OregonAngel2 3 points ago +3 / -0

What Really Happened When Israel Attacked Iran - Revealing Analysis with solid Sources 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡 posted 5 days ago by OregonAngel2 +31 / -1

This sounds pretty wild, but if you look into the details it ends up being the only reasonable explanation of what actually happened during the Israeli attack on Iran, and furthermore it explains major strange military and political events that have happened since then.

Speaker Johnson's betrayal, Israel's inexplicable wimpy military response, widespread sudden finding of weapons for Ukraine... they all make sense given all the facts.

Let's go through this piece by piece in order:

Netanyahu calls for an EMP attack on Iran:

On April 1st the Israelis attacked a consulate in Syria killing upper level Iranian military officers and others. Two weeks later the Iranians attacked Israel on 14 April.

The next day, April 15th, "Netanyahu instructed the army to propose targets in Iran, attacks on which would “send a signal”, but without casualties" – Washington Post https://t.me/European_dissident/51628

How do you cause damage but not have casualties? There is only one clear way: An EMP missile also known as an electromagnetic pulse weapon.

Read more details and implication with images here: https://www.dagnyintel.com/post/what-really-happened-when-israel-attacked-iran

OregonAngel2 2 points ago +2 / -0

May the Farce be with you!

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

People who visit this site like you are a lot more well informed than the average patriot. You might be surprised how many patriotic types are fully behind supporting Israel.

OregonAngel2 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is a great opportunity! Go to it and then report back to us on what the heck is going on. Ask questions! Get responses! Report back here!

OregonAngel2 4 points ago +4 / -0

This looks like an important letter, but I keep getting an invasive popup and it won't let me copy the text. A direct link to twitter would be helpful.

OregonAngel2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here is a concise report on what is really going on with sauces: https://www.dagnyintel.com/post/it-wasn-t-isis-wake-up-call

I am surprised at the amount of ignorance in the comments at GAW today. Usually you guys are on top of things.

OregonAngel2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Libs of TikTok is actually a very based lady who is definitely not woke. She used the name to find libs making egregiously woke posts at Tis Tok and then exposing them.

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once any people have something in short supply they trade it among themselves for things they need. There is no control of it once it is in there.

At least they have something to buy and eat. The alternative is to starve them.

OregonAngel2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh hedoubletoothpicks NO! That backstabbing vermin should never be let near Trump again!! He was a Deep State saboteur.

OregonAngel2 3 points ago +3 / -0

She is waiting for Trump to be assassinated. So is DeSantis, but he is keeping out of the expensive and embarrassing race with his "suspended" campaign.

OregonAngel2 1 point ago +1 / -0

"BLANCO COUNTY, Texas — Foremost Group CEO, Harvard graduate and published author Angela Chao was found dead in Central Texas on Sunday. According to KVUE senior reporter Tony Plohetski and confirmed by KVUE's media partners at the Austin-American Statesman, Chao's vehicle was found in a body of water on private property in Blanco County. Authorities believe Chao, the sister-in-law of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, might have drowned, but her official cause of death has yet to be determined by the Blanco County Sheriff's Office. No foul play is suspected."


That doesn't sound like she was hit but a truck. Other than that they found her in the submerged car, they are being very quiet about details.

Also supported here: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/16/foremost-group-ceo-angela-chao-died-after-car-went-into-texas-pond.html

"Angela Chao, the sister-in-law of Sen. Mitch McConnell, may have drowned after crashing her car into a body of water on private property in Texas’ Hill Country, according to a report.

The billionaire shipping executive’s shocking death was announced over the weekend by her grieving family, but few details have been made available about the fatal accident.

The Blanco County Sherriff’s Office said Chao’s body was found on a private tract of land about 60 miles west of her home in Austin, Texas, the Austin American-Statesman. reported Thursday.

A law enforcement source told the outlet that Chao, 50, possibly drowned after her car was found submerged in a body of water on the property — located in a rugged area dotted with multimillion second homes along rolling hills favored by many of the state’s wealthiest residents."


OregonAngel2 18 points ago +18 / -0

Any connection to the strange recent death of McConnell's sister in law? She supposedly backed her Tesla into a pond and died. Sounds very fishy to me.

I am reminded of how the Governor of Georgia was planning on forcing the state to check voter signatures, then his future son-in-law died by a car bomb, and then suddenly the Governor had no interest in signatures...

Take home message: Don't release incriminating information or we kill you and/or your loved ones.

OregonAngel2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really enjoy his laugh. It's so genuine and not what an actor would pick.

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