Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

THIS is just one reason why, despite the several other honest, decent, intelligent, true-MAGA, Constitution-respecting possible candidates available, TRUMP IS THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF SAVING THE REPUBLIC AT THIS TIME.

He is unique in temperament, education, experience, intelligence, and native ability (and a few other things I don't even know to mention, I'm sure).

My view, anyway.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Those idiots haven't figured out that you CAN'T ever make Trump look bad by showing people his actual words and actions. Trump does and says silly and provocative stuff (which always points to the truth, even if not in a straight line) to goad them into spreading his message and giving him (and us) zillions of dollars in free advertising.

Thanks, idiots!

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Um, yay? Or not yay? Not looking forward to nukes being actually used, of course . . .

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

Good point! Even when the gunfire started, people STAYED.

One of the most cringe parts of the "debate" was Kamala trying to gaslight the audience into believing that "people started leaving Trump's rallies before they were over", making it sound like the crowd was bored or didn't like the message Trump was presenting.

Anyone who has even WATCHED a Trump rally on TeeVee knows better -- it's pretty much the opposite and always HAS been.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same here -- congratulations, and best wishes!

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's interesting, and I hadn't considered those reasons as likely to be involved, mostly because the Baedan Admin hasn't shown much interest in or fidelity to National Security Concerns, Bipartisan and International Consensus, Institutional Safeguards and Oversight, or Political and Diplomatic Ramifications.

What I DO see them concerned with is retaining power, destroying what remains of the American Constitutional Republic, perverting, weakening, demonizing, persecuting, prosecuting, and outright depopulating "traditional Americans" of any race, meaning those who are good and honest members of society and who understand and are willing to protect the rights of others as well as their own, etc.

I do appreciate the post, DarQ2light (although it must sound otherwise) because there ARE sensible reasons to retain those EOs in addition to Trump's presumed reason of needing the powers they contain to help recover America from the Communists, the Cabal, and other corrupt influences. It's good to know that a popular AI is willing to catalog that information.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Solid post, u/solarsavior.

The important distinction is good vs evil.

  • Malice vs goodwill.

  • Compassion vs cruelty.

  • Healthy sanity vs twisted insanity.

The full nature of the universe / God / call-it-what-you-will is beyond human comprehension and so people adopt a paradigm that helps them make sense of things. Because we are social beings, we tend to see social relationships, parent figures, and so on in the fabric of the world. I used to be cynical about that (the "old man with a beard in the clouds" version of God always seemed about as realistic to me as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny) but as I grew out of childhood I began to see things differently. (And yes, I know that most Christians have a different and more nuanced idea of God).

I grew up going to Christian churches and Sunday School and consider myself a Christian despite not being able to embrace the supernatural portions of the religion, just as I believe that those who never HEARD of Jesus can be (and many ARE) Christian by Jesus' definition (there actually are people who believe those who never heard of and thus don't "believe" in Him are doomed to Hell, which I find an astonishing mis-reading of Jesus' personality and teachings).

Here is how Jesus Himself described and defined his disciples:

  • John: 
13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 

  • 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

Outstanding 23 second meme. Right to the point.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best wishes then for the improvement you're hoping for. And let us know your experiences with Biologix Center or whatever path you find helfpul.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Autophagy is also triggered by exercise and the components of various foods; supplements are now available specifically to stimulate autophagy.


Senolytics, which help remove senescent cells from the body, are a good companion to that. Senescent cells don't function properly and effect the function of nearby cells. Reducing their number improves health and, as with autophagy, shows longevity benefits in animal studies. Life Extension sells a senolytic product with high doses of four different senolytics that is taken twice weekly:


I expect that for anyone beyond 40, in particular, these would improve health and help maintain quality of life.

I'm a longtime Life Extension customer but have no other affiliation with them.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dunno about Russian gold purchases, but Kitco shows Gold at over $2500 (as it mostly has been recently) and Silver at over $28 (ditto).

Compare that to Gold set at $20.67/oz by law until Franklin "Internment camp" Roosevelt forced Americans to hand over their gold (we were generously allowed to keep $100 worth).

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love it! -- But that's a BIG claim, and without clear and definite sauce, this isn't something I'd send to others.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, of course -- millions lived through (and are STILL living through) the horrors of Communism. But half the world hasn't, yet, and with the NY Times and every other Establishment mouthpiece running cover for the Commies since 1917 and even before, a LOT of people need to be disabused of the propaganda that shows Communism as a warm fuzzy way to bring "equality" to the masses. Check out the views of a sizable percentage of college students (and their professors) today. THIS is how people like Commie-Kamala and Tim Walz can be put forth as potential "leaders of the Free World" without getting laughed off the stage.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

See The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, 1997, written by a group of Marxist (and Marxist-adjacent) European scholars who decided to do a detailed research project into Communism in the 20th century.

• The Forward is titled The Uses of Atrocity

• The Introduction is titled The Crimes of Communism

The photographs in the book, by themselves, will make it hard to sleep for months.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your physical body on the other hand is more like a drone, or sort of avatar, it only connects your soul to the material plane

That's very much like Kastrup's idea, although he seems to envision the soul as a small "captured" part of the universal consciousness, temporarily dissociated from the rest (thus our usual inability to access and be conscious of everyone else's thoughts and experiences, and of the Universal Consciousness itself).

Your idea that memory is stored in the soul -- in what I'm calling the Universal Consciousness but which might be (as some believe) just one of an infinite number of individual Soul entities -- certainly would allow for "life after death", although I've yet to see a believable mechanism for the storage of useful information in that scenario. Which doesn't mean there isn't one . . .

Narg 0 points ago +1 / -1

The infinite number of Bob Greenyers in the OTHER universes all say the same thing -- and they're all right. Or not.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like that idea, and have wondered if something like that might exist. It would allow for actual "survival after death", perhaps -- IF it included the survival of the personality and memories together in a cohesive sub-entity instead of being smeared out among the entire universe. Or maybe the "entire universe" can isolate and make use of those memories and personality patterns of "you", sort of reconstituting you as needed or wanted.

Even simple biology is insanely complex and we are STILL learning about forces, mechanisms, etc that help even single cells function; I doubt very much that human minds can fully comprehend the nature of the whole damn universe.

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