Nolagirl99 4 points ago +4 / -0

She probably should’ve only taken 18mg. If she’s never taken it before, make sure you read up on parasite die off. Nausea, severe headache, etc. She’ll probably feel worse this afternoon. Make sure she drinks as much lemon water as possible and eat super healthy next few days. Pho soup and tom yum are great when sick and lentil soup for the parasite die off.

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Parasite die off… the body has to process the toxins. Drink lots of lemon water to help the kidneys and liver.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting. When I did my first cleanse, a holistic, chiropractor friend of mine said to make sure to drink plenty of lemon water to help the liver process the toxins. He also gave me an herbal supplement called livaplex. If you’re senior citizens, I’m going to guess you haven’t done a parasite cleanse, except for maybe childhood (your of the castor oil generation). The increased enzymes would probably be an effect of the body trying to clear the toxins during the die off stage. Same with the blurry vision. I have a friend who’s vision gets worse then a few days after the monthly dose, her vision sharpens. Do you remember the dosage you took?

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of the humor everyday people just wouldn’t get. I don’t mind laughing at myself because sometimes even I know I sound crazy. I looked at it a little differently. The fact that MSM hated it tells me he was trying to do more than make fun of conspiracy theorists. I watched it with a non conspiracy theory friend and stopped several times to explain the jokes. She looked into a lot of the references. I hope one day we’ll figure it all out

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have a stupid sense of humor but most of the humor can only be understood if you are a “conspiracy theorist”.

Edit to include post a while back and others opinions.


Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

I give it a solid 10 but depends on your humor. I love Mike Myer stupid humor. It’s hysterical. Makes so much fun of conspiracy theories but only “conspiracy theorist” would get it.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t think there’s an anon on here that hasn’t been preparing for either scenario. So while we hope for the best, we prepare for the worst. I have a friend who strongly believes we’re being played from both sides. Here’s my personal reasons I carry out hope. Most are rhetorical.

  1. Why instill trump? He’s literally a billionaire who didn’t need to subject himself much less his entire family to the past six years. Not much to gain, plenty to loose.

  2. Why has he been targeted so harshly from the beginning? What makes them so afraid?

  3. Trumps actions during his presidency. The list is exhaustive but for this conversation the one that truly sticks out is Space Force. (Reminder Obama relinquished US control 2016 of internet)

  4. Space Force- satellites, wave of the future, installed by trump…. “We have it all”. From an article about space force entering the fight: To help the Space Force prevent “bad actors” from causing more havoc in space, Armagno said globally accepted norms of behavior are the first step. “From a military perspective, what’s important about norms of behavior is that we’re going to be able to tell who’s not following them,” Armagno said. From their mission statement: why do we need space force? A: Space has become essential to our security and prosperity – so much so that we need a branch of our military dedicated to its defense, just like we have branches of the military dedicated to protecting and securing the air, land, and sea. Unfettered access to space is vital to national defense. Space systems are woven into the fabric of our way of life. Space affects almost every part of our daily lives and is fundamental to our economic system. For example, satellites not only power the GPS technology that we use daily, but allow us to surf the web and call our friends, enable first responders to communicate with each other in times of crisis, time-stamp transactions in the world financial market, and even allow us to use credit cards at gas pumps.

  5. Twittter- I’m not sold on Twitter either. This is a wait and see for me but it’s undeniable that people who wouldn’t have seen certain information are now seeing new information previously censored.

  6. Truth Social. If the US has been under foreign attack (as so much evidence has shown) the first step would be to gather the evidence, the players, etc. Do you launch a social media site and secure it by ONLY allowing US citizens to participate? Why can’t a US citizen login outside of the US? Why apple products first? The rollouts and beta tests were interesting. Again, it could be used towards you’re theory. First came the verified “team trumpers” (Kash, Flynn etc), then anons and influencers, then informed patriots, then everyday joes, then some from the other side. But still no bots.

  7. GAW- how has GAW remained standing when they have taken over just about every other platform? Also, GAW has had about a 90% track record of I told you so’s.

I personally believe it’s more complicated than we can even begin to imagine. Again, I’m not techie but I’ve had a few people explain several aspects of things like the capabilities of satellites, quantum computing, etc. and for me, it seems to be tied in with TS. I wait to see how Twitter plays out. As for Occam’s razor, I continue to circle back 😬 to the simple fact that there was absolutely no need for a global mass awakening as the great reset was being implemented. Why wake up the masses to their plans? It just doesn’t make sense. We got lazy. I’m 100% of the total belief that we haven’t even scratched the surface of how bad things are going to get. It still has to get much, much worse. So, we prepare for the worst but hope for the best. In the end, it will be up to us.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like 400k more give or take from previous years

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree it needs the number to track you. I assume it’s doing the same from the IP address on the desktop. I am not techie. I’ve learned a lot from others here. Several people have said when they leave the country they aren’t able to login. While you assume it’s for nefarious reason, I try to be more optimistic and believe they are trying to keep out foreign influence. Allowing complete anonymity would be an open invitation, look at Twitter, Reddit, telegram, etc. I don’t think there’s an easy answer so it comes to personal discretion. I’ve personally watched countless “conspiracies” come to be truths to jump to the other side of nefarious.

Nolagirl99 8 points ago +8 / -0

All the posts about the big announcement are entertaining. Trump has balls of steel. Who cares about trading cards? Something light in the darkness. He literally just told the world how he will be be dismantling the corrupt in every three letter agency. In universities. It means we won.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone recognize what the painting is in the back?

Nolagirl99 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was a really well written article. I can’t wait for the day the people who treat our veterans like this are held accountable. Because he dared to stand up for the truth and his country. As he was taught and trained. It’s unbelievable.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just look up daily dose of each vitamin. I didn’t realize and I was taking everyday. I love this stuff. I watch everyone go down and I still fell like a million bucks

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hello fren! Missed ya! Haven’t seen your posts in awhile but real life’s gotten busy. Always enjoy your detailed posts and couldn’t agree more.

Nolagirl99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry you’re feeling rough. The extra vitamins someone suggested are great and I put some things in the comments for symptoms. Make sure you move around and walk, as bad you feel. Also get some sunshine if you can or red light. I got really sick last year after attending an outdoor concert. I travel and have been exposed to all kinds of situations but I’ve noticed that whenever I go to a public place in a blue area, I don’t always feel great the next day and it seems to coincide with how many vax people I’m around. I’ve spoken to a few people who seem to have had similar experiences. Curious if you can pinpoint where/how you got sick?

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love this stuff! I take the drops. Be careful about taking it everyday though. I think the doses (at least on mine) are high and you should take it bc you go out to an event, around sick kids, travel, etc.

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