I would like to believe that if everyone was just presented with information that they would make the correct decision, but I do not.
There are many parents that had children with lifelong injuries and even fatal results from "normal" vaccine dosages. At this point, willingly ignorant is the only explanation. There is an explosion of disease in recent decades. To simply trust the science is outright stupidity. It is not science. It is marketing at the expense of life. Eat sugar and seed oils. Take the vaxx. It's "science"
I'm not picking a side. I'm just stating that it is not logical to assume that the prior tenants are the only ones with rights to a land. This would start a fruitless search that may end up with a group of people known for offering infants up as a sacrifice to a false god.
200,000 square feet divided by 14000 is 14 square feet per student.
The other comment is spot on though. The university as a whole cannot grow if the overall budget doesn't allow. The university that this professor works at needs these donations to support the salary of these bozos. If you don't understand simple budgeting, you have no business telling billions of people how to live.
Care to share anything showing the traditions of Easter (Ishtar) or Christmas (saturnalia) from the bible? Any historical documents showing Christians holding these traditions prior to pagans?
You cannot produce those things, because what I say is truth. What you claim is a lie.
Intent is independent of outcome. If you intend to drive home without wrecking, that doesn't remove liability from the accident.
If Elon is not saved, his work will serve Satan whether he intends to do so or not. It is a binary. It doesn't necessarily mean that someone is culturally a evil person, but rejection of God is evil.
Christmas itself is the celebration of witchcraft. 9 months after we celebrate the fertility of the earth goddess with bunnies and eggs, we see the celebration of the new birth of the sun god.
We have never divorced ourselves from the mystery religions that began around the time of Nimrod.
Christmas is not greater than Xmas and no better than saturnalia. It is all one in the same.
Let's vote harder in rigged elections that don't get prosecuted. Sounds like the definition of insanity.