Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some drugs DON'T work, or don't work well. I suspect Phenylephrine is in that category.

In a free market, this information would be available and probably highlighted by interested parties; customers would begin shifting to more effective alternatives.

In a tyranny, the non- or less-effective drug can get forcibly banned. Of course, in a tyranny even HIGHLY EFFECTIVE and EXTREMELY SAFE drugs can be banned.

See the difference?

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

And degrading their health, plus actually killing them off in a steady drip-drip-drip. Or maybe at some point, in a flood.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

This would be SO much better with sauce. Damn. (Aimed at TaraBull808, not /u/bgny)

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

This helps me understand why so many people resist awakening: this contaminated / corrupted blood issue gives me the creeps. UN-jabbed people's blood ALSO contains this crap, per a post here with video by a woman who does darkfield scanning. I can feel myself just shutting down against this topic; it's so horrifying that I don't want to know about it.

Can't find that post offhand, but here's one about nano-tech IN THE FOOD SUPPLY and IN THE UNJABBED: https://greatawakening.win/p/16ami1InA6/darkfield-blood-analysis-on-curr/c/ --

I have been wondering why I have been seeing every unvaccinated person in my office with contaminated blood. I have also seen an increasing amount of people with persistent severe diarrhea that is lasting for months, but turns out to be negative when tested for ova and parasites or stool cultures for bacteria. I was suspecting vaccine shedding, chemtrail spraying, nasal swabs, masks, and contamination through synthetic biology named “Covid and Long Covid”. Many are saying that what we are seeing in the blood are parasites, but they are not. They are self assembly hydrogel based synthetic life forms, more akin to microplastics but biologically engineered.

I'm hopeful that Nattokinase plus chelators plus other supplements might be effective at eliminating this malicious nano-tech from people's bloodstreams. They do have beneficial effects for many people with post-jab (and/or long COVID) symptoms. But are they effective against this corruption of the blood? I have no idea.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excellent Substack article! Well worth a read, esp. if you haven't already gone down the rabbit hole on what our tax dollars have been doing in Central America for decades.

Includes a longish portion of Q post 350 & 354.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


I don't remember if he's in AL but he's having great success helping people with both "long COVID" and with certain "vax" injuries. This one is focused on triple anti-coagulant therapy -- as you surely know, micro-clots are a huge problem for the jabbed -- but I don't know what else he's using for his patients. Worth a follow up, I would think.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

imagine a significant percentage of the population dazed and confuse and retreating into full-on 'tra-la-la, won't hear it tra-la-la' mode

Isn't that the mode they're in now? But I see you're point: it'll be even worse for some people when things get almost completely exposed.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

No. Banning the lobbyist won't do a thing in the world other than force industry and special interests to work slightly harder to disguise their bribes and other control methods.

Consider how the freaking BILL OF RIGHTS and the rest of the U.S. CONSTITUTION are blatantly ignored today. The erosion in fidelity to those documents began as the ink was drying on the pages.

Any group "granted" the right to INITIATE coercion will become evil. That was the core of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings -- that POWER, by NAME, is hellishly addictive and impossible to use (even with good intentions) without creating evil. That is because initiating coercion against other human beings is a crime, and calling it "government" does not change that.

America became great in large part because we came the closest, of all large nations, to being free. We "tied government down with the chains of the Constitution." And the result was spectacular, but the method -- i.e., only enslaving the people a LITTLE bit -- was unsound. A little bit of evil is not GOOD, it is just better than a LOT of evil -- but evil always works to expand . . . and here we are, living in an honest-go-God tyranny that grew from our small, highly-restrained government.

LOTR is fiction, but Tolkien's point is real: until we have an actual civil society, we will be unable to prevent the growth and entrenchment of corruption and evil.

Not a popular opinion here, I know . . .

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

Government should no more be forcibly deciding what drugs you can buy than it should be forcibly deciding what you have for breakfast.

Tyranny never works out well, and government "regulation" is nothing but control, initiated by clueless and corrupt politicians and carried out by unelected bureaucrats who are easily bought by big business or other special interests (regulatory capture) at which point the "regulation" works AGAINST the people and FOR the business or special interests.

"A little bit of government" is like being "a little pregnant." Small government doesn't stay small for long. Small government BECOMES big-government tyranny; see American history for solid proof.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't read the Time article he's referencing, but the video is a mish-mash of ideas and predictions as seen through the eyes of a big-government Statist.

Quite the mixed bag, for me anyway.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

A virus, by definition, is a parasite -- it cannot reproduce without taking control of the reproductive ability of a host's DNA. But whatever you call it, a virus is a small parasite (usually but not always smaller than typical bacteria), which may indeed be why ivermectin, HCQ, and other anti-parasitics are effective against them.

As for natural and other non-toxic supplements, drugs, etc that boost health, slow down aging, extend average lifespan by several years, and so on: I've been reading up on those for over 50 years and can attest that intelligent use of what's already on the shelves at a good health-food store can be very beneficial.

That isn't new, either. Back in the 1940s, a popular magazine (Saturday Evening Post, I think) published an article about a well-known physician who was curing polio with a protocol using 20,000 mg of intravenous vitamin C for a few days. I read this article decades ago (in a doctor's office, as it happens) and don't recall for certain the name of the magazine or the physician, but of course the medical Establishment simply ignored it; it was far more profitable to provide near-useless "standard care" for polio patients including crutches for many and iron lungs for those who actually lost the ability to draw a breath.

As for wha's been completely hidden from us that might come out after the fall of the Cabal: I don't know what to expect but look forward to anything beneficial. I hope you're right that a real treasure-trove will be revealed.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting and insightful comment.

I wonder if phage therapy might be made to disable, remove, or over-write mRNA instructions in the microbiome. I doubt it would be fully effective (phages don't infect human cells) but it might significantly reduce the load of spike protein being generated (since, perhaps surprisingly, mRNA may have "phage like" properties and it colonizes certain bacteria in the microbiome, which could then become an on-going source of spike protein), and could be easily introduced in pill form.

You (ThomasMaker) are probably familiar with phages, but for those who are not: a phage (short for bacteriophage) is a virus that infects bacteria, and phages have been used therapeutically since the early 20th century. The discovery and introduction of antibiotics took the spotlight off phages but they are still in wide use in certain areas. Life Extension sells a probiotic that includes phages, providing both "good" bacteria and bacteriophages that infect and eliminate certain "bad" bacteria.

The Wiki page on phages is very detailed and (for those who disbelieve in viruses) includes an electron micrograph of phages attaching to a bacteria.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

I agree with you completely. Nattokinase might actually BE one of the anticoagulants Dr. Vaughn is using; it's been widely recommended including by Dr. McCullough and I can't imagine anyone researching the issue of clotting from the Spike protein NOT being aware of Nattokinase at this point.

All the supplements and drugs you mention have good support in the scientific literature and elsewhere, including patient reports. I'm a big believer in multiple remedies for anything serious and, especially if one is older or already has issues, for prevention.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

But they're great lyrics, thanks for posting!

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's what I recall also. Silverstein, not Giuliani.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for this post. You are right; very uplifting.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

Great post.

I wish that some information about this clip had been provided (by Wall Street Apes, or by whoever THEY got it from).

When was this testimony given? Where? etc. Did anything happen as a result of this testimony? The clip would be more useful as red-pill material if it were fully identified.

This problem is far too common.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

My thought is that you are right on target.

We know who some of the puppet-masters are, and the White Hats surely know all of them.

Perhaps Elon will build a Gitmo on Mars for them.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember house calls also. They were not onerously expensive, either. Those days won't be within living memory much longer; it's important that the truth not be lost of how much better, more humane, and less corrupt the medical profession was. People tend to think that how things are now is just how they have to be.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely. Insects, GMOs, mRNA injected beef, glyphosphate-drenched vegetables, seed oils, and everything else the Cabal has been channeling into our food supply should be exclusively on the menu for these psychopaths as they await that last short walk to justice.

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