AsheinAmerica said the other day: 33% of Colorado's budget comes from federal funds. Hmmm.... let me think for a minute!
This reminds me of a story heard here years ago about Ivana? taking Ivanka? to the island once. (I never remember the names.)
I always figured that something happened that the daughter came home and told "daddy" about that started him investigating!
For anyone who doesn't know, CannCon has covered Jeremy since Day 1?? He was the ONLY national reporter @ Jeremy's trial. Follow him, if you don't already!
prove Obama was never a legitimate President
My hope with this - fraud negates everything. Smith-Mundt is VOID, and ALL MSM is guilty of TREASON!
I didn't notice! ! !
Heard this morning that the reason she didn't concede Tuesday night, they were NOT expecting to lose.
Oddly enough, Q111 (dated 11/5/17) says:
They never thought she would lose.
TWICE - One for Killary? and one for Kumala?
Best MEME ever!
I keep hoping that the TRUTH of his INeligibility will come to light, and his whole presidency becomes Null & Void!
Also, for giggles, research "Code for Good Television" (or Code of Practices for Television Broadcasters). When cable started to get popular, broadcast stations should've started "sister" cable stations. Instead they scrapped responsible behavior!
Badlands is promoting a 1:00pm starting time. With lots of host and guest appearances throughout the day and night. Lindell, Keshel, Clay Parikh, among them.
Love his profile: Anti-Racist, Anti-White - Uh, hey dumbass, Anti-White is Racist! ! !
Ashe & Canncon shredded this, on Badlands Daily this morning, for the first 40 minutes - with computer expert Clay Parikh.
Edit: Up to 60 minutes into the show and they have also covered crookedness in Penn &, now, Nevada (edit) County California?
Remember what Trump said: If you cheat...
several positions
I see what you did there!!! Funny!
Thanks u/bigsix! Interesting video.
For those like me:
So is Joe!!
He offered 10 shell corporations for the NGO's to filter their money through!
Quote of the day (in the comments):
Do you think all of the politicians are also lying to us, both republican and democrat bc fema can’t just get away with bold face lying.
Libtards are so gullible.
This article was REALLY good. Trump connections (possibly) go way back!
It always reminds me of a Paul Harvey comment from the early 90's. He said:
Pete Rose bet on baseball? Looking back over his career, maybe it should be "mandatory"!
To me, that said it all!
"Charlie Hustle" (in my best Joe Nuxall), rounding third and heading home!
Pete will always be a HOF'er iin my book!
Really good read u/CHIEFW00DY! Thanks for posting.
I remember Cosby in the late 80's absolutely trashing black men over being absentee fathers. At the time I thought it an odd thing for a black man to say. But then 20 years later, Barry said the same thing.
Gotta agree! u/Uncle_Fester really outdid it this week!
The Carroll/Routh pic was scary as shit!
Anytime I hear him, I wish he was my Governor, instead of D'Rhino!
I see people trashing Dershowitz all the time. But I have also seen him be the only celeb calling for the complete release??? Many, many times! Is he innocent, or secure in the coverup of his crimes?
Edit: u/TaQo, your "Bodywash" post was killer!!!