Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

They assume that the people responsible for the trafficking are being taken care of by our justice system, unaware they are protecting it instead

More corruption needs to be exposed so it all fits together for the normies to understand

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hate to say it, but most normies are currently unaware of Hollywood human trafficking coverups.

Epstein's arrest and "death" brought some awareness, but nowhere near enough to spark the populice's anger toward the cabal

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering they are not making profit off streaming content anymore, they need all the money they can get

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

TL,DW; Adobe screwed up royally and got the FedGov involved.

After months of price hikes and AI implementation, the straw that finally broke the camel's back was their latest TOS change that allowed them to spy on other people's projects and use them for AI training without the consumer's consent.

Adobe burned the bridges with it's primary userbase and everyone is switching to cheaper competitors like Krita, Inkscape, Scribus, and Affinity

Note all these except Affinity are Linux compatible

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 9 points ago +9 / -0

I feel like we need to seize control of a mainstream news station if we ever want to reach all American normies

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are on to something, we need to push this blockchain technology further as it could be the potential solution to election fraud we've been waiting for

We need this installed ASAP to ensure no election is ever stolen in America ever again

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I said this before and I'll say it again:

If we want to get rid of abortion, we need the phase it out slowly as we increase living conditions, improve public morale, and restore American prosperity post GA. Currently the slums of the cities where frequent rape, incest, and prostitution exists are keeping the abortion industry thriving; Not to mention the inability for the underclass to afford childcare.

As we bring the underclass people out of poverty by ousting democrat politicians keeping them there, THEN we will see a noticeable decrease in the demand for abortion as it now becomes affordable for the underclass to have kids. We also as a society ought to discourage promiscuity among unmarried men and women, as that is another reason abortion demand is so high.

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh, Art twitter is FUMING WITH RAGE over this decision!

Adobe just alienated a majority of their userbase, but luckily there are plenty of open source drawing programs for aspiring digital artists floating around the internet

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does big tech really think spying on every single person is gonna produce the most reliable data for AI training, without filtering the garbage of shitposts, tumblr fanfics, parody blogs, and character roleplay forum threads?

Google Gemini proved scraping the entire collective internet for data to feed AI output is a BAD IDEA You can't condense the entire internet into an AI and get genuine information out of it

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

They know time is running out for seizing control over everything,

The cabal will try everything possible to clamp down on the backlash against them, only to destroy themselves in the process.

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree fren, but alas, these are anti-farmer activists

We need more people to learn the dark truth about the elites

Nurarihyon_no_MAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depends on if you see local market food prices rising by supply shortages anytime soon

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