OregonAngel2 4 points ago +4 / -0

This may be why:


NATO/Ukraine is actively trying to take out Russia's over the horizon radar system which is vital to their nuclear deterrence.

OregonAngel2 32 points ago +33 / -1

Yellow is the flag code color for Q. Remember when Melania wore that yellow dress?

It's Q.

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have at least 4 different military operational groups. The one called North has the symbol of the Spear of Odin on their vehicles. They are the ones that recently started rolling into eastern Ukraine near Karkiv.

OregonAngel2 9 points ago +9 / -0

The president of Armenia was compromised/bribed etc. by the US/CIA and came down hard in support of Ukraine. The First Lady went to visit Zelensky etc.. Since then he has given away villages to neighboring Azerbaijan. The riots in Armenia are in revolt from this hijacking of their government by their president.

It kinda reminds me of how we are near revolt against Biden for being compromised and giving away American lives and money.

OregonAngel2 21 points ago +21 / -0

There are several nations now signing on to something like the Foreign Agents Law: Kazakistan, Georgia, Slovakia, Turkey.

The reason the NGOs are having fits, and our State department, Congress, and Europe in general are raising heck over it is that it will expose the operatives paid by foreign nations (mainly US/CIA and UK/MI6) to take control of the countries. The NGOs are mostly intelligence operations.

They will in effect be doxed, exposed, and no longer be able to operate in the shadows. Intelligence agencies do not want their operations exposed as what they are.

The hit on Fuco of Slovakia was in part as a way to derail the Slovak legislative plans to cut back on the power of the NGOs.

(I have been following this very closely because it is far more important than most realize. It was what made Ukraine possible and they are trying it all over.)

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pieces of the facts are findable including Reuters, but it took Southfront to put it together. Still, if Safari is blocking it then that suggests something.

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zelensky ordered no election in spite of the ruling otherwise by their own constitutional court in Ukraine.

Netanyahu is only in office until the war is over so he can be prosecuted for his crimes as well.

If it worked for Zelensky and Netanyahu then why not Biden? His enemies once again become "Russian agents" suitable for arrest or other harassment.

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any full scale war would also likely involve anti-satellite operations so they could not be relied upon.

OregonAngel2 5 points ago +5 / -0

The goal may be to provoke a response from Russia that they could then use as a casus belli to have NATO or the US enter the battle in Ukraine against Russia.

The fact that they are blocking this at Safari suggests that they don't want us to know about it so that the Russian response will appear unjustified and thus belligerent. That's one theory anyway...

OregonAngel2 19 points ago +19 / -0

Ukraine is falling apart fast right now. Zelensky is talking utter insane nonsense and the whole country has turned into a ghost town and economic basket case due to the "mobilization" of everyone. Those backing Ukraine have failed. Is this perhaps their last attempt to get us into WW3 to avoid facing Russia alone?

Is this also the Deep State's way to avoid having Biden debate Trump? There's no way they would have agreed to a debate if they would have to actually go through with it.

OregonAngel2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Russian EW may be able to disable an aircraft without crashing it. There are numerous sources reporting on the F-35 vulnerability to hacking:

https://www.popularmechanics.com › military › aviation › a25100725 › f-35-vulnerability-hacked F-35's Hacking Vulnerability | Could the F-35 Be Hacked? The F-35's Greatest Vulnerability Isn't Enemy Weapons. It's Being Hacked. The high-tech fighter can hide from radar, but hackers are a different matter. The F-35 Lightning II can evade radar while ...

https://nationalinterest.org › blog › buzz › f-35’s-cyber-reliance-makes-it-powerful—-also-vulnerable-attack-198014 The F-35's Cyber Reliance Makes It Powerful—But Also Vulnerable to ... The F-35's computing power also brings the fighter jet's crucial "software drop" updates to fruition, an incremental upgrade process that continuously adds new weapons interfaces, improved ...

https://www.pogo.org › analysis › uncorrected-design-flaws-cyber-vulnerabilities-and-unreliability-plague-the-f-35-program Uncorrected Design Flaws, Cyber-Vulnerabilities, and Unreliability… Unaddressed Design Flaws Adding Risk. The services set lofty goals for the F-35 program at its 2001 inception. The program established 536 performance specifications for the functional requirements of the aircraft and its components. As of September 17, 2019, the program had satisfied only 493 of them. " The latest testing report on the F-35 ...

https://responsiblestatecraft.org › 2022 › 03 › 16 › the-russians-probably-arent-too-worried-about-the-f-35 The Russians probably aren't too worried about the F-35 fighter The F-35 used to be frequently described as a "flying computer," although that happens rarely today. The reason is simple: one of the aircraft's biggest weaknesses is its vulnerability to cyberattacks. Three testing directors in a row have warned about the hacking danger, but many of their concerns have yet to be fixed. ...

https://defence.nridigital.com › global_defence_technology_mar19 › back_door_for_hackers_f-35_cyber_weaknesses_in_the_spotlight Back door for hackers? F-35 cyber weaknesses in the spotlight The F-35's next-generation logistics Even the F-35's logistics system - not the most exciting aspect of the Joint Strike Fighter - will be a first-of-its-kind capability, allowing operators from across the world to share key platform data and use over 60 apps to manage different areas including training, maintenance and the wider supply chain.This is known as the Autonomic Logistics ...

OregonAngel2 3 points ago +3 / -0

What Really Happened When Israel Attacked Iran - Revealing Analysis with solid Sources 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡 posted 5 days ago by OregonAngel2 +31 / -1

This sounds pretty wild, but if you look into the details it ends up being the only reasonable explanation of what actually happened during the Israeli attack on Iran, and furthermore it explains major strange military and political events that have happened since then.

Speaker Johnson's betrayal, Israel's inexplicable wimpy military response, widespread sudden finding of weapons for Ukraine... they all make sense given all the facts.

Let's go through this piece by piece in order:

Netanyahu calls for an EMP attack on Iran:

On April 1st the Israelis attacked a consulate in Syria killing upper level Iranian military officers and others. Two weeks later the Iranians attacked Israel on 14 April.

The next day, April 15th, "Netanyahu instructed the army to propose targets in Iran, attacks on which would “send a signal”, but without casualties" – Washington Post https://t.me/European_dissident/51628

How do you cause damage but not have casualties? There is only one clear way: An EMP missile also known as an electromagnetic pulse weapon.

Read more details and implication with images here: https://www.dagnyintel.com/post/what-really-happened-when-israel-attacked-iran

OregonAngel2 2 points ago +2 / -0

May the Farce be with you!

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

People who visit this site like you are a lot more well informed than the average patriot. You might be surprised how many patriotic types are fully behind supporting Israel.

OregonAngel2 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is a great opportunity! Go to it and then report back to us on what the heck is going on. Ask questions! Get responses! Report back here!

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