Fucking Racine again.
With more precise arrows, the bullet hitting the rail could have still come from Crook's position or the window below it.
I just tried it, and neither Trump 2024 or Harris 2024, lower and uppercase, work. I guess Coca-Cola is on top of it.
Isn't he still alive? I figure he wrote it while in jail.
ETA: Ahhh. I see now. This "letter" then sounds like a call to arms by the deepstate.
Dunno why anyone's surprised. Dems have always won this particular game.
Uv laser pointer?
Oh please please please let there finally be a rude awakening about Zelensky.
Hmm. Interesting that this is still up. Red herring?
Eh? Downvoted because I didn't specifically say " Or he could be presenting a report that makes it appear as if Trump staged the attempt for a poll boost" or similar?
Sorry, I figured the context was enough to convey my meaning.
Or that Trump staged it.
Even controlled demos aren't perfect
Not all the beams all the way down, no.
So the footprint of a tower was roughly 208ft x 208ft. The roof was a concrete slab 6 inches thick—likely reinforced with rebar, and of course the large antenna on top. No real way to calculate all of it together, but assuming the concert's density alone was 133 lbs/ft3, then you're looking at about 800 cubic yards of concrete, which would weigh roughly 1600 tons capping off the top of these buildings.
For reference, a fully-loaded 747 weighs 442 tons.
I think the case could be made that 1600 tons sitting at the tippy top is a lot of weight. The support structures designed to hold weight up vertically (and sway with the wind) were compromised at the points of impact by a plane crashing into the building, and the surrounding structure left now had to shoulder not only vertical load but shear load as well. Add fire, molten aluminum, and maybe even wind creating sway to the mix, and I do think you have a situation where taken all together, it was enough to weaken the remaining structure near the plane, and the 1600-ton roof did the rest.
And I will stress this again, I do think 9/11 was an inside job, I just disagree with the premise that it was done via a very elaborate plan involving undercover maintenance crews and slathering thermite gel everywhere.
I remember a post from a year ago that asked what we would ask Q if we could. I think I said my question would be "What about the operation has had to change, and do you believe that 6-8% lost causes number is still accurate."
These would still be my questions.
Notice I said "post-collapse rescue/cleanup"
Firefighters do have access to equipment (jaws of life, 14-16 inch gas powered cut-off saws, etc) to perform their duties as first responders. They wouldn't be much of a first responder unit if they didn't.
Ok, I will!
9/11 was an inside job, but the idea of thermite gel and all the other wild stuff was purposefully spread. 9/11 was allowed to happen by all involved, and the patriot act would have been drawn up and passed regardless of whether the towers fell or not. We already had the video of people jumping out of the windows, the people on Flight 93 fighting the hijackers, and so on. The justifications were already there before the towers fell. Their falling was just the icing on the cake.
As someone who plays with metal, including the molten kind, I can tell you that jet fuel doesn't need to melt steel beams. But jet fuel does burn at 1400-2700 degrees Fahrenheit, which can easily melt the aluminum skin of the plane, turning it into a molten puddle that can burn through the flooring and settle on those steel beams. Steel beams which were carrying the extra load created by a now compromised central support structure, carrying the weight of a six-inch thick concrete and rebar roof spanning nearly an acre. Jet fuel alone isn't enough to melt steel beams and cause a collapse. A jet fuel fire and molten aluminum are enough to further weaken steel beams already under high tension though.
I'm mostly talking out of my ass, except for playing with metal.
That's not what he's saying. He's saying how can we know it wasn't intentionally cut as part of the post-collapse rescue/cleanup efforts.
Ahhh ok. Thanks!
Alright, I'm outa the loop here.
What has caused Tim Poole, and conservative media talking heads come out and say they were fooled by Russia disinformation, or is this a lefty campaign...
Well, now that we have the incel take...
How about the average man doesn't settle for all the less then average women out there...
Considering everything else, I like that this is where many of you draw the line.
How do you battle the replacement plan when deportations aren't enough? Or the infertility from the jab? Besides, does it matter, if this ends up being funded by EO 13818? ;)
Interesting. Mine wasn't out there, and the cynical side of me thinks it's due to my Hispanic surname lol
He's smarter than that. He had to play along with "inflation is transitory" and "soft landings" because they were looking for ways to boot him. If you go back and look, he was promising them he wouldn't raised rates while they delayed his reconfirmation for a year. Days after he was reconfirmed, he raised rates.
I'm not even sure WH have to exert much control. Powell's lineage goes all the way back to the 13 colonies, plus he's not a MMT activist like Bernanke and Yellen were.
It means returning control of the sovereign dollar to the people.
If cutting rates is one thing that led to the 2008 crash, and Powell is ready, then buckle up.
I still believe there was a reason Trump appointed Powell Chairman and a reason Biden and the rest of them tried to boot him and ultimately failed.
Why do they want us to know this now.
To preempt those who'll surely say it, give this a watch
Tulsi is an asset to Trump.
So chlorine gas, essentially.