Does she realize that using a face mask to stop a virus is like using chicken wire to stop mosquitoes?
43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (Matthew 5:43-44, ESV)
I cannot stand Katie Hobbs' snarky & mousy voice.
Like Gerald Ford?
They should also offer a position to Amos Miller, the Amish raw milk farmer.
You are most welcome to come, but please enter the country legally.
The 1980 Democratic Convention was held in MSG. Darn Nazis...
She doesn't own a Red Rider BB gun. If she did, she would have shot her eye out.
"I'm Donald J. Trump & I approve this message!"
The chalkboard should read "2 × 2 = 5"
This would be a great time to round them up, clean & swift.
Looks like they also photoshopped out JD Vance.
Prayers my friend...
No, definitely Amish.
Why are they even allowing mail in ballots in the first place?
Water vapor is the number one greenhouse gas. I'd like to see the government try regulate it.
It's sad the that alphabet community hijacked God's symbol, a promise never to destroy the Earth again with water.
The opening melody sounds like the theme from "F Troop."
It doesn't surprise me that Biden & Obama have the goods in each other.
I wonder how many of them were bussed in.
Martian lives matter...
Only if she has a sparky, mousey voice.