That is not a real man. Real men are protective of women and children. Look at Tyrus on Gutfeld. Men like him (tall and big) have grown up knowing they had to be more careful than most or they might hurt smaller or weaker people. Women who love big and tall men know this better than most, and that's why such men have to fend off so many women.
Nothing of any value ever came out of the Biden "administration".
Elon will always be a hero to me. He is truly a gift from God, and I pray that God continues to protect him in his quest to help this country and the world.
None of us really deserves the love God has shown through His mercy, but He does love us unconditionally. Everything will be set right. Trust God!
You're missing Gutfeld if you ignore Fox; he's simply the best thing on television. I found him while being held for heart surgery several years ago, and it was so refreshing to find some humor at a stressful time. He has a stable of comedians which cannot be beat, and I love them all. His shows can be found on YouTube and Rumble. He's funny, but very smart and always up-to-date, as are his guests.
Must do the least obvious first. Let the big fish at least FEEL safe until it's time.
And some are billionaires.
Unfortunately, they feel the same way about human babies, God's greatest gifts.
The hatred of these people obscures everything else. Are they even human?
But I'm being criticized on here for noticing.
Why did Amy Coney Barrett choose to vote this way? Something about her has changed drastically since her confirmation hearing. Has she or her family been threatened or doxxed?
Coverage from Trump's address showed her glaring at Trump; I was very surprised.
Then she voted against what most Americans want, with all the women on the court, plus the chief justice. Is it a coincidence that she and Roberts look like family members?
Money is their god.
He has help from The Man Upstairs.
What a surprise! This is the same thing with most terrorist attacks.
He won't be holding his breath; he's a realist. But he deserves it more than anyone else in the world. God bless him!
I see that one labeling herself with a small sign.
I used to think summer squash was unimportant, but now I love it. I make a dish which I call a skilletry. In a large skillet, saute chopped onions until clear, then add chopped peppers of all colors. When all is soft, add lots of chopped ,zucchini and yellow summer squash. Cook a bit more and add some fresh tomatoes. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and ginger. It's wonderful as is, but adding broth can turn it into wonderful soup. Kat Timpf (Gutfeld) loves soup; she'd like this.
Most of them only watch the propaganda networks, so they don't even know. My sister laughs and scorns me when I mention trafficking. She believes only Rachel.
When we meet our maker our perspective will be clear, and all issues will be resolved. I truly believe this.
Beautiful, proud picture. Congratulations!
Leftists have no sense of reality.
It is painful to have family members who have been hypnotized by the left, but they must persuade themselves for transformation to take place. My sister and her church are so far left that I am embarrassed for her. She says she has friends who are even worse than I am as far as President Trump is concerned, and she shuts off conversation if any topic with which she is uncomfortable arises. But I love my sister and remember her as the child she was before she went to the indoctrination factory and was daily bathed in communist propaganda. I'm shocked that one of the oldest and best engineering colleges (RPI) has fallen to such lows, but if she is an example, it's true. Even her church is proudly woke, so she remains surrounded (intentionally, I'm sure) by those who share her views. We differ on practically every subject, so our writings and conversations are most about sterilized subjects. Thank God I have children who can discuss any subject, or I would go nuts.
Why don't the pro-Zelensky people volunteer to be cannon fodder in Ukraine? The rest of America wants peace.
Me too! The smell of the salt air and the feel of wet or dry sand on the feet are what I miss most about living on the coast most of my life. Clam cakes aren't bad either.