Notimportant81 2 points ago +2 / -0

Listened to it last night. That bag of reasons not to fly got exponentially heavier. Confirmed every fear I had.

Notimportant81 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump looks like his paternal grandmother. Don Jr. Looks like Frederick.

Notimportant81 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, I am very leery of this claim. As huge as this issue was, no way could Jimmy mitigate the fact the he caused Iran to fall and that he caused gas lines and that he caused economic disaster and gave the great malaise speech. And there was zero indication that Iran was softening its stance.

And Casey may have been on the campaign staff, but the manager was Ed Rollins and newt Gingrich was a top dog. I do not remember Casey at all as any kind of spokesman.

Notimportant81 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very few places called it pop. Now, I can add Michigan.

Notimportant81 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course. Content was assumed. Can't assume anything. I know but still sometimes do.

Notimportant81 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are not typical nor I suspect represented by many numbers at all. The reason I said not criticizing the writer.

The thing that irks me are that with food stamps, school lunch and breakfast programs and local food pantries, we are being told there are hungry children.

I have watched people with baskets full of expensive garbage and items I can't buy, pay with food stamps or government cards. Children are supposedly starving because the adults in their lives are spending money on junk. When I was a child, we got a can of soda for field days at school, at family reunions and some 7 up and oranges for Christmas. Period. Deserts were far and few between.

Notimportant81 0 points ago +1 / -1

But not for fried chicken. As soon as a cockeral becomes adult rooster, the meat is tough and stringy. This IS a fried chicken commercial.

Notimportant81 13 points ago +13 / -0

First person I have ever seen gain weight from pneumonia and hospital stay.

Notimportant81 4 points ago +4 / -0

Woman in white skirt needs charging with calling in false claim. Woman in black needs charge of filing false claim. Officer lied from get go and lied to his superior. Needs to be fired. Victim can sue.

Notimportant81 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do not condemn at all. The gov gives you the money. However there are huge swaths of people right now who must feed their children with no government assistance and are barely making it. Their choices are gas for getting to work or food. Soda, candy, baked sweets, potatoes chips are what one buys with disposable food budget. The price of a six pack can buy potatoes or a vegetable or fruit.

My family's income was way below the poverty level. We were never on the dole and we never went hungry. I have been stone cold broke in my lifetime, including a period with two children and my husband out of work for 3 months. No food stamps, but I made it by digging the Sunday paper inserts out of the garbage at a local store, cut coupons and spending a day spending coupons with store sales. My record was $300+ of groceries for 30 dollars.

Notimportant81 12 points ago +12 / -0

Bar in the shower is both the best of the week and a great idea!

Judge ordering Elon to return the astronauts almost as funny.

Thank you, Uncle.

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