OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +3 / -2

By that logic, the "white colonizers" of the US should give back the stolen land to the Native Americans and go back to Europe. After all, Western Civilization is the Great Satan that Edward Said pointed out, so if we're advocating for Israel to be destroyed, eradicated from the white colonizers, then America should be destroyed and wrested from the Colonizers.

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +2 / -1

Too bad the HUR DUR Israel crowd will say "Yeah well it only came about when DA JOOS got threatened."

OldManTouchyBiden 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh look, something that is designed to stoke rage isn't actually going to go anywhere. Gotta love when the DA JOOS HER DER ISRAEL people get their shit in a tizzy over the appearance of a functioning government.

OldManTouchyBiden 3 points ago +3 / -0

Next time you see a Patriot front/BloodTribe/whatever glowfag movement "demonstrates", follow the playbook that the left put together and "punch a nazi", but not before pulling their mask off and demanding their badge number

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Say it with me people,




Open Society

The sooner you revoke their operating status, the sooner this insanity ends.

But the HUR DUR ISRAEL crowd here is gonna be like


OldManTouchyBiden 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would pulling off their masks and taking their pictures constitute assaulting a federal officer? Because the glow is pretty bright on these fedfags

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Basically, you just described the Nexus definition of antisemitism, which, while still pretty tight, doesn't go to the lengths of wrongthink the IHRA definition does.

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tides, Ford, Rockefeller, Open Society. Shut off those money spigots and antifa goes poof, bye bye.

OldManTouchyBiden 3 points ago +6 / -3

So let me understand this, people in the comment section are in favor of our buddy George Soros's money train funding this? Because it's pretty obvious this has his smudgy fingerprints all over it.

Marxism is bad unless it's against Da Jooz, amirite?

Man, enemy of my enemy... Y'all are hilarious.

OldManTouchyBiden 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's an irony that a think tank that prides itself on transparency, especially with its donors is hiring Nikki Haley.

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's identifying a True Republican, and even then, no names were brought forward. Please define what a True Republican is, and identify examples.

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Define "True Republican". There hasn't been one since Reagan got shot.

OldManTouchyBiden 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yup, you can easily get better coffee from a mom and pop, or even better, making it yourself.

OldManTouchyBiden 0 points ago +1 / -1

So basically, if I understand this correctly, Israel is good, it's just we want the Israeli equivalent of Mohammad Bin Salman in charge, a self-sufficient country that essentially pushes for a solid two state solution with an emphasis on human rights and a less parasitic relationship with us. Plus, we want to identify the bad faith actors, prevent them from doing any satanist bullshit that could essentially throw the region into destruction and jeopardize our safety... that still doesn't address the European Jews who aren't evil but are essentially the fake jews who aren't knee deep in this. Do they essentially become stateless or pushed back to Ukraine or whatever European country? And what of the Islamists and the Africans currently destabilizing Europe?

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +2 / -1

So what is accomplished by removing the "Imposter" Israelis? You still have the True Semitics surrounded by Islamists. What's to prevent an Islamist takeover of the region, and essentially fulfill the "First the saturday people, then the Sunday people" modus operandi?

OldManTouchyBiden 3 points ago +4 / -1

Mods, could we get a sticky here? I just want some degree of clarity as to the interpretation of this is.

OldManTouchyBiden 2 points ago +3 / -1

So basically we just want a clearer delineation of the good Jews and the bad jews, that way we can identify them and tell them "Enough bastardizing the true Jewish religion

So would that mean that the people on here who are advocating for Israel to be destroyed, are they essentially pro Luciferian cult? Wouldn't the better answer be "Destroy the bad faith actors, tell the Israeli government they can stand on their own two feet without demanding money from us, and cut the crap about being "our greatest ally" while still allowing the country itself to exist?

OldManTouchyBiden 1 point ago +2 / -1

Okay, and what should be done about the "Synagogue of Satan" people vs. the true Jewish people?

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