I agree. Very brave. from faith is my guess. Standing in front of demons.
How about she is sick of looking at all those evil people and doesn't want to be around them. Yea. Place a hat even with your eyebrows and what do you feel? Do you feel " covered" by not having to look at the whole scenery. Brilliant, classy woman. She is standing by her husband regardless of her feelings inside.
I agree. Anything you put in your mouth, the baby will recieve.
I agree. I remember in the beginning that was one of the issues. The truth will come out!
Those biolabs in Ukraine where releasing pathogens on the Russian border line.. was this one of the reasons Russia attacked Ukraine?
It's ok friend. I feel ya. I believe people won't admit they were wrong.
Lol. Thank you so much, these years of trying to wake people up around me and learning to keep my mouth shut is tiring. I've lost allot of friends that think I was crazy, maybe I am but at least I'm not the only one.
You got hit over there hard with the Hurricane. Hope all is well. I got interested when Julian Assange was posting about Hillary 2016 election. I knew back then we needed Trump in the office and found voat.
I know where you grew up at, I'm not far from it. Yea, that thing might have been a balloon but it sure didn't move like a balloon.
Maybe so. Sure was fast, that's why the bad picture If it was moving slower I could have taken it outside the door. First thing I did was posted here on GW like your my 911 lol
I agree, but as you can tell from my profile that I'm a refugee from the voat days. I've lived here in the Space Coast all my life and seen all of the rocket launches in the 60's, I dream of Jennie and all of that. Whatever it is, balloon, Blue Beam and all of that, it's real. I've never seen anything like that before but my son in law and grandkids saw black triangle " plane" . I was hopeful my cheap phone could even get a shot of it. Also, I couldn't get off the lounger fast enough to open the door 👵 hehe. It appeared of nowhere and was going as fast as the Blue Angel Jet would fly over. I've seen it all, Space Shuttles. This was also very quiet, just the wind blowing.
Yep, i was sitting on my porch when this thing was flying by. I'll telling you. It was fast
This thing moved in a straight line from west to east moving really fast. Storm coming from the north, wouldn't the balloon be heading south with the wind?
It was moving west to east
The picture showing Biden placing the medal on Hillary doesn't look like Hillary. The real Hillary has blue eyes.
Awesome! I'm glad. Everyone is a different case and effects are different. I was loaded with them, obviously, and I'm convinced that we are infested with parisites. I'm a country girl that hung out in horse barns, swimming in lakes here in Florida. My history proved to me that I had a problem and I thank God that I was brave enough to go ahead and deworm myself years ago.
I live in Central Florida and I woke up with my eyes puffy. Not normal.
Invermectin doesn't get rid of the tapeworms because they are attached to the intestinal lining with hooks. Praziquantel does. You can get that in the Quest plus horse paste but boy does that taste nasty. Worse than Invermectin, but does the trick. I've have been taking Invermectin for 5yrs now, every month alternating with Praziquantel.
You may experience Herx reaction (Herxheimer reaction, also known as a Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction or "herx", is an adverse reaction that can occur when antibiotics kill bacteria and release toxins: ) Pending on the amount of parasites you have, examine the stool to see results of parasites leaving your body after every bowel movement.
Look for Sesame seed looking products floating in the water, opaque looking " bean sprout " , flat rectangular and other shapes. You can find images on Google under human parasites. This will freak you out when you realize you were loaded with them so don't get discourage. It takes time to remove parasites so continue taking the dewormer in moderate doses and frequency. I speak from experience.
I know this but very hard to prove. I fall into a protected class. My age, but meanwhile, I have bills to pay, so I keep quiet and secretly look for another. Now if I was a black woman... different story.
Yep, just got back from the grocery store, people are wearing masks again. Oooooo the Bird flu.
You are welcomed. I was curious and found that link. Thought it was interesting how the outbreaks are in states that have these biolabs.
"by appearing to urge her dad to deport Americans caught sexually abusing under-age children"
Yep, sounds good to me. They will recieve the Death Penalty.