NoobieQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I take it as the deep states move was to only cheat to win in the hyper MAGA and most important races

This lets them appease red base

Claim the red wave is for RINOs but NOT MAGA

And thus 2020 and 2022 and every election hence forth totally legit for realsies

It’s a very very fine line to walk

The question is how will it play out?

NoobieQ 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah I mean I think it’s crazy what he’s saying, like he made pharma more expensive especially insulin. It was like the first E.O. He signed. Crazy that he’s able to say this lie.

NoobieQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

So is this trip code verified or no?

NoobieQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

It took them a week to check truth social? Big brain moves, fast, paced hard core journalist! He’s a regular Columbo.

NoobieQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now do how low IQ hinders the ability to create memes hence why the left can’t meme

NoobieQ 2 points ago +3 / -1

Elizabeth warren?! Is that you?!

NoobieQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to work in a building with similar amenities, they tried to implement a block chain jab registry to determine who was allowed on site. The unvaxxed had to get tested every 3.5 days

I told them to fuck themselves and reported them to the government

I lost that job but have since found a new one. No amenities are worth taking that poison death jab

by BQnita
NoobieQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Panic much?

NoobieQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

I second this question I got like 40 shares

Edit: it’s through Robinghood they probably already voted for me lol

NoobieQ 21 points ago +21 / -0

I fought against mandates and it cost me my job still put blood and God helped me find something else quickly but I willingly sacrificed what little I had with no plan. I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

NoobieQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is not the point I'm making.

The point of a scare event is to use the fear that people experience from an event to control them

The scare event thus is an act of terrorism

For example when the left use a scare event that involves encouraging a sick individual to kill people this causes fear which encourages sheep to get rid of guns

This is terrorism using fear of gun violence to drive social change

The plan to allow the democrats and globohomos to enact their terrorist agenda / scare events is fundamentally different from orchestrating a terror attack.

So I don’t consider a counter insurgency operation where one allows the enemy to act out their terrorism schemes as a “scare event” they are simply monitoring the perpetrators of the event as they enact it and hopefully in addition to documenting the criminal activity are acting to minimize collateral

NoobieQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pretty sure the terms are synonymous with each other

NoobieQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

It happened a lot actually just scamming for quick cash

NoobieQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah my mom keeps asking me this question I just remind her that the normies are too self absorbed and lazy to care enough to go to civil war.

I mean for God’s Sake they mandated poison death shots and the sheeple just bent right over for it. They are too fucking far gone to rise up and fight.

Our only hope is for Q to be real and Patriots to be in control

If that is not actually the case we are completely fucked because there’s no way in hell, no precipice big enough to turn these lazy, stupid, self absorbed, sheep-rats into revolutionaries.

If Q and the Plan is real (I believe it is) then America will be saved but the question remains do we deserve to be saved? Did the American people do anything to save themselves? Or did we just get extremely lucky that the Patriots were able to save us by the skin of our teeth?

Only time will tell either way I was super upset when they stole the election but when literally no one gave a fuck and just said “ we will get them next election🤡” I realized it’s all beyond my control all I can do is try to wake them up and enjoy the ride at this point i just find it hilarious as the normies wake up to the precipice and disaster THEY are directly responsible for, even if its wayyyyy too damn late. if the Patriots weren’t in control we would be completely fucked.

NoobieQ 19 points ago +19 / -0

Here is everything I’ve been collecting related to the topic some may not deal specifically with C-19 but it all highlights the actions of the medical mafia hope it helps

Evidence of medical mafia genocide

Vax suppress immune system article


Vax heart related side effects



Article showing death by vax status

Data from UK government Office for national statistics the article pulled the data from Uk government


Evidence showing ivermectin is a viable treatment


Article revealing FOIA request identified Pfizer covered up bad data


Scientific paper documenting evidence of reverse transcription of covid vaccine into genome (something we were assured was impossible)


Article summarizing findings of court ordered release of Pfizer documentation links to the original Pfizer documentation in the article and below



Another article highlighting Pfizer documentation and a study from Israel on the effects of this vaccine on fertility they cite the original info in the article as usual


Doctors for Covid Ethics


Article pointing out Pfizer documentation recorded multiple cases of VAED


Link to the Pfizer documents referenced in the above article article


Review of the early documents that were released


Watch this man who was a major proponent of the vaxx assess Pfizer documentation (doode looks like he’s gonna puke as a result of the terrible data)


Article reviewing documents released from Pfizer showing they knew it wasn’t safe or effective


This woman wrote an article talking about Pfizer post marketing “adverse events” link to specific appendix included in article and below



^ It’s buried in the PHMPT Pfizer document list

Another similar article on adverse events


This is not about the covid vaccine specifically however it is a fascinating article documenting the lies told by pharma and the government surrounding previous vaccine ... failings (to put it nicely)


Supporting documentation for above article


Another article supporting evidence that vaccines are damaging


Great links stolen from post by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve and added to my sauce pantry

Links: Fertility Issues; Senior Australian Dr. Reported to have been Sacked for Refusing C-19 Jab and for Trying to Publish Data Showing that 74% of Vaccinated Women in His Practice Suffer Miscarriage.

https://supersally.substack.com/p/fertility-issues-senior-australian https://archive.ph/rUgKk

Doctor who monitored miscarriages in women pre- and post-cv substance jab and found they increased, gets sacked

https://waikanaewatch.org/2022/07/25/doctor-who-monitored-miscarriages-in-women-pre-and-post-cv-substance-jab-and-found-they-increased-gets-sacked/ https://archive.ph/pNbfQ

John O’Looney Update on Infant Deaths, Funerals & Miscarriage Rate https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/john-olooney-update-on-infant-deaths-funerals-miscarriage-rate/ - article about John Looney https://archive.ph/2gWkY https://www.bitchute.com/video/qwZVQLoVOrch/ - john looney 2022-07-25 discussing sacking

Dr Luke McLindon, fertility specialist at Brisbane’s Mater hospital has collected data which reveals a disturbing 74% miscarriage post inject. In an attempt to silence him he was fired last Friday!!

https://twitter.com/SaiKate108/status/1551425520360759296 https://archive.ph/ChddX

I've just called Dr Luke McLindon's office to confirm some details, yesterday morning when I called it was before office hours, his name was still on the recording, today I called during office hours and his name is removed receptionist said he is no longer working there…

https://twitter.com/section_117/status/1551731161444937728 https://archive.ph/NbXgP

Dr Luke McLindon has been sacked on Friday, an Australian Dr for not taking the jab. Dr says 74% of women vaxxed are having miscarriages. This report says.

https://twitter.com/section_117/status/1551120281548103686 https://archive.ph/YQeex

Dr Luke McLindon HealthShare

https://www.airrm.org.au/acadp_listings/dr-luke-mclindon/ https://archive.ph/OW92r

materhealth online (archived cv), Gynaecology Dr Luke McLindon, Specialty: Gynaecology, Clinical Interests: Advanced laparoscopic surgery

https://web.archive.org/web/20220318091458/https://www.materonline.org.au/specialist/gynaecology/dr-luke-mclindon https://archive.ph/ZKprB

Telegram Link: So I went to the Brisbane rally today and I met a Dr Called Dr Luke McLindon.

https://t.me/s/ariseaustralia/5945 https://archive.ph/fthtr#selection-6053.0-6053.15

He told me that he has been investigating miscarriages in couples/women post vaccination. He said a normal miscarriage rate is between 5-14%, sometimes up to as high as 16%. But as he has been keeping stats since the introduction of the vaccine, he has found that 74% of women who are vaccinated are now having miscarriages Dr. McLindon is quoted as having said that he is seeing pregnancy losses in up to 74% of the vaccinated women in his practice. This is 4.6 to 14.8 times higher than typical normal rates of loss which range from 5 to 16% (58 - 69% above typical losses). We must also note that he sees women who have managed to get and stay pregnant long enough to see a doctor. His data does not reflect failure to get pregnant or very early losses.

In 2020 DR Birx lied about vaccine efficacy and about masks and lockdowns only to admit in 2022 that she lied and the vaccines don’t work


Article explaining ivermectin works and the powers that be suppress it for less effective drugs


Dr explains how vaccine can cause autoimmune disease


COVID camps




Ivermectin video


Covid is the common cold


People realizing their family was poisoned



Video explaining genocide


Link between recent uptick in cancer (10,000%) and vaxxxxxxx


This video summing everything up


Vaccine spike and prion disease


Democrat explains vax is bullshit and government knows it


Immune deficiency study from July 2022


Post genocide cover up


Miscarriage was a known side effect in 44% of pregnant women


Social distancing is pseudo science here’s the proof


Carnage from vaccine


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