Ohmiss 5 points ago +5 / -0

Being a widow since 2024, I don't recall seeing what caused his wife's death. Often wondered if it was expected or unexpected due his connections past and current.

Ohmiss 1 point ago +1 / -0

My immediate thoughts as well. "Watch the water" could refer to CA or the current situation in DCA. Have to wonder in the next few days if there will be anymore references to water and if either of these two were the answer?

Ohmiss 4 points ago +4 / -0

I truly believe there were many households out there in the exact same situation as yours. One needing to be encouraged that things would get better due to being on this site and following what others were saying. At times it was hard to remain upbeat but optimism surely did prove right! Kudos to everyone keeping this site alive! Happy New Year!!!

Ohmiss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Her mannerisms are not the poised Melania I'm use to seeing. Very seldom have I seen hair behind her ears or when wearing shades. Double!

Ohmiss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Highly recommend! This time of the year not so crowded and would do the Creation Museum first and then the Ark. The replica of the Ark was breath taking and took Noah 75 years to build. The re-creation was thoroughly researched with so many visuals, facts, and easy to comprehend. Lots to see and do for all ages!!

Ohmiss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Today I read and saw this same quote at the Creation Museum in KY which made me wonder if Biblically those dates will have something to do with an event prior to our election. Something that would be a great awakening!

Ohmiss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for keeping us updated. From where you at 10 days ago, appears your fur baby is making GREAT progress! Plus, there has been so much shared from others which is helping to make changes in my pup's diet and well-being. Please continue to give us the daily report!

Ohmiss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have been following your treatment and your updates are appreciated. Praying for continued healing and appreciate you sharing of what protocols seem to be working for your fur baby. For some of us, we can't bring back what we lost but going forward we can work on correcting mistakes with diet and treatments that don't break the bank.

Ohmiss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Inauguration Day Melenia wore a baby blue slim-cut mock turtleneck dress and cropped cutaway jacket—with tonal suede gloves, pumps, and a clutch handbag to match—

Ohmiss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not knowing what the price of gas will be for sure by the end of the summer, sounds like a good time to use the voucher. I find it ironic none of the airlines are complaining about the price of jet fuel when in previous energy crunches, a fuel surcharge was added to all tickets. Or, is this not MSM news? Strange how our pain at the pump is publicized but nothing about the airlines?

Ohmiss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Elect this common sense judge to the Supreme Court!

Ohmiss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unbelievable gains for anyone who got in early!

Ohmiss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Her double w/the Pope?

Ohmiss 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will be praying for you and your family. Please know you are no means alone except my husband and I were on the same page when it came to current events, politics, vaccine, etc. It was the other members of the family who had different views and saw us as the WEIRD ones! Unfortunately, my husband just recently passed away and do you think these relatives could for one moment put their views aside and acknowledge his passing? Nope! This is how divided our country is right now. God Bless YOU, your marriage, family & your future.

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