Needmorecovfefe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Have your iron levels checked.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I haven’t seen mentioned yet is Putin left leg, seemingly in several shots he clearly puts his left hand down on his left knee as if to keep his left foot from raising. Throughout the entire interview he never so much as moves his left leg. He does move his right leg several times. Does this mean anything? Probably not but signaled to me he was grounded through the interview.

Needmorecovfefe 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree that Tucker (who was called out by Putin for being a supposed “history” scholar) looked absolutely idiotic in the interview. Overall I sense Tucker wanted very specific answers to will Russia assert more aggressively especially to neighboring territories. I have to say I thought Tuckers cutting him off was quite unprofessional. However I do believe Russia has a clear message in the history. And it ties completely together at the end when Putin has admittance that they are in essentially a civil war. But his message which may not be understood for years is the United States is also on this current trajectory… our culture is constantly being changed, our history erased and rewritten and look at us now, on the verge of what no one wants to see… a civil war. His message was clear to me, and the history lesson as Russia sees it important as most American educated children no nothing about the history of the Russians

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a military recruiting magazine called futures. It uses this same exact red banded e on the cover. Easily searchable. This was being used before Biden was installed. I know cause one of my kids got one in the mail.

Needmorecovfefe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Prayers for your neighbor! Can someone start a local fund for her that people can contribute to so she can have funds to help her get back on track. We have a local bank in town and any time someone’s house burns down everyone pitches in on a Friday when they cash their checks. It’s amazing how much our little community comes together for people in need.

Needmorecovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

On another note we had a group of Pakistani me. Come through town offering cash deals for businesses. Some of the local families SOLD to them. At least 2 gas stations and a liquor store, they also bought a motel. Everyone in town warned everyone DONT SALE. Then everyone was accused by the new Cali transplants that “MUH, THATS RACIST”. It’s absolutely maddening what is going on in rural America right now. People have NO IDEA.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here too. We actually had a bus get stuck in a national forest road, full of immigrant males, several townies went to see what was up, including legal Mexicans out here who stated most of the men were middle eastern. 3 sheriffs from neighboring counties went to see what was going on, because this was fed land the rangers had jurisdiction and the men were all out in white unmarked vans and supposedly taken to Nashville Ark. sheriffs all released a carefully worded release saying bus got lost and everything is fine, same sheriffs later admitted in posts that they believe all the men to be illegals to come here for work. Locals tracked the bus plates, plates come back to llc with fed contracts for transportation of passengers. Only 3 employees. Bus sat for nearly 4 days. All men on bus had packs and carried 2 gallons of water. We later heard from the ozarks of buses dropping men of in the middle of forests. Locals pissed because they hunted almost entire section of forests, animals bodies were piled up, eventually white trucks came and picked all men up and transported them to another section. Locals were pissed, confronting men, men are said to be very aggressive. Two women have reported they were robbed and one almost raped by middle eastern men in Albert pike section. Rangers are quiet on this, no releases of criminal activity. Lots of other people from other areas chimed in and said what they were experiencing. Everyone focused on hotels and airports, I can tell you all right now, the majority of these military men are in our national forests! Local sheriff can’t touch them on fed land, rangers are told to leave them alone or lose their jobs. They are armed! Don’t believe this bs that they are being set up in hotels, these guys are survivalist, guerilla warfare types. If you live in National Forest area ALWAYS carry. If you have a woman who hikes NF alone DONT LET HER.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does this op live anywhere near where these people are being brought in and dumped? I can tell you there is a huge influx of “immigrants” coming in, I see it in my town, I see it in every major city I have traveled to in the past 4 months.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

The narrative has made her a victim. In reality most of us could care less about Swift or her boyfriend. What we do care about is the glorification of false idols, godless heads who act on Lucifer’s behalf. It’s not just Swift, there are hundreds of current “idols” who are exposing children to dark works and the left hand path. That’s the focus on Swift and the real reason she has come into the spotlight, much like Madonna, the material girl, Swift is an open book into Lucifer’s influence in pop culture.

Needmorecovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bongino said on todays show that the guy who was there the night before took the subway and they traced him to getting in a vehicle with plates registered to an Air Force intelligence contractor.. I think that’s what he said at least, I had to take a phone call but anyway, it was in today’s show. Bongino has really been pushing this story because he knows it’s all sus.

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I noticed here our small town is completely full in the hotels, seems there are a ton of immigrants there. My Walmart now plays Spanish music… all within the past month.

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

This! Almost all promissory contracts are in fact illegal according to our own laws. This is why they took economics out of schools. So the little people don’t understand what the hell they are signing. In fact it is fraud and illegal. People don’t want to be in debt, 90 percent of people want to pay back the fair price of said debt. Now the banks come along and issue promissory notes for money they never had to give. It’s like me handing you a piece of paper saying it’s good for 10k (that I don’t have) you go and give it to the car dealer for your car, car dealer brings it back to me and I keep issuing more paper that has no real value but is being exchanged for “debts”. The money NEVER existed. That’s what people need to understand.

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not sure this is entirely true as every US citizen with a birth certificate has been and is currently being bought and sold daily on the markets. This is the elusive strawman accounts they found when they found the Panama papers… so in essence you yourself could be worth millions or billions depending on your “worth” to traders. For understanding everyone has to become familiar with actual legal terms set forth by our founders, and how the entire fiasco of usury debt facilitated against us is in actual terms fraud and makes the contracts null and void, in fact they are illegal… https://youtu.be/e4KNxgWY5yg?si=RF8WMCPhcUc6mg7T

Needmorecovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every anon should watch and be familiar with what is being presented. It is the basic understanding. No debts exist because you have been bought and sold daily via birth certificates, your birth certificate is directly linked to straw man accounts. Any usury debt owed will be paid off with that account. It’s the same thing when you file bankruptcy, the bankruptcy judge requests from the fed to access your accounts to repay debts he will deem he can write off, now the judge knows these are illegal debts but the system protects itself. Watch and learn https://youtu.be/e4KNxgWY5yg?si=RF8WMCPhcUc6mg7T

Needmorecovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way I have understood it is if it’s a Legal debt it will be repaid. If it’s not legal then no repayment, for further explanation to what is legal debt and un legal debt watch war castles. https://youtu.be/e4KNxgWY5yg?si=RF8WMCPhcUc6mg7T

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