NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is that as long as the U.S. is a part of NATO it will always be involved. The UK/EU strategy will be to drag the U.S. into a war with Russia.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they really want to rock the world they will reveal aetheric energy.

NoApologyTour 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just like Macron in France, they’ve installed a central banker to run Canada.

NoApologyTour 6 points ago +6 / -0

It’s a drop in a flood of misinformation. I have two kids aged 10 and 12. Most of the content they’ve seen in their lives on historical England is predominately black. I haven’t talked to them about it, but I would assume that they don’t question it (and why would they?). This is why they crack down so hard on dissent. We’re allowed to quietly disagree, but not publicly challenge the narrative. And when we’re gone this will become the new accepted version of history.

Think of how when the Rockefeller’s were swapping out natural cures with petroleum pharmaceuticals almost a century ago. It was probably crystal clear to many doctors at the time and they probably pushed back on it. But as they passed, there was no one left with the institutional memory to fight back. Now the doctors are amongst the most brainwashed of them all.

NoApologyTour 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agree… I see the purpose of this group to question and discuss everything. PDW is a good place to go for those that just want to be a Trump cheerleader.

NoApologyTour 9 points ago +9 / -0

It really does seem like everything is catching up with them. Whether it’s this, or pretty much any other subject, Trump can just point to their overt abuse of that thing and dismiss them.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think this may be the case. But there is a difference between Fort Knox having the gold that we expect it has, and Fort Knox having been secretly looted but the military has recovered it (and more) and it’s being kept at a black site. The later will cause people to meltdown, particularly if they are only presented with the information that the Fort Knox gold has been stolen. I think they will dramatically announce this after they audit and “discover” the gold is gone. They’ll then use this as an excuse to upend the system.

Also, Q never referred to “the Fed”, he said “gold will destroy FED”, which I interpret as Foreign Exchange Deposits. A gold backed USD will absolutely obliterate weak foreign fiat currencies.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is that DEI has deliberately lowered the standards, and in the case of the aviation industry, likely put people’s lives in danger. It’s perfectly reasonable to question if the pilots, regardless of identity, were subject to the full training and evaluation process. Thankfully everyone lived, but now is the time for serious questions.

NoApologyTour 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are a number of factors to consider. The one that most people don’t realize is that there are probably 1-2 million illegals that have been deliberately brought in as soldiers. These people are funded by the UN and are literally waiting on orders of where to go and what to do. Before any larger action can be taken, this network must be cleared out.

You did a good job outlining the second big issue. The manufacturing that hasn’t been outsourced has been mostly co-opted by illegals. They need to gradually transition all of that work back to Americans without breaking the system.

I expect that once they secure these facets then all bets will be off. They can swoop in with penalties for companies and banks that support them. Nice that happens you’ll see 60 million people self deported in a very short timeframe.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

For what it’s worth, we were all lied to. It’s honorable to stand tall and fight for your country. The evil that has infected our countries literally fabricated evidence and attacks on this country to make these wars happen. As difficult as it is to learn this, I feel that we’re lucky to finally be breaking through the matrix with enough momentum to defeat them.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s difficult to imagine that Politico has anything worth subscribing for. The $500k is either graft or they’re offering some black market services behind the scenes.

NoApologyTour 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m pretty sure Thompson Reuters is a foreign entity. I’d say that I don’t know why the previous administration would give a foreign entity millions of dollars to practice widespread social deception on the American people, but I think deep down we all know why.

NoApologyTour 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s amazing that the left, who has renamed thousands of places over the years, loses their collective mind and insists that the right can’t rename anything.

NoApologyTour 17 points ago +17 / -0

There’s a sweet sense of satisfaction in seeing all of these bureaucratic tools that they created being turned against them.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

The point of controlled opposition is that they fit in and build your trust. They’re allowed to fight and win all the battles they can, except for the select few that really matter. At that point, when it really matters, you find out they’re not really on your side.

A great example is Fox News. They have been the outlet fighting liberalism for decades. But when they were ordered to be the first to call Arizona for Biden on Election night 2020, they didn’t skip a beat. The establishment then used Fox’s “credibility” as a right wing staple as an excuse to justify the pile-on and to attack opponents. CNN can now claim they’re not biased because even Fox News is calling it.

I don’t know much about Charlie, and have liked the few things I’ve seen him do online. But receiving this funding is a bad sign.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

The more I see, the more I’m on board with the idea that Trump had to lose 2020. These confirmations will be razor thin, and I can’t imagine them being possible with the congress they had even 4 years ago.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny how these viruses only really impact animals that the food supply depends on.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s just more pillaging of Ukraine. The U.S. installed a ruler that acted in its interests. Within a decade of this happening the Ukraine was at war and owed the west hundreds of billions of dollars for the privilege of being destroyed.

NoApologyTour 3 points ago +3 / -0

They need to rename it ATS (Alcohol Tobacco Soda) and leave firearms alone. Also massively trigger the left.

NoApologyTour 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least they’ve moved on from the narrative that Elon was the shadow president and Trump the puppet.

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