Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

What this really says is that GM knows the electric future is a long-term deal, and it’ll be needing a lot more V8s in the near-term.

Maybe. What I think it says is that GM knows that "the electric future" is never happening and that they've already spent too much money to produce EVs that will NEVER sell in the volume needed to be profitable, that the spiraling cost of lithium and other inputs will put EVs even further beyond the budgets of most potential customers, that customers will learn that the actual environmental "benefits" of EVs are delusional, that range and recharging time issues will continue to limit the market for EVs, that government bribes to customers for buying EVs won't last forever, that the dangers of EVs make them unsuitable for transport on cargo ships or even ferries, that the electric grid is a million miles away from being ready for the phony "electric future" of 100% EV sales -- and more.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

The last 3 paragraphs (emphasis added):

There is obviously malignant policy from the government. We know that they’re lying. We know that they’re covering up. They’re gaslighting the families of those killed and injured by these shots,” Latypova summarized. And thus, this demonstrates a “very clear intent to harm through all these actions. And at this point, everything should be deemed intentional. All of the injury and death toll, should be deemed completely intentional.

“We found that these products are dirty, contaminated, do not conform at all to what the label says. And they’re hugely toxic by design,” she said.

They should all be stopped immediately, and this should be investigated properly. And we should bring those responsible to justice, to accountability. Until that happens, we cannot move on from this,” Latypova said. “We have to focus on this more and focus especially on prosecution and bringing those responsible to justice.”

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. And that's why the Declaration set the world on fire, creating an 18th century Great Awakening and helping to set off the French Revolution and more.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0


Post of the Day So Far (PDSF) for me, DeepDMingDeep.

Your point that the huge expansion of Cabal collaborators -- including many in consequential positions in and out of government, including right down to medical workers and other important cogs in the machine -- makes the Cabal more powerful yet more exposed and vulnerable, is an important insight. By accelerating their plans, they have doomed themselves -- IF we play our cards right.

It isn't a new idea that the White Hats and Trump pushed them to rush their plans, but the point that, among other things, rushing caused them to rapidly expand their "workforce" beyond what they could control is something I've not heard before.

Too many people aware of their plans, now. Too many to get rid of them the old-fashioned way if they go off-script. Too many leaks and leakers to contain.

As for the Great Culling: yes, of course that's real. We are seeing it in action daily. Died Suddenly, horrifying vax injuries, a 40% increase in excess deaths among working people, precipitous fertility drops world-wide, food and energy shortages being actively created, medical systems being overwhelmed and degraded, etc. etc.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, he COULD -- if California can ever have a half-way honest election again.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly! You can see it on their faces when Trump spoke, including at the debate when he said "Because you'd be in jail."

Shocked. Stunned. Terrified. They were SO CERTAIN that their disguises would hold, no matter what -- and then Trump opens his mouth on live television and their REAL FORM gets revealed, almost like in They Live when Roddy Piper puts on the magic sunglasses and sees the aliens (Cabal members) as the monsters they really are.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

TL:DR --

From the Court document:

The interns who were involved in “switchboarding” on behalf of CISA—Alex Zaheer (then an intern, later a full-time CISA official) and Pierce Lowary—were, at that time, simultaneously working for both CISA and the Stanford Internet Observatory, which led the Election Integrity Partnership in pressuring social-media platforms for censorship of election speech.

From Trump's Dec 15 2022 speech:

If any U.S. university is discovered to have been engaged in censorship activities or election interferences in the past, such as flagging social media content for removal or blacklisting, those universities should lose federal research dollars and federal student loan support for a period of five years and maybe more."

Thank you for all the sauce on this one, CHAOS_ACTUAL.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the Supreme Court rules: Mice have no standing.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The old, resource-draining demographic is ONE target. Every government is happy about THAT target group dying off. But solving governments' fiscal problems is not the main reason for the jabs.

Young adults and the not-yet-old are another target group.

Our children and the yet-unborn (and not-yet conceived) are also targets.

Can't reduce global population by 7 billion or more by just targeting old people.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

the policies that attempted to keep that platform safe, and the trust of users who populate it

-- yes, Twitter was much safer for the Cabal and their "liberal" thralls when Trump and most conservative / sane users were banned, and "liberals" trusted Twitter BECAUSE it had become a safe, Woke echo chamber where reality was replaced with insanity.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Knowingly, knowingly, knowingly. . . everywhere you look, the destruction of society is being carried out by people who KNOW exactly what they're doing and know that their fellow citizens DO NOT APPROVE, or in some cases WOULD NOT APPROVE if only those people were aware of what was being done.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Vax damage is real. I know people who are affected, and studies and other data from sources I trust describe the extent and severity of such damage -- not to mention the huge number of deaths.

There is FAR too much evidence for the harm done by the jabs to believe it's all staged.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

But a Real Woman could IDENTIFY as a man-to-woman Tranny and THEN her breasts would be SAFE FOR PUBLIC VIEWING!


Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Statins lower your CoQ10 levels . . . which is the opposite of what you want, especially if you're interested in cardiovascular health. BIG list of other nasty side-effects, too; research that if you haven't already; it'll give you pause.

If you decide to keep taking the statin, at least supplement with a significant amount (I'd consider 200mg or more) of CoQ10.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy crap!

I wonder what percentage of the "vaxxed" have similar symptoms. Can't imagine anyone with clotting so bad that blood can't be drawn is headed for anything good.

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