Yes I know what you mean. If I didn't have to use a tablet and could touch type on my laptop it would help. Vif you can't see passed that..look at what I post and research.
Yes in uk the hysteria was full on from TV government media shops tannoys messaging non stop on a loop that they and staff .........I wrote to major supermarkets and BBC news and told them nuremburg code classed that as torture . Didn't stop BBC . I watched film of extracts and the way the newscasters and journalists at the time convincing people there had been planes and BBC announced collapse of building seven 20 minutes before the collapse and while it stood standing behind her and the time running underneath. Murdering scum
I am in the UK..its hard work trying to do anything at all.... I have never worn a mask or been jabbed and have a history of copd and asthma and yet my friends boosters etc dontt look at this and say how can there be a deadly virus
And the flu has nothing to do with an imaginary virus germ theory v terrain
Over nine billion dollars in the aids fund
How are you going to tell them? Msm via agents not going to let you say anything
All to plant the idea that viruses are deadly.books and films msm people were ripe for plucking! Biggest longest lasting con in history...planes flying into twin towers and landing on the moon and challenger blowing up when they are still living in their deep state enclaves one died at sandy hook. We are not living in 2022 but 1022 or thereabouts..
I could go on and on and on
Is Malone really a doctor? From the transcript it doesn't sound like it
Yes some real truths need to be on the record....not Malone style truths...I wonder if Dr Martin s truth about exosomes will get there? I doubt it. Such a truth will collapse all the colossal industries....the emperor has no clothes on. I often think this when I am the only one in asked In Supermarkets.
We need to get the truth out there otherwise they will just gear up for next scamdemic...over two hundred new so called vaccines waiting to go to market
Sorry? Effective at what? There is no virus! There is no disease. Please research before posting
Dr Kauffman virology brand-new tube Dr Stefan Lanka website evidence court case German Supreme court. Step by step demo to showcno way there was an isolated of a measles virus. Dr Robert Young California naturapath corresponded with the CDC re no evidence of an isolate for any virus Foi request s UK Boris Johnson office pH England hold no evidence of isolate foi requests The Bernician website deception of virology David icke website Dr David Martin website
Has he been flipped? Why is he only coming out now?he has been in this corrupt vaccine business for a very long time. He is also playing the game. On the gravy train
. Germ theory v terrain. Watch a video on bitchute or brandnew tube . This theory was debunked 100 years ago and during so called Spanish reality Rockefeller experimental horse serum..lots of scientific and disgusting tests were done to see if viruses as they were called..were transmissible. They were not. Autopsies showed bacterial pneumonia as cause of death. Now autopsies banned.
Malone isn't saying anything that you couldn't find online. Still talking covid..pushing his new drug ...still very involved in a covid that doesn't exist. He isn't telling you it isn't an isolated virus and that is because it's impossible to do that isolation. All there is a soup of deceased exosomes.....Dr Robert Young California naturapath corresponded with the CDC and they confirmed under foi that they do not hold evidence for not just no isolate for Sars two coronavirus akaccovidcbutvany other so called virus Dr Stefan Lanka website..he shows step by step as Dr Kauffman a virologist how impossible it is to isolate a virus.
When you show symptoms of flu it is either from radiation poisoning but your lungs will be ok. Your cells howevercwill be stripped of oxygen and when put on a ventilator patients usually die. Wuhan deaths in China was due to 5g being switched on.
Another cause is the terrain ..your body is poisoned from bad toxic air water food and drinks.
Third is lack of vitamin d. Unless you are in the sun stripped down for five hours a day your levels will be low.
Now strangely enough for all he talks of people making informed decisions he is isn't entioni g these facts is he?
He has apparently a few manmade patented bioweapons himself too. Not researched this
Nor is he telling anyone that mRNA jabs not a vaccine before definition got altered very recently...couldn't get a license even allowing for corrupt FDA ..and the cheating that goes on in trials to get a license.use way back machine as all chicanery I saw years ago removed because all the animals tested died every time..along comes a fake scamdemic for a virus that doesn't exist and is a string of computer coding only and an emergency temporary license is granted. Doesn't Malone think that the public should know this? Or how about a professor in the vaccine industry twenty years working for EU and a page of credentials saying ....if I was forcibly jabbed with an mRNA vaccine I would sue for attempted murder..on camera in you think he wouldn't have come across or been made aware of this swimming in the same pool? Why didn't he say something two years ago? Why now?
The jabs are nothing to do with anything else other than a gigantic experimental gene therapy modifying humans for ever like a piece of GMO corn. No longer fully human. Did t mention that fact did he ?
A hypocrite indeed
Reality bites jay Weidner website...
Just type reality check jay Weidner website. He travels the world solving mysteries..was in the film industry
Makes you wonder if JFK got himself out of being prez did John John do the same thing? I can believe he got out before he got was his brother who got killed that his dad was grooming for prez.
Messiah means teacher..why do people get so het up?
Many think there was no such person as a Jesus..who like Horus MIthras have all the same story holy days death and rising again like the sun..
Far better to learn from the positive saying..many in the lost gospels as didn't fit the agenda..the message not the messenger instead of fussing and worrying which is all ego centred on wanting a saviour and not willing to do the work and learn to be an independent individual working on the shadow self
Just watched the latest reality check jay Weidner. It seems this year could be the year lots of conspiracy theories are proven true
. He was covering that JFK had been threatened by Mafia. He was in love with someone else..didn't want to be president and he goes step by step how JFK pulled it off. Jay as a film producer could watch films and dissect it all and I totally believe him. Give it a watch.
Had interesting things to say on Paul McCartney too
So..I now know there were no planes at 9/ many mysteries being revealed...
The msm has to be brought down. They are responsible for so much..CIA trained apparently
Did Q have anything to say on these things?
Look at his parents
His dad..not kushner. Bibi slept in kushners bed when he came visiting when kushner was a kid. According tovmeganon...
Made me laugh! Look at Dr Reiner fuellmichs latest videos rightly saying bombshell and one of Dr Sam white talking to fuellmich and the revelations of the experiments within the experiment..using different lot numbers different shaped bottles they experimented with killer doses and the rest used saline and then the next drug got a go. They have been able to plot this on a graph. Insurance companies too have tracked deaths up over 40 pc more in the areas vaxxed. This is premeditated murder and they seem to think the end of the vaxx industry. On rumble.
I hope so as over 240 vaxx. Companies waiting their turn to experiment on us
Chaga mushrooms powder a growth on a birch tree . Its the highest antioxidant on the planet by far. ORAC levels per1g Chaga 36557 next a acia berries 800. I own as a cancer cure Russia. They use chunks and keep one in their mouth constantly. Clif high drinks Chaga coffee all day as he has had cancer three times
It was in pharma co. Merck as a cure for cancer..turps
Be cautious about this guy...
Fennel organic toothpaste. Lots in herbalists shops
A natural cleanse of pineal gland and body is boron . from borax. The laundry aid! You dilute the borax. But I am lazy and buy boron hassle and natural.
Don't think the deep state doesn t know they coat the pineal gland with fluoride..they know.. autopsies show a white coating..aluminium etc. Protest..get it out of your water. It's the waste products of the phosphate aluminium and nuclear industries. They take it from the scrubbers but but is very costly to dispose of..can't pollute the rivers etc and it eats through concrete so they use us to dispose of it. Newborn babies drink it and you wonder ab out the rising autism and cancers? Don't confuse this with natural fluoride in the ground..clever aren t they.
Clif high wasn't keen on frequencies royal rife etc and he may have a point in light of prof Michael Levin a d his work on morphogenetics and regeneration a d age regression. Bummer as I used royal rife frequencies to get rid of parasites for years. Need more information before I would resume.
Switzerland is where the cone heads live's where David Rockefeller is hiding according to ben fulford geopolitical news if you can believe what he says
On subject of believe Charlie ward said that there is no gesara nesara ...that was the deep state he said. Clif High right again. So Charlie's white hats are black! Is the quantum financial system from them too. Sounds like