NavVetMN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok, i am going to say this for the record. The demonrats globalist elites are from Mars they destroyed Mars and are going to do the same here. Insanity is a funny thing. just sayin.

NavVetMN 16 points ago +16 / -0

Perhaps? Trust Kansas? Trust Wray? Trust Billy Boy Bar? etc,etc, etc? Colour me skeptical ok, think for yourself he said, do your own research. Well I am on the side of cautiously skeptical. Remember the third secret of Fatima and what Cardinal Vigano said about Russia, well my gut says I am against the NWO and so is Putin. OK remember misinformation is necessary? ALSO if the Deep State Dimms are rooting for Putins Demise, just as much as for Trumps demise. guess where I am? 5tranger.

NavVetMN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Forcefully, coordinated strike globally taking out all of the globalists countries leaders at once that we have affected regime change in, including our "ahem" leaders. At the same time capture all Illuminati, AKA Khazarian mafia and the Davos elite then the chips will fall. Done.

NavVetMN 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am fighting myself on this one, because these people just will not quit, they always want more. If you know this is what they are doing then why play "their" game, Is there another way to hurt the company itself not the worker? This is Khazarian Mafia (Illuminatti), we know their plan what can we do to hurt them, and f%$# their plans up?

NavVetMN 4 points ago +4 / -0

Didn't Trump just say that his VP pick will stun the world? What if is was RFK Jr. I think that would do it. Well we know the dimms won't allow him to get the nomination for the Dimm party right? so. What a ticket?, that would light their hair on fire.

NavVetMN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok guys the Patriot's Front is a white supremacy group, remember Charlotte? They were formally Vanguard, now the patriots front group. Look it up I know you can at least do that. check out pepes grandma on twitter big piece on this.

NavVetMN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes but I only saw one going around both wrists or am I wrong?

NavVetMN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok guys we got em' now lets gay up the gun manufacturers and then we can watch them blow up their guns, ok good plan worked great with Bud right?

NavVetMN 3 points ago +3 / -0

since when do we only use one zip tie, or am i wrong again

NavVetMN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Weren't these patriot front guys the same ones on J6 loading up on busses or something?

NavVetMN 1 point ago +1 / -0

This right here is a dog whistle, dog is scared big time. Just my thought.

NavVetMN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch the Dimming awesome documentary on youtube yea i know but worth a watch

NavVetMN 2 points ago +2 / -0

So? Inditing pres Trump and candidate Trump is not election interference?

NavVetMN 3 points ago +3 / -0

WTH I live in SE Ohio and we have had 1 large to major storm every week since fall, We all know what they are doing. I am getting really tired of this how much worse can it get.

NavVetMN 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to have very strong opinions when our government is so corrupt and our tax dollars are going to the NAZIS, I get certain vibes with certain kinds of people I spent 20 years in the Navy and I know a few things, this guy just don't sit right with me. And it pisses me off about the weather modification they are doing, I live in southern Ohio and it just seems to be getting worse and worse one to two major storms a week coming through here all winter we hardly got any sun all winter just last month we got some real sun This is bull crap. and on and on.

NavVetMN 6 points ago +6 / -0

What was that another BOOMerang coming back around to hit this corrupt government sQuare in the head, The CIA has committed more war crimes than any other corrupt agency in the WORLD War Crimes Lets Go

NavVetMN 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy is a piece of shit, he would give up his mother to save his ass.

NavVetMN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not telling you what to do but I grew up no vaccines at all until I joined the Navy. I stepped on rusty nails broken glass had my little finger almost amputated at 5 dad used two pop sickle sticks to put me back together, played in pig shit ate a chicken poop brothers said it was candy. Oh yea shoes were for church and school. and I havent had a shot since the Navy. Just me though. I am not embelishing at all. hardly ever sick. I use alternative medicine, Silver water, baking soda, fire cider etc.

NavVetMN 6 points ago +6 / -0

My story is very similar to yours Navy I was a Mineman (where we go no fleet goes), recruiting but as my twilight tour, 20 years the worst damn job I ever had. first thing I did was to tell the RINC I wasn't going to do phone power with him. OOPS. He said ring, ring mother fker. I said I wasn't going to play that. Well we'll just call the M-chief and see what he thinks about that. Well I told the master chief how it was, and well It was not a good time for me after that. Besides I recruited in Minnesota when Jessie V. Was gov. I was on the Iron Range in Hibbing. SUUUUCCCCCKKEDDDD. Never saw so many liberal minded people in my life. As for when I was awake well lets just say when wasn't I Always conservative. But really kicked in when George Sr. started talking about the New World Order, I knew about it but when the president said it "well". I was the first in my family ever to join the service Quaker and all, didn't go over too well, but I always hung out with the biggest hell raisin bunch in the Navy just seemed right at the time. But Had a great career never as much as a captains mast. I did get called in front of him once for fighting with some Scottish, blokes at the Elsa Bar in Cambeltown Scotland he called it an international incident, it was revenge for them beating up 7 of my buddies at the Argyle bar couple weeks before. anyhow I guess I am and always will be a rebel.

NavVetMN 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mass castration on display

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