And serial number on checks/cheques. Many years ago, I used to work at a high speed A4 laser printing company, and one job was printing check books for a credit union customer. We we were given the stock with pre-allocated serial numbers 4 (or 5?) up on a page over which we laser printed the customer's check account details and that was later guillotined into separate check books. The point is... we had to account for every single page of that secure paper. If there was any wastage, it had to be gathered up and returned and documented in a register.
You're correct. Thanks for taking the time for the detailed response! No, I haven't seen "faces of death", but I'll look it up. Thanks for the Meicoly reference, I found that, but I still don't know how it would come out of the nose. I couldn't find any demonstration videos. So, I'm still on the fence. It could be faked, or it could be real... somehow. :-D
The claim "Hollywood Tear Gas & Mace" from 1:02 - 1:09 seems a bit disingenuous when it looks like the guy has just used a vape and then hangs it on his sweater.
At 8:10, where the blood that comes out of her nose, I don't know how easy that would be to do in real life, so that seems real except why no coughing, snorting or gagging?
However, the black band around the waist at 19:38 looks suspicious, like he says.
The direction of the shot definitely looks like it was aimed at the stomach, so perhaps she was supposed to be shot in the stomach, where the possible squib band was, but it failed to go off, so when the blood came out of the mouth from a blood capsule, they just said that she was shot in the neck when they saw the blood that had run down there. And there was no wincing from the shot, just a very slow fall backwards.
The video is extremely well analysed and narrated.
This is the best video because of the background music!
Perhaps make it only possible to get permanent residency after 10 years of marriage and co-habiting with no criminal record. Then another 10 years of the same before gaining citizenship. Or ditch the citizenship part altogether.
This is Dr Bryan Ardis's protocol and he also highly recommends Nicotine patches (btw, they aren't addictive), which itself may actually cure him of pericarditis, according to Dr Ardis:
Here are lots of videos from Dr Bryan Ardis about Nicotine if you are interested to understand why nicotine is so amazing:
But what annoys me is that economists will usually blame inflating the money supply on inflation, probably so that when prices rise, they can then try to justify raising interests rates, which, as you have pointed out is not the main problem. It's most of those things you mentioned causing more demand and shortages, causing prices to rise.
I'm thinking that it might go back to the precedent whereby Satan deceived Eve to take of the forbidden fruit and which ultimately caused Adam to fall as well, and they received the consequences for their actions, regardless of the fact that they were deceived, but I do think that God possibly took that into account and reduced the penalty.
The article also says:
Today, it’s known that tobacco smoke contains at least 70 cancer-causing chemicalsTrusted Source.
So, it's probably not the nicotine causing the cancer. And are these 70 cancer-causing chemicals coming from the additives they are using?
I don't know. I assumed that it had to have been done by a rogue element in the military or the pentagon. Note that it did not involve any use of force.
But then again, there was that picture of that aircraft taking off from Afghanistan with the people running alongside it that appears to have been fake. ie. when zoomed in, some of the windows aren't real. And why weren't people sucked into the jet engine intakes? So, who knows? A white-hat psyop?
Sightings easily explained:
Lights in the sky: drones
Interactions: actors, mkultra victims or demonic experiences
I believe that Satan has had a plan for a very long time. They say that the greatest achievement of the devil is to fool people into believing that he doesn't exist. Satan wants the general population to believe in Evolution and Aliens because then they won't turn to Jesus to get saved. If Satan presented himself to the public, the people would then believe in God.
Doing a fake alien invasion and fake apparitions of Jesus and probably other religions figures would be an attempt to trick people into accepting a one world religion.
This is a better video from Alex Jones that explains it much better from 8 minutes onwards:
Alex Jones Releases the Secret of the Off-World Alien Invasion
No, I believe the ufos are being run by a secret military program using either holograms or secret advanced technology. I think that they have or are breeding hybrid human beings that they will program or brainwash into believing that they are from another galaxy.
Aliens Are Being Created In Labs On Earth!
Spiritually maybe, but not biological:
That's because Cain fled the family as he murdered his brother Abel, so the patriarchical line then descended through the next son, Seth.
No, he clearly states that their father, who was a murder from the beginning, was the devil:
That's an interesting theory, but it sort of falls down with respect to the diversity of languages in Europe, which is explained by the dispersal from Babel in Genesis 11:
Genesis 10 breaks down each of the families:
Gen 10:2-5 explains that the Gentiles (Europe, I believe) were descended tom Japheth: