by PepeSee
Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Me neither. And such horrifying harm, too . . . not just something minor. THAT I could see ordinary sleazebags doing. But THIS? My G*D.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also Apple and a zillion other organizations and corporations.

The full list is eye-opening. If you haven't visited the link in the post above, it's worth spending a few moments or more browsing the long, long list.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well . . . THAT was the most depressing thing I've seen this week. All too plausible.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the post, the poster, and the details.

I loved the movie although it didn't have the immediate emotional impact that The Matrix did. The very different style of Jupiter Ascending -- more relaxed, more not-exciting-but-important backstory, and more natural speech (I had a hard time understanding some of the characters' speech, as opposed to in The Matrix where everyone, especially Morpheus, speaks as if in Diction class) -- gave it a very different feel, despite the message of the elites and their evil versus ordinary, decent human beings being very similar.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Statistic Nazi here: It's a constant annoyance to me that such data is presented without enough information to be fully meaningful. (Not DemonDMT's fault, of course.)

The mortality rate is ALWAYS 100% -- nobody lives forever. We all die.

So if more of ONE group die than another, it can only be WITHIN A SPECIFIC PERIOD, because in the long run -- meaning just a few decades, really -- mortality is 100% for ANY given group. So instead of:

"7% increase in aggregate mortality . . ."

It would be more accurate (and usefully so) to specify DURING WHAT PERIOD of time the individuals on one group were more likely to die than those of another group.

If that period is one year, it begs the question of whether that RATE of excess mortality in the group will CONTINUE in the coming years, or if the rate will slow or quicken, or whatever.

Having said that, this increased rate of death is another massive red-pill for anyone paying attention, no matter what the time period involved.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

FYI: A nephew in CA reports that he had $8000 go missing from his account at BofA a week or two ago -- HALF of the account balance. Doesn't appear to be an outside hack, I suspect it's part of a bail-in but no answers forthcoming from BofA yet that I've heard.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fukushima earthquake was from a nuke on an off-shore fault line, said something I read back shortly after it happened. Take it with a big grain of salt -- I have no sauce at all -- but it always sounded plausible to me. A number of things about the aftermath of it all didn't fit with causation by earthquake (no, I don't remember the details).

Allegedly, it was because Japan's gov't wasn't toeing some line or other that the Cabal wanted them to follow.

Again: Could be BS; could be real. I'm agnostic about it.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, many, many millions of people affected. They're not all Wokesters, and as you point out, many took the jab in order to keep their job and career, to live up to their family obligations as breadwinner or to be with family in the hospital when un-jabbed were not allowed to even visit family members, and so on.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a story like this years ago. I wonder how often it happens.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Matrix is the Official Movie of the Great Awakening, as far as I'm concerned. The Wachowski, uh, siblings have red-pilled more human beings than possibly any one (or two) else in our lifetimes.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

People take painkillers because they are in pain, physically or emotionally.

Being numb is no fun UNLESS you're normally in pain; we want to FEEL life and so even those habitually using painkillers often use drugs that enhance feeling as well, trying to find a balance.

Many of the "vaxxed" are IN pain either physically or emotionally, or both -- because they and often their family and friends are "vaxxed". Even with no physical symptoms AT ALL, imagine how horrifying it must be to have people you know suffer painful symptoms or to Die Suddenly.

So the intersection of "being jabbed" and "taking fentanyl" is likely common among those dying of or with fentanyl poisoning, and causation will likely be very difficult to prove other than statistically.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

As things move towards complete destruction of the Democrat brand, it's time (past time, imo) that the GOP institute strong vetting for anyone who wants to become a candidate or who has any influence over GOP policy, staff, etc.

Can't have an honest conservative party if most of the staff and candidates are corrupt and/or working for the Cabal.

It'll never happen though . . . until The Return of the King, er, Trump.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Boot them, yes, but then prosecute them for attempted (or actual, if their law passes) Title 18 violations of constitutional rights.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The U.S. dollar has been devalued by even more (compared to when it was Real Money, when a $20 bill could be easily exchanged for a one-ounce gold coin at any bank). But that happened over the course of a century or so, not overnight.

Overnight 90% devaluation for the fiat dollar is probably coming, though. Destroying America's fiat system is necessary, but I don't look forward to it -- I expect quite a lot of pain in the short term and, for many, the long term as well.

We'll see.

Narg 14 points ago +14 / -0

LOL! No reason to get upset about it all -- Hunter's just an Extrovert!. πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

Narg 1 point ago +2 / -1

confess your sins so the church had blackmail on you

Wow. That never occurred to me. I'm not a Catholic, but given all the known corruption in the Church over the centuries, it seems obvious now that you've mentioned it.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nice! Brings to mind something I've been reading --

It is mutuality, not reciprocity, fellow-feeling, not calculation, which is both the motive and the reward for successful co-operation. And the outcome, in utilitarian terms, is not the important point: it is the process, the relationship, that matters. ~ Iain McGilchrist, The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World

And in case anyone should think that empathy necessarily means being soft on others, those right-sided regions include the right caudate, an area known to be involved in altruistic punishment of defection. ibid

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. And all around the world, from the local level right up to the top, where even national governments are ruled by the globalists.

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