Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting and as you say, startling. I stopped reading after a paragraph or two and it took me some time to come back and finish your comment. I'd already had my quota of horrifying news for the week, I guess.

On the other hand, actual harm seems more implied than directly supported here; many modern humans have DNA from Neanderthals, from Denisovans, and for that matter MUCH of our DNA is shared with "lower" lifeforms going back to plants and one-celled animals -- not to mention all the interbreeding among human groups from around the world as people travel, which is ramping up in the modern age but hardly anything new.

Overall, the effects of broadening the human DNA library may not only prevent problems from inbreeding but gradually strengthen the species.

But when you're talking artificially created DNA sequences, all bets are off. And that IS what we're talking about with the mRNA bio-weapons.

Narg 18 points ago +18 / -0

Is there ANY government-created, endorsed, funded, or operated group that ISN'T a scam, a fraud, or a weapon being used against the people?

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

For decades, I thought MRIs were totally safe. It's just magnetism, right? And I never read a word about harm from the contrast agents (dyes) that are usually injected before the MRI.


When someone I knew was prescribed an MRI, I looked into it. Damn. Not everyone has problems with the dye (and there are several types) but some DO, and getting that crap out of your body is neither easy nor quick.

My guess is that the medical profession generally has been every bit as forthcoming with information about MRI contrast agent dangers as they have been about the COVID "vax", mercury fillings, and everything else.

ALWAYS do your own research.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Food bank / household items assistance at a small local church. That's about as large a charitable organization as I'll donate to these days.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. But the "vax" provides both higher quantity of and longer duration of spike protein contamination in the body . . . by a big margin, from what I've read.

Using a pseudo-vaccine to inject the worst and most harmful portion of a deadly virus into the body -- absolutely NOT the standard or ethical thing to do -- is an act of premeditated murder imo.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no idea how that might relate to protection from any type of EMF waves, but it's a damned interesting video.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes. Government "servants" are hired help, like the housekeeper you hire to come in and vacuum your livingroom, clean the bathrooms, take out the trash, etc.

It's not that you CAN'T do the job, it's that you have other things to do with your time. But if the housekeeper doesn't show up for work, there's no reason YOU can't clean things up and take out the trash yourself.

Narg 6 points ago +8 / -2

So, an Iron, Cobalt, and Vanadium alloy can somehow "clean up the impurities from 5G".


WTF does that mean, exactly?

Where do I get some of that alloy? And how do I use it?

Is it supposed to be already in my phone? And if so, what happens to the wildlife and the humans who AREN'T carrying phones while being bathed in 5G signal?

Does the alloy REALLY block the "bad signal" the Cabal supposedly will use to do something bad to us, without blocking the "good" signal that lets phone calls and texts from our Significant Others get through? Cat videos get through, but Zombie-creating and heart-attack-producing signals don't? And what about general cellular damage from EMF, for that matter?

Seriously: This is clear as mud as far as I'm concerned.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, it is POWER, not ideology, that poses the danger. Professor R.J. Rummel on the topic:

The more totalitarian and less democratic a regime the more democide, the more genocide, and the greater the annual rate of democide that it commits. That is, although the independent patterns of domestic democide, foreign democide, genocide, and the others, are not correlated, together they are accounted for by a regime's totalitarian power.24 Power is the means through which a regime can accomplish its goals or whims. When a regime's power is magnified through its forceful intervention in all aspects of society, including its control over religion, the economy, and even the family, then when conjoined with an absolutist ideology or religion, mass killing becomes a practical means of achieving its ends. Thus we have the megamurderers shown in Table 1, such as the totalitarian USSR, communist China, Nazi Germany, and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. And thus, when the regime finds for whatever reason that the continued existence of a social group is incompatible with its beliefs or goals, totalitarian power enables it to destroy that group. Genocide follows. On the other hand, democratic elites generally lack the power to, and democratic culture anyway opposes, the outright extermination of people or social groups for whatever reason.


Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Steam distillation followed by carbon filtration is the most complete and reliable way to remove contaminants from your water supply.

Distillation removes minerals (and most other things), so be sure to get the minerals you need from supplements or foods. The type and amounts of minerals in municipal and other sources of water varies enormously, so distilled water + mineral supplements is a good way to insure you're getting the kinds and amounts of minerals you want, and none of the crap you DON'T want.

I have no connection to the link above other than as a customer.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Me too. And the rest of SoCal. And the 80s, for that matter, when living there wasn't . . . uh, like it is now.

Narg 24 points ago +24 / -0

This is horrifying. It's not new information, but seeing it all laid out in print just . . . makes it feel evil.

Which, of course, it is.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, that seems the most likely outcome. But there are always outliers, misfits, sudden changes of heart and mind. Perhaps he will be one; the world needs a lot more of those "blind but suddenly wide awake" examples.

Narg 38 points ago +38 / -0

Well, after being diagnosed with "the worst possible brain turbo cancer" it's not like the treatment is going to make things worse . . . dead is dead. And who knows, it might help; it's probably not full of spike protein, at least.

I hope he survives, wakes up to the true nature of the COVID "vaccines" and becomes a warrior spreading the truth. Steve Kirsch and other pro-vaxers have done it, maybe Prof. Scolyer will surprise us.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice -- or maybe just weird and twisted -- to get an occasional laugh out of such a horrifying situation.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not just from sex . . . Dr. Marik says just just being in "reasonable proximity" to someone recently "vaxxed" could give you enough spike protein to cause "spike disease" via exosomes (lipid nanoparticles encasing, in this case, spike protein) exhaled by the "vaxxed" person.

He says since no one is willing to do (or fund) studies on this, the data we have is from anecdotal cases, but "it does happen."

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe that, in particular, the totality of the seamless, nearly all-encompassing evil and malice that surrounds and controls us is what "would put 99% of people in the hospital".

I've been an awake, libertarian / abolitionist free-thinker for a LONG time, but in recent years my knowledge of how deep and tightly-woven the blanket of anti-life tyranny we live under -- has expanded enough to often put me into depression. There is SO MUCH evil, in so many areas, designed and funded (with stolen money -- with OUR OWN money) by such utter psychopaths that a wide and clear vision of the situation is actually traumatic, unless gathered up slowly and BALANCED by an understanding of the Great Awakening and the Plan.

To everyone who designed, implemented, and helped carry out the Plan to free mankind -- from the earliest author of the idea, to my fellow Anons and to all in the public who are now waking -- I say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

I cannot imagine how I would face all this without a clear, well-grounded understanding and proof of both the resistance being mounted against evil and the likelihood -- the near-inevitability, really -- of its success.

Nothing can stop what is coming -- including horrors almost beyond imagining (and still unfolding) -- but with the FREEDOM of humanity and a more compassionate world on the other side.

Narg 16 points ago +16 / -0

The press (in all media forms) contains within its very nature the seeds of tyranny and treason, which must constantly be guarded against. Ben Franklin, a newspaper owner himself, had this to say on the subject.

Franklin's short but rich essay, "An Account of the Supremest Court of Judicature in Pennsylvania, viz., The Court of the Press," written a year before his death in 1790, lays out a comprehensive analysis of the press: its effects on politics and the democratic mind, its mode of rule, and the origins of its power. His study is, in a sense, an examination of the effectual truth of the principle underlying freedom of the press. His reflections are urgently needed today.

The press, Franklin argues, unlike any other republican institution, has a power that does not fall under any constitutional check. It is motivated to act viciously by its very principle (created to attack dogma, false knowledge, and political corruption), though in practice it is neither limited nor moderated by either its own idealism or by any institution. While the press claims to rule like a court — passing all things before its judgment — it may rule tyrannically because it is liberated from considerations of justice or precedent. Thus unchecked, the press can subvert rational habits of mind among citizens and reverence for the law while flattering public resentments and antagonizing citizens' pride. Franklin was consciously witnessing the birth of a new class, a kind of press corps, created by this new principle, and his assessment of the human content of this class is contrasted with the powers it wields. For Franklin, a free press must be checked by a vigilant and jealous public, which he hopes to energize against abuses of liberty. (Emphasis added)

EDIT: The quotation above is from https://www.heritage.org/american-founders/commentary/franklin-and-the-free-press, not Franklin's essay itself, which is linked in the first line of the quotation.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0


SOME vaxxing went on, but the rate was much lower than in the West.

Edit: Also, HCQ and Ivermectin are popular over-the-counter drugs in the malaria zone of the continent.

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