY can be wrong about ANYTHING -- but I feel very comfortable with Vivek at this point.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes. We know that at least SOME of the Pharma/vax companies did not force their COVID bio-weapon on their own employees, so it may be that Mr. Hahn wasn't a jab victim. Is it possible that he was not on-board with the new COVID/seasonal flu vax mentioned in the tweet and was silenced for what he knew?

And to be fair, it's possible the man just had a stroke or heart attack or whatnot the old-fashioned way, via poor diet or genetics.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am ROOTING for Big Mike to run for President.


When Big Mike's husband ran in 2007 for the 2008 presidential contest, Great Awakening dot Win did not exist. Nor Patriots dot Win. Nor Steve Bannon's channel, nor a hundred other patriotic, truth-telling outlets.

The anon community was much smaller, disorganized, and had no mainstream outlets for its efforts.

Twitter was still a one-note Cabal censorship operation; Musk's rescue of Twitter, rebranding it as X, and removing most (some?) of the censorship was a decade and a half in the future.

Tucker wasn't the massive red-pill dispenser that he's become.

Joan Rivers died on the operating table (cosmetic surgery) a few weeks after outing Big Mike as Trans ON TELEVISION. Well, she was walking up some stairs on her way into a building and made the comment to a reporter and camera crew.

Now? Things are somewhat different. Millions of people are AWAKE on a LOT of subjects.

If Mike is foolish enough to run, he'll be savaged like we've never seen a presidential candidate (other than Trump) be savaged before.

Personally, I can't wait.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

BoxOfficeMojo figures are NOT adjusted for inflation, so . . . less impressive than made to sound. Still, an incredible showing for an indie film, that was kept in the "freezer" for five years, about child sex trafficking.

Sound of Freedom https://www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt7599146/

All Releases

DOMESTIC (73.5%) - $184,178,046

INTERNATIONAL (26.5%) - $66,392,350

WORLDWIDE - $250,570,396

The Godfather https://www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt0068646/

All Releases

DOMESTIC (54.5%) - $136,381,073

INTERNATIONAL (45.5%) - $113,960,743

WORLDWIDE - $250,341,816

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The plan this time is a bail IN, not a bail out. The banks will be made whole by taking DEPOSITOR'S money, not by getting hand-outs from the FED.



What is a bail-in?

A bail-in is a form of financial relief for banks that are in danger of collapsing or going bankrupt. The relief comes from canceling some or all of the bank’s debt by reducing the value of bank shares, bonds, and uninsured deposits. (Note: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures most bank deposits up to $250,000 per individual.)

A bail-in is the opposite of a bailout. Instead of relief funds coming from outside (taxpayers), the funds come from inside (shareholders and depositors). Although bail-in relief has been implemented in Europe, it has never been used in the U.S.


Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

They saw what happened to Hong King, and know for certain that China is Asshoe.

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

0017 -- The name is pede, purkiss80 pede.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, way low because it's "official" CDC and FDA data (per small print at bottom of meme).

The real numbers for vaccines -- flu, COVID, and others -- are higher (in some cases MUCH higher), as shown in numerous studies, reports, and official national figures from around the world.

But this meme is a great one for waking up those who have been fed the "safe and effective" lies for their entire lives.

It also points out how very SAFE, even by the government's own reckoning, Ivermectin and HCQ are.

Note also that the last two -- Remdesivir and the COVID vaccines -- are numbers from just several MONTHS instead of from 27 to 54 YEARS for the others. E.g., Ivermectin killed 4,297 in 27 years, while Remdesivir killed 9478 in 44 MONTHS.

Narg 14 points ago +14 / -0

Of course it's not just the WEF -- pretty much the entire Establishment acts the same way.

Vaccine harm and deaths? -- Misinformation! Massive Voter fraud? -- Misinformation! Child sex trafficking? -- Misinformation! etc.

And it doesn't matter how much clear, obvious, and well-supported evidence there is for the TRUTH: they ignore it when possible and label it as misinformation or disinformation when ignoring it doesn't do the job.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

This was a great comment, Revodude; thanks for posting it. "Eliminate the tools and strategies" triggered a long comment of my own; see below (or above, as the case may be).

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

. . . eliminate the tools and strategies -- (from comment by Revodude)


We cannot prevent a relapse otherwise.

The primary and foundational Strategy for the Bad Guys is to find a way to impose their will upon all others BY FORCE. To be able to commit the crime of Coercion with IMPUNITY.

The only TOOL that really does that is coercive GOVERNMENT.

I know: heads are e'sploding all over the place. Without a forcible government we would be . . . would be . . . what?

FREE, maybe?

Of course, more than freedom is needed. "A moral people" would be a good start (hat tip to John Adams). Various organizations, non-government regulatory agencies (Underwriter Labs, National Fire Safety Organization, etc), and a zillion other things are needed for a well-functioning society. A free people can (and have, in various times and places -- including to a large extent in early America) done all that, despite Big Government having taken over most of it in the last 200+ years (and at an ever-faster pace).

Always remember: Everything government touches turns to shit.

Aren't we all TIRED of living with this SHIT?

  • Education that makes people mean, stupid, and helpless ("Don't be late for your Critical Race Theory class, children!").

  • "National Defense" that makes enemies out of nations that should be our friends and has literally killed millions of people needlessly over the years while making the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex rich, and which increasingly ENDANGERS Americans rather than protecting them. Oh, and let's not forget the military killing off its own with the jabs and other needless dangers.

  • Health regulators (FDA, USDA, etc) that eliminate as much health freedom as they can get away with, that push unhealthy and unsafe foods and chemical medicines, and that make it difficult or impossible to obtain things which actually ARE "safe and effective", such as Ivermectin.

I'd go on, but if you're reading this, you can make a multi-page list on your own.

Again: EVERYTHING (no exceptions) the government does, it corrupts and ruins.

America began with a TINY government -- the Articles of Confederation (1781 - 1789), which didn't even give the feds power to TAX; the States could (or not) VOLUNTARILY send money to the federal government.

Next, in what some consider a coup, the Constitution was drafted and then replaced the Articles in 1789. From there . . . the United States central government has grown to the monster we have today.

The Constitution, as adopted, FORBID a tax on income (in Article 1, section 9: No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken) and REQUIRED each state to recognize only gold and silver as money (Article 1, Section 10: Powers Denied to the States No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility).

BTW: "Attainder" -- forfeiture --, ex-post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligation of Contracts (such as cancelling student debt, among many examples -- are all commonplace in modern America, Constitution or no. But I don't believe we're granting any Titles of Nobility yet, so there's that.

It's late and I'm going to resist writing another ten or fifteen pages here (stop clapping!), but I encourage everyone to research the provision of needed services by the market -- by the private sector, if you prefer. A good place to start (and an exhilarating read) is The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill. Also, research Voluntaryism.

Freedom will never be held for long by a people ruled by a coercive government. Indeed, "coercive government" and "freedom" are -- well, you can figure that out.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not only what he SAYS at WEF, but what he's doing and what he continues to DO in his role as President of Argentina. THAT's what I care about.

I suspect, and am hopeful, that he's there as a classical liberal / libertarian, as he often says he is, taking the truth into the lion's den.

We'll see. (Or maybe we HAVE seen; I don't know if he's GIVEN the speech already or if this is an announcement about a future event -- I get "access denied" when I try the link. If that continues, maybe I'll disable my VPN and try later)

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. It's Good versus Evil, not Uniparty Team A versus Uniparty Team B.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree -- the massive increase in the insane "vaccine schedule" from birth right on thru childhood is a major factor in MANY health issues. Far from the only issue, of course.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, HoneyBaked -- another pede posted the same WSJ article and I posted a comment to it including mention of your Q-drop comment.

1010 has always been a favorite of mine; long, wide ranging, hard-hitting, and of course a bit cryptic. What does UK/GER [5 days] mean, I wonder?


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The article is NOT about the increase in cancer since the jabs began.

It includes a chart showing a huge rise in many types of cancer for all age groups since 1975 (the start of the chart data).

In recent years, the rates of cancer for other age groups had been dropping, but since 1998, cancer rates for the 15 - 39 yr age group have gone up, and sharply.(no data for people under 15 years old). THAT is the focus of the article.

There is a notable uptick in cancer incidence among all age groups in the very last year of the included chart (2020, it looks like) but that's not the focus of the article. The large cumulative change in cancer rates for young adults over the past 20+ years is the issue here.

Some doctors suspect that cancer-causing exposures might have started during patients’ childhoods, something that is difficult to trace. Unlike when smoking drove up lung cancer deaths in the 20th century, doctors suspect there isn’t a single carcinogen responsible for the current trends.

I previously posted this as a comment to another post on the WSJ article, which includes an Archive link to the full article:


That post also includes a comment by the OP, HoneyBakedDurham, which includes the full Q drop 1010, which contains the line: "CHEMICALS PUSHED FOR HOME USE CLEANING [CANCER][BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START]."

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mobile crematoria are the natural companions to China's mobile execution vans:


When your government uses widespread murder of dissidents to remain in power, you find all sorts of pointers testifying to that fact.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

The article is NOT about the increase in cancer since the jabs began.

It includes a chart showing a huge rise in many types of cancer for all age groups since 1975 (the start of the chart data).

In recent years, the rates of cancer for other age groups had been dropping, but since 1998, cancer rates for the 15 - 39 yr age group have gone up, and sharply.(no data for people under 15 years old). THAT is the focus of the article.

There is a notable uptick in cancer incidence among all age groups in the very last year of the chart (2020, it looks like) but that's not the focus of the article. The large cumulative change in cancer rates for young adults over the past 20+ years is the issue here.

Some doctors suspect that cancer-causing exposures might have started during patients’ childhoods, something that is difficult to trace. Unlike when smoking drove up lung cancer deaths in the 20th century, doctors suspect there isn’t a single carcinogen responsible for the current trends.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you for posting this, MAGULQ.

Love is the opposite of evil.

Also, love is what we are made for.

Encouraging people to cultivate their healthy, natural love for others is as important as waking people up to how much evil has infested this world.

Too little love and too much corruption are connected; they are to some extent two sides of the same coin.

The Great Awakening is not just about seeing Evil for what it is -- it is about waking up to the decency and love within ourselves.

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